I did my first Uber attempt and failed
Died Twice at vaals ( could do better)
Trio (Once cuz of desync rain)
Atziri - The build has huge problem here im playing with 20k TS and 51k puncture . I was fine Split face managed to get to last phase but the biggest problem is the Healing Phase because of Tornado Shot the DmG is not enought cant clear faster the mobs and she just keeps healing she went to healing phase over 10 times lol idk what to do there just not enought dps or maybe my (2% mana leech) wasnt enought sometimes or i should swap to LMP there? Overall Uber is so hard with this build you must be always focused. Some advice would be nice about gem setups maybe i made mistake to use TS in 5L and Puncture in 6L
here some info about gears:
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Some Advice about Uber what gems to swap etc. would be nice .
Последняя редакция: djerimixer226090#1386. Время: 31 дек. 2014 г., 23:41:00
Well, after reading the last few pages and no words on it, I'll just ask here.
I want to play a bow ranger in Bloodlines. The opening post says that it MIGHT work but didn't try it, and refers to ZiggyD's try on Tornado Shot. Ziggy's rather outdated now, so I would prefer something updated for 1.3.
Is anyone running this in Bloodlines/HC leagues? What changes did you make, if any?
It seems Lightning Coil is a must, but then I've read the thing about Grace and I'm still in doubt on which auras to use... I mean, I'm down to try a full DPS approach just like OP suggest (Hatred + HoA + HoI) and hope that I kill everything before they get to me, but that would be a first. I don't know if that's the good way to enter Bloodlines.
I didnt really try it on hc mode but i can tell just from my own experience with this build:
i leveld up on torment league and never had any survivability problems. sure it isnt a brain-afk tank build so you have to pay attention everytime you are attacking a big pack. especially if you open stongboxes with crazy affixes. but it should be doable/possible to reach a higher level even in hardcore leagues
btw just to add it in: for physical reflect i found an approach for me to completely go secure with this. i switched out my tornado shot with ice shot, and my increased physical damage with physical to lightning.
sure the leech is almost grounded to zero by the gem swap, but you will survive physical reflect without any problems. for ele reflect just turn off all the auras
Последняя редакция: dan166#3588. Время: 31 дек. 2014 г., 23:59:31
I did my first Uber attempt and failed
Died Twice at vaals ( could do better)
Trio (Once cuz of desync rain)
Atziri - The build has huge problem here im playing with 20k TS and 51k puncture . I was fine Split face managed to get to last phase but the biggest problem is the Healing Phase because of Tornado Shot the DmG is not enought cant clear faster the mobs and she just keeps healing she went to healing phase over 10 times lol idk what to do there just not enought dps or maybe my (2% mana leech) wasnt enought sometimes or i should swap to LMP there? Overall Uber is so hard with this build you must be always focused. Some advice would be nice about gem setups maybe i made mistake to use TS in 5L and Puncture in 6L
here some info about gears:
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Some Advice about Uber what gems to swap etc. would be nice .
i would switch out tornado n puncture gem,use lmp with only atziri fight, higher dps helps alot with her, n with tornado i would switch out faster attack with gmp n switch out increased critical strike gem with power charge on critical strikes, i would use the 6l for tornado myself,n with the chest i would try to chrome 3green 1 blue 1 red n put another fire gem in with puncture something on this ideamaybe even try increased duration with puncture adds little more time to bleeding... hope this helps ya gl n happy new year!!!!!
Последняя редакция: dragnmith1#2944. Время: 1 янв. 2015 г., 2:33:41
I did my first Uber attempt and failed
Died Twice at vaals ( could do better)
Trio (Once cuz of desync rain)
Atziri - The build has huge problem here im playing with 20k TS and 51k puncture . I was fine Split face managed to get to last phase but the biggest problem is the Healing Phase because of Tornado Shot the DmG is not enought cant clear faster the mobs and she just keeps healing she went to healing phase over 10 times lol idk what to do there just not enought dps or maybe my (2% mana leech) wasnt enought sometimes or i should swap to LMP there? Overall Uber is so hard with this build you must be always focused. Some advice would be nice about gem setups maybe i made mistake to use TS in 5L and Puncture in 6L
here some info about gears:
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Some Advice about Uber what gems to swap etc. would be nice .
