Alva Trade Is Resetting Prices Back To Market In Text Fields Again on GamePad!!! 0.1.1f Patch

Please fix, it was broken, then you guys fixed in previous hotfix, now broken again

Market updates resetting the entered values on Gamepad!
Последняя редакция: NuclearWeeb#7190. Время: 5 марта 2025 г., 19:24:12
Last bumped8 марта 2025 г., 15:49:19
Wow, this is happening still... no one else is experiencing this? lol
Or folks not playing on PS5, XBox or Controller anymore? =P

Basically same issue here, it's back!
Последняя редакция: NuclearWeeb#7190. Время: 6 марта 2025 г., 12:50:17
YEs, experiencing the same problem. it keeps resetting to trade values. Please fix! it was working fine before the patch....
@GGG, you guys release an immediate hotfix during last patch it's RE-BROKEN in this patch again

Can confirm this is broken as of 7pm PST.
same for me, playing PS5
Same here

i have experience this issue too after patch
@GGG you guys already fixed this with a Hotfix, the Market is unusable like this, it broke again, hello???
Why did you ruin it?
Why can't I make my own offer?

other thread:

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