If you beat trial of sekhemas you should get the items

I'll have a link to the video shortly, but to summarize:

I killed the end boss, and then stepped in a hazard after he was dead. If the game drops items, I should get them.

Instead, I died, and now I am out two items.

I'm fine with dying when I go, but if I manage to take the guy out I shouldn't be able to die afterwards due to hazzards. They should either disappear or no longer do damage, or I should be given immunity, or healed some after he dies... I don't know nor care how you want to do it.

But this is is the middle finger to your players, in my opinion, and it's ridiculous.
Last bumped8 марта 2025 г., 18:48:53
Here's a clip.


You can see that "you completed / won" registered, because my boon that grants me honor on room completion went off. So there is no reason why those hazzards should have still damaged me, let alone existed.

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