i would switch out tornado n puncture gem,use lmp with only atziri fight, higher dps helps alot with her, n with tornado i would switch out faster attack with gmp n switch out increased critical strike gem with power charge on critical strikes, i would use the 6l for tornado myself,n with the chest i would try to chrome 3green 1 blue 1 red n put another fire gem in with puncture something on this ideamaybe even try increased duration with puncture adds little more time to bleeding... hope this helps ya gl n happy new year!!!!!
Bought a 6L chest and atm runing this setup
21k TS // 45K Puncture
With Assasin`s mark (3 charges) about 23-24k TS . I still dont have LMP gem to test what will be the dps but i think it wont go much higher (single TS is 37k) . Should i do the exacly gem setup like yours , is it the most popular and strongest ? Also I just cant pass Double Vaals At Uber with no Deaths (getting rekt 2-3 times too hard to kite ) should i use LMP there also fore more dmg or GMP? Im fine at trio . The only problem at Atziri is the healing phase the bitch just keeps getting her life back too much (but i guess with LMP will be better didnt test yet).
(got 4038 life atm because changed the chest and it dropped a bit) . Using this skill tree:
I did my first Uber attempt and failed
Died Twice at vaals ( could do better)
Trio (Once cuz of desync rain)
Atziri - The build has huge problem here im playing with 20k TS and 51k puncture . I was fine Split face managed to get to last phase but the biggest problem is the Healing Phase because of Tornado Shot the DmG is not enought cant clear faster the mobs and she just keeps healing she went to healing phase over 10 times lol idk what to do there just not enought dps or maybe my (2% mana leech) wasnt enought sometimes or i should swap to LMP there? Overall Uber is so hard with this build you must be always focused. Some advice would be nice about gem setups maybe i made mistake to use TS in 5L and Puncture in 6L
here some info about gears:
Скрытый текст
Some Advice about Uber what gems to swap etc. would be nice .
i would switch out tornado n puncture gem,use lmp with only atziri fight, higher dps helps alot with her, n with tornado i would switch out faster attack with gmp n switch out increased critical strike gem with power charge on critical strikes, i would use the 6l for tornado myself,n with the chest i would try to chrome 3green 1 blue 1 red n put another fire gem in with puncture something on this ideamaybe even try increased duration with puncture adds little more time to bleeding... hope this helps ya gl n happy new year!!!!!
Bought a 6L chest and atm runing this setup
21k TS // 45K Puncture
With Assasin`s mark (3 charges) about 23-24k TS . I still dont have LMP gem to test what will be the dps but i think it wont go much higher (single TS is 37k) . Should i do the exacly gem setup like yours , is it the most popular and strongest ? Also I just cant pass Double Vaals At Uber with no Deaths (getting rekt 2-3 times too hard to kite ) should i use LMP there also fore more dmg or GMP? Im fine at trio . The only problem at Atziri is the healing phase the bitch just keeps getting her life back too much (but i guess with LMP will be better didnt test yet).
(got 4038 life atm because changed the chest and it dropped a bit) . Using this skill tree:
i use dif setups from time to time but i find this one to clear faster speicially since where using herald of ashhere is my tree i have 78% running speed this i find more important then damage http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgIAAF4DHgW1BiMILgiJCpsWvxmOGbQfQSF2Iuoj9iT9JpUqCyzpMHEwfDH6MgEylDY9OdQ6Qkd-Sn1LeE2SUUdVS1b6W69daGHiYetirGVNZ6BsjG1sb_JwUnDVcaF1y3b3d9d463pTfXV_An8rhs6HdonTivCMC4w2jX2Nv49PlQWa8Zsmm42dqqCfpuCooqr4r-uwq7Ewshm1CLVIuXy9Nr6nwTPB2MSCyqnK083qz3rTftQj1orZxt0N3ajjn-cK51TndOjW6UbqYuyw7YPvevPq_MX-uv_e