Content Update 3.24.0 -- Path of Exile: Necropolis

Hi Mathil and chat. Wicked Fridge
their are some really large nerfs in these patch notes with very little return. Not to be too much of a debbie downer, but man.

it isn't even super meta stuff or really broken crap, but things with almost no play rate.

a lot of what is going to make this next league playable is going to be the 20/20 gem changes, but some setups are going to be in a tough place.

Rhetorically one of the devs asked "would players be happier with qol stuff for everyone or reworked classes"

the classes are ancient, the qol stuff you added is just making the game worse or doesn't go far enough. I'll take the class rework 10/10 times.
It sure feels like some of these changes weren't thought out...
Kalandra league 2.0
Excellent, can't wait!

Fableaz написал:
There seems to be more nerfs that buffs if Im reading this correctly.

True but power creep is really huge currently, nerfs not as bad as expected tbh
Последняя редакция: Rikku. Время: 21 марта 2024 г., 19:22:09
tornado shot nerfed over 50%?
Cycling Damage Reduction has been reworked and is now "Adaptive Resistances". Monsters will become resistant to the highest damage type taken (Fire, Cold, Lightning or Chaos).

If I do fire only then it will be perma 90% DR agaisnt me? :D Do I miss somethign here? :DDD
• I eat cats for breakfast. I will eat you too.
• GGG has 0 play testers it seems. 3.24 shows it clearly.
• Screw 6-link one hand item exploiters and their deleted items. Your tears are as delicious as Pepsi Max Raspberry sizzling sip.
No trueMeleePolis.
Beside that i dont mind the nerfs, what i do mind is underperforming skills still not being buffed after such a long time :(

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