[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

IN theory how good is this for the build? does the +1 mean alot?
Etko написал:

IN theory how good is this for the build? does the +1 mean alot?

o_O damnnn, that's insanely good, an extra arrow so ye, free extra dmg.
IGN = Hobbitske

This build seems pretty good! I'm 88 in Bloodlines, and I think I'm about done with gearing, unless anyone can suggest something. Any suggestion for an upgrade that would cost < 2ex?

- 5668 life
- 12k dps
- max elem res (overcap by 7/6/18 on fire/cold/light)
- -60% chaos (hard to fit chaos res in)

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Tree: https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgIAAF4DHgW1BiMILgiJCpsVIBa_GY4ZtB9BIXYi4iP2JP0mlSoLKk0s6TBxMHwxnjIBMpQ1kjY9OdQ6QjrhPydHfkfiSn1KyEt4TZJN41FHVUtW-luvXWhh4mHrYqxlTWegbIxtbG6qb_JwUnXLd9d463pTfXV_An8rhs6Hdow2jX2Nv5UFmvGbJpuNnaqgn6Q5plem4LIZtUi18r02vqfBM8qpytPPetCB037UI9aK2L3Zxt0N3ajjn-cK51TndOjW6mLtg-968kXz6vzF_gr-j_66_94=

Any suggestions would be welcome! The only thing I can think of is corrupting Atziri's Step for...I dunno move speed? Chance to dodge?
IGN: OneEyedShadow
Последняя редакция: Amarantine#5975. Время: 10 янв. 2015 г., 16:24:38
I think I have a workable solution to the 4 red socket dilemma. I can usually get 3 reds on Atziri Step relatively easy. I have a RRRW pair of boots with very low rolls and was searching for a way to get a pair with a higher life roll into the action. I made a comparison with using a 20/20 increased duration and a level 2 enhance with the standard CWDT set up with the following results:

Enduring Cry with inc duration 20% inc AOE
Enduring Cry with L2 enhance 28% inc AOE

Immortal Call with inc duration buff lasts .44 sec
Immortal Call with L2 enhance buff lasts .25 sec

Immortal Call with inc duration additional .78 sec buff duration per end charge
Immortal Call with L2 enhance additional .86 sec buff per end charge

As you can see you don't lose too much going with the much easier (relatively speaking) to get 3 red's on the recommended gloves, boots or helmet.
Y0UR написал:
bubbzor написал:
Love the guidie extreamly easy to understand but about gem socks (helm gloves shoes) its abit confusing hence my question below!

i have some questions...after reading over and over about the cast on hit gems i know what they do and so on and how it works but WHERE in the hell can i get 4 red currently using atsiri shoes and mal gloves i do have a rats nest but i cant use it bec of this perdicerment any HELP is WELCOME! :)


your best chances are:
-Using rare boots with Armor/Evasion until you switch to Atziri's Steps
-Afterwards (or earlier) chroming Maligaro's (or Shadows and Dust).

The chances of getting 4 red on Maligaro's are around 1:500, yes quite low, but still we're talking about endgame equip here. You can also make do with only 3 reds which is rather easy to achieve (<100 chromatic orbs). Skip increased duration then.

Don't try getting 4red on Rat's nest or Atziri's. It's not impossible, but your chances to get 4 red there are 1:2000 or worse.

I have only played for a few weeks and dont rly get all parts of the game yeat. could your or someone explain how the gems in your helm works with eachother. TYVM

Uh, which of the two helmets? I'm not exactly understanding the question, sorry :)

The one in the rampage league has two active spells:

Portal -> Faster casting
Vaal haste -> Faster casting -> Increased duration

It also has faster casting and increased duration.

Portal benefits only from faster casting and basically allows you to create the portal faster (you can absolutely play without portal, however, it's a convenience thing and I enjoy it :)

Vaal Haste is the second active gem. It benefits from both passive gems: it lasts longer and I can cast it faster. Basically the point is to increase the clear speed and to minimize the slowdown caused by casting it.


Hi, at first, i want to say its awesome build.

I reached 81 lvl, and some EQ, what can i do to improve my dmg ? (Should i focus to get 5-6l armor ?
Res 75/76/75%
3572 hp
Tornado Shot 8754 dmg with auras, 55,4% crit chance, 488% multiplier

Better bow, better quiver, get quality on all important gems, increase number of links, considering drillneck.

Upgrading your gear at this point is not simple, but each of the upgrades above provides a major DPS boost.


Thanks everyone for the nice comments and for answering the questions of other users once again :)

If you're going for 4R on maligaro's, I recommend using Vorici 2R, and not 1R. At an expected cost of 40 chromes more, you significantly reduce the standard deviation, which I think is a pretty big deal. A 40 chrome premium to significantly reduce the chance of failure is pretty worth it, imo.
IGN: OneEyedShadow
Well you normally corrupt atziri step for +1 frenzy, +1 to gems not sure what else is important, im guessing evasion items corrupt to +1 to frenzy but could def be wrong on that. People tend to corrupt steps if u farm atziri since you end up with a lot of them.
Etko one thing you can do with a +1 quiver is use lmp instead of gmp, see how you like it over all, 4 arrows covers a lot of area and lmp will have quite a lot more damage.
Последняя редакция: Fhark#5469. Время: 10 янв. 2015 г., 17:29:56
why dont we use herald of thunder instead of herald of ice? and link it with Asaasin mark?
SHOP : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/682434
My current gear:
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DPS Stats:
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Rat's Nest and Maligaro's I dropped today... And my boyfriend got 4RL on Maligaro's at first try for me! He is so lucky, I envy him .-.

I really want to try another Atziri run, since now I have a decent lightning resistance for that damn Vaal Oversoul's lightning balls ._. But I feel I need more DPS... What should I change to get decent DPS? Something less than 2ex, please :v
Последняя редакция: Neonne#4376. Время: 10 янв. 2015 г., 23:18:39
Neonne nice drops just use lmp for vaals theres not so many mobs in that fight to need gmp.
Neonne написал:
My current gear:
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DPS Stats:
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Rat's Nest and Maligaro's I dropped today... And my boyfriend got 4RL on Maligaro's at first try for me! He is so lucky, I envy him .-.

I really want to try another Atziri run, since now I have a decent lightning resistance for that damn Vaal Oversoul's lightning balls ._. But I feel I need more DPS... What should I change to get decent DPS? Something less than 2ex, please :v

quite simple, your bow suck.... it only has 5% base crit chance
you need at least 8% crit base chance if u want this build to work properly...(whats your crit chance atm?, with a 5% base its must be around 30-35%?, with a 8% bow you would have around 50%-55%, which a hell a lot more DPS)(i even think dropping the 6L for a 5L with more base crit would be better, if u cannot afford an other 6L bow)
and try to get crit multiplier on your quiver(u will get 500-1000dps from it)
you seem to have forget that this build is a CRIT build
SHOP : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/682434
Последняя редакция: xenochaos1#4153. Время: 11 янв. 2015 г., 0:27:37

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