[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

RoyceZouks написал:
You suggest using a Curse on Hit setup together with Tornado Shot. However, if you pick one of the suggested 4-link CoH setups, I don't see how you'd generate Frenzy charges at all, which seems like a waste of all the Frenzy Charge nodes. Am I missing something, or would you have to use a Blood Dance or something?

Blood Rage gem
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ NERF ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ NERF ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ NERF ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Damn, SA nerfed.. Now I dont know which skill I should use. Buffed LA or nerfed SA, what do you think?
Ziiyo написал:
It will work like LA.

LA gives 50% physical to lightning, SS gives 40% physical to lightning.

Their after effects are different. So Shrapnel has a cone effect BUT we dont know if the cone effect will occur on each projectile if we add LMP/GMP.

I would follow the basics of a LA build to see what shrapnel may be.

I am def going Shrapnel but will level TS,Frenzy,SA and LA in other weps.

Sounds like a Good Plan, was thinking of doing the same in the new league.
Ranger FTW
Domine Non Es Dignus
Majkon8 написал:
Damn, SA nerfed.. Now I dont know which skill I should use. Buffed LA or nerfed SA, what do you think?

I think SA is good enough for leveling at lower levels till we get TS/LA fully leveled up.
LA is supposedly good for shocks? and COH?
with blasphemy id rather run it than try to manually curse on hit, and focus on dodging shit .
Domine Non Es Dignus
Zinja написал:
Majkon8 написал:
Damn, SA nerfed.. Now I dont know which skill I should use. Buffed LA or nerfed SA, what do you think?

I think SA is good enough for leveling at lower levels till we get TS/LA fully leveled up.
LA is supposedly good for shocks? and COH?
with blasphemy id rather run it than try to manually curse on hit, and focus on dodging shit .

i really don't think that blasphemy is a good choice.

remember we are a RANGER and standing too close to the packs will be deadly.
Additional, how you wanna face the mana reservation of the curse? Only using hatred?

Think that sucks ..

I'll be going for HoI with CoH, as the guy above mentioned, should be fine, otherwise casting manually, which still gives the best result and doesn't need any sockets exept one.

Casting manually is the only guarantee for a permanent cursing, if needed (specially vs single targets, when there are now other mobs to cast the HoT storm).
As we're playin' SC, i can put it on the left mouse button
Последняя редакция: KalayoGaming#2924. Время: 9 дек. 2015 г., 10:05:25
Hey NeverSink,

are you currently also working on a NEW tree for Lightning Arrow/Shrapnel Shot, or do you think it will be more or less the same than the others ?

Would be very intresting, and i'm really sad that SA gets nerved .

Think SA will be very interesting on Acendent, when the Passive +1Chain is coming available (AWESOME)

I'm trying shrapnel shot and Siege ballista, and will level all the other gems, too. Lets see (;
Pupalaka написал:
Zinja написал:
Majkon8 написал:
Damn, SA nerfed.. Now I dont know which skill I should use. Buffed LA or nerfed SA, what do you think?

I think SA is good enough for leveling at lower levels till we get TS/LA fully leveled up.
LA is supposedly good for shocks? and COH?
with blasphemy id rather run it than try to manually curse on hit, and focus on dodging shit .

i really don't think that blasphemy is a good choice.

remember we are a RANGER and standing too close to the packs will be deadly.
Additional, how you wanna face the mana reservation of the curse? Only using hatred?

Think that sucks ..

I'll be going for HoI with CoH, as the guy above mentioned, should be fine, otherwise casting manually, which still gives the best result and doesn't need any sockets exept one.

Casting manually is the only guarantee for a permanent cursing, if needed (specially vs single targets, when there are now other mobs to cast the HoT storm).
As we're playin' SC, i can put it on the left mouse button

isnt the whole point ofusing HOI with COH is to actually get the curse off? Its kinda unreliable vs casting manually.

The thing with blasphemy is curses are effected by aura radius increase. we have 2 clusters close to the tree
Charisma- 12% inc aoe
champion of cuase 24% inc aoe
add that to an inc aoe gem you have about a 34-44% increase in curse radius. this would pretty much cover the whole screen for us.
I dont think our skills hit for a Lot of range in the off screen. For most part we try to kill stuff at the edge of the screen - which would be covered by the curse.

will have to see how the changes in effective per level allow us to accomodate more curse/aura's
The leech cluster also seems pretty appealing since the leech scales off all damage we might not need too much of unreserved mana.
Hatred+Assasins Mark+Eleweakness...? with charisma+ enlighten --- hoping that would allow us enough unreserved mana to serve our mana needs with the improved leech passives.
Domine Non Es Dignus
Majkon8 написал:
Damn, SA nerfed.. Now I dont know which skill I should use. Buffed LA or nerfed SA, what do you think?
LA clears faster than SA already. That should give you your answer.
Ranger builds list: /917964
When two witches watch two watches, which witch watches which watch?
If the witches watching watches watch the same watch while you watch which witch watches which watch, they switch watches; then, the watch switching witches watch which watch you watch.
Watching witches watch watches is not for the faint of heart...
Panini_aux_olives написал:
Majkon8 написал:
Damn, SA nerfed.. Now I dont know which skill I should use. Buffed LA or nerfed SA, what do you think?
LA clears faster than SA already. That should give you your answer.

Yeah, and with new leech nodes, you can even go for 100% lightning LA with lightning penetration gem.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504

There is no knowledge
That is not power
I would have a hard time removing wed or ppad ^^'

LA/GMP/Chain or pierce/WED or PPAD/P2L/Lightning Pen
Ranger builds list: /917964
When two witches watch two watches, which witch watches which watch?
If the witches watching watches watch the same watch while you watch which witch watches which watch, they switch watches; then, the watch switching witches watch which watch you watch.
Watching witches watch watches is not for the faint of heart...

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