0.10.4b Patch Notes

"But why delay it? the patching system GGG has is very fast."

They cant delay microtrancation effects. They are far more important than decync, build balance, skills balance, game performance, and tweaks for game mechanics.

Its obvious.

BTW. all this aswers about 'art guy will not fix servers' are honelsty pathetic and laughable. I dont even try to comment this bullshit. Its about priorities and resource management ppl... ffs... grow a brain or smth and stop repeating what developer said like brainless golem or parrot.

There is important stuff and less important stuff.. they are focusing on second one for two moths. That is how it looks. No more no less. No inmportant changes, no real beta testing, feedback is basically ignored. PoE in 'Open Beta'.... With 4 new micro effects per week.
Последняя редакция: KarraKurri. Время: 27 марта 2013 г., 18:57:28
KarraKurri написал:
They cant delay microtrancation effects. They are far more important than decync, build balance, skills balance, game performance, and tweaks for game mechanics.

Its obvious.

cry more
KarraKurri написал:
They cant delay microtrancation effects. They are far more important than decync, build balance, skills balance, game performance, and tweaks for game mechanics.

Its obvious.

What do you do for a living?
What do you do for a living?

Not your .... business m8.
KarraKurri написал:
Good to see that GGG still have priorities. Screw the game balance and fixes! New microtransaction effects for life! Its even more grotesque when you go to check Beta Feedback forums lol.

Funny how they have time to create 4 micros each week (after shop is up and running) but they dont have time to 'fix' totally rehashed item art (2D/3D.. whatever) since.. idk... 2011?

Idk... its only me or "Post OB GGG" has changed a little compared to 'Pre OB GGG"?

Also "we are not aware about any radeon users problems" from latest interview....

...checks Technical Feedback forusm with numerous topics created by radeon users that have problems....
Ah.... they are all morons that cant use they ATI panels ofc! Game is perfect! Good to know!

Srsly... GGG start fixing this game or grow the balls and take off BETA tag because apparently its not in beta anymore for you. I start to think that this whole 'Open Beta' crap is only to having excuse for interviews... 'you know... its still beta...bla...bla...bla...".

it's their job, it's free to play, and lot of people love it; and still better than any diablo III or Sacred or whatever, so calm down and be polite.
♦▲◄▼►▲♦ @Kadush ♦▲◄▼►▲♦
Pr1vateD0nut написал:
GGG is terrible. Why can't their art designers fix the server issue and game bugs instead of making helmet skins. If they were a good developer, everyone working there would be equally skilled at each aspect of game designing. If they keep having their art team working on skins and their programming team working on coding, they are doomed as a company.

IGN: aMonsterTruck

Because I'm Based.
KarraKurri написал:
"But why delay it? the patching system GGG has is very fast."

They cant delay microtrancation effects. They are far more important than decync, build balance, skills balance, game performance, and tweaks for game mechanics.

Its obvious.

BTW. all this aswers about 'art guy will not fix servers' are honelsty pathetic and laughable. I dont even try to comment this bullshit. Its about priorities and resource management ppl... ffs... grow a brain or smth and stop repeating what developer said like brainless golem or parrot.

There is important stuff and less important stuff.. they are focusing on second one for two moths. That is how this looks.

to pay a good professional team of programmers who can fix all your dreams out of your game you need money. how do you get money from a game free2play? im earing you.
♦▲◄▼►▲♦ @Kadush ♦▲◄▼►▲♦
bbblame написал:
Pr1vateD0nut написал:
GGG is terrible. Why can't their art designers fix the server issue and game bugs instead of making helmet skins. If they were a good developer, everyone working there would be equally skilled at each aspect of game designing. If they keep having their art team working on skins and their programming team working on coding, they are doomed as a company.


same reason as above, they need money to move this thing, they need money to pay the servers; the game is free to play for Clarissa's sake; you can't pay people to work over a video game with items or chisels, they want to eat in real life; and maybe even go dancing.
♦▲◄▼►▲♦ @Kadush ♦▲◄▼►▲♦
They have money from crowdfunding. They have money from me (far more that i pay for any AAA title in my life). All this money apperently now goes towards microtransactions creation.


Im just dissapointed customer - not big deal but go to the beta feedback forums to see that i and my point of view is not lonesome.

This game have serious issues that are basically ignored since Open Beta starts. More excuses and crappy patches will not change that.

NOW feel free to flame - its my last post here. I hope that GGG get the message.
Последняя редакция: KarraKurri. Время: 27 марта 2013 г., 19:03:12
Shaddw написал:
Are you guys planning to add some effects for shields and armor soon?

+1 to this question.

Pr1vateD0nut написал:
GGG is terrible. Why can't their art designers fix the server issue and game bugs instead of making helmet skins. If they were a good developer, everyone working there would be equally skilled at each aspect of game designing. If they keep having their art team working on skins and their programming team working on coding, they are doomed as a company.

This is brilliant!
ign: Bikvin
Последняя редакция: triada13. Время: 27 марта 2013 г., 19:04:06

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