Xesht Still not giving me my final book

I have still not had anyone message me in regards to Xesht not giving me my final book. I have killed him a number of times on maximum difficulty with all points allocated and still i'm 6/8. Thank you for your feedback and help remedying this.
Last bumped8 марта 2025 г., 23:31:58
Make sure you are Map owner, i am assuming you are then try:

Refunding all talents from the breach atlas passive tree. Apply. Reapply points back in. Apply.

Kill boss.

Profit? maybe?
Also make sure its at difficulty 4.

you have 6 points but if you go for certain passives you will only get +3 difficulty.

Assure you have +1 to twisted domain difficulty x 4.
Hi Porkinit#4638, did you find a solution to this?

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