Content Update 3.24.0 -- Path of Exile: Necropolis

What will happen to all Sextant and compass we have in the game ??
InvictaVultis написал:
Cycling Damage Reduction has been reworked and is now "Adaptive Resistances". Monsters will become resistant to the highest damage type taken (Fire, Cold, Lightning or Chaos).

If I do fire only then it will be perma 90% DR agaisnt me? :D Do I miss somethign here? :DDD

No you dont miss anything, Mark even said it in the stream. You have to find a way around by changing your build or making a new character who can handle that content lol.
Goodbye MF...
✨ Beta tester Path of Nerf 👀
GJ guys, I love that you are making a meta shake-up.
I hope you will make the fragments for ubers very common in T17 so that those can actually be runned as previously the fragments were quite easy to obtain. This is the only concern I have, I hope you test it extensively.

Anyways, GJ
why not just put a charge cap on ralakesh boots? even add a range to it? "count as having (1-6) endurance charges etc...
Rip Ball Lightning of Static Totem T.T which I wanted to used as my League Starter
power siphon still dead.
- "Many corpse explosion-related skills used by monsters {i.e. probably not bosses but oh well ill take it} now deal flat damage instead of scaling with corpse life"

- Friggin ALT ART MTX CONVERSION! (only took like 7 years but hey, they actually finally got around to it)

- Even a Renegade Imp MTX bug fix! (he looks so stupid right now without a bag dangling beneath him)

literally the greatest patch in the history of electronic media
Последняя редакция: Fightgarr. Время: 21 марта 2024 г., 19:29:57
Discovering powerful skills and items to build around them was the key factor that made the last season so fun. Nerfing everything without buffs to the weaker gems and items will make the experience just mediocre at best and many will quit before 2 or 3 weeks.

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