[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses
20k at your level with such a bow is good. The bow is on the low side, you can definitely upgrade.
100k TS requires high end stuff (350+ dps bow, excellent rings and amulet, very offensive rare quiver, etc.) Ranger builds list: /917964
When two witches watch two watches, which witch watches which watch? If the witches watching watches watch the same watch while you watch which witch watches which watch, they switch watches; then, the watch switching witches watch which watch you watch. Watching witches watch watches is not for the faint of heart... |
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I have a question.
Immortal call on cwdt - i use it but i never see that skill get "activated" i just can't see it? i let mops kill me now 3 times in a row. i have that feeling it doesn't work like i want :D |
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" It last just a secound or so but you shold see a golden emblem above your char... maybe you leveled ic to high? At lvl 20 you have to lose about 3000 hp before it casts... so keep it at lvl 7 or so... |
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i want make this build for Atziri farm only which skill tree should i go? drillneck or critical quiver? this is my bow atm Thx for reply and Regards |
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crit quiver imho, in every case. It's more versatile.
Also Atziri can't be shocked and has probably good res so you'd be better against her with increase crit chance or multi and added fire. Ranger builds list: /917964
When two witches watch two watches, which witch watches which watch? If the witches watching watches watch the same watch while you watch which witch watches which watch, they switch watches; then, the watch switching witches watch which watch you watch. Watching witches watch watches is not for the faint of heart... |
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Is this bow worth to multimod it with CC and +phy (SA/Frenzy neversink build) ?
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Just crafted my end game bow... finally.
Switched to this build today and I'm not used to so much physical dmg. Finding it hard to deal with reflect mobs. Gear
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Any suggestions on gameplay and gem setup? |
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Expect 282 pdps / 354 dps with 20q with such changes.
Now you'd probably want to 5L it as well, which will add around 1.5ex if done with Vorici. Check what you can get for 3.5 ex on poe.trade which is 5linked and sort by pdps: http://poe.trade/search/eyohanitawamko The one at 3.2 ex is pretty cool imho, definitely better that what you can get (higher crit). Now if you look for unlinked stuff under 2 ex: http://poe.trade/search/etaarukakanoku Again you have some bow that are better than yours (already 6S, better crit or better pdps) So I'd say no. Ranger builds list: /917964
When two witches watch two watches, which witch watches which watch? If the witches watching watches watch the same watch while you watch which witch watches which watch, they switch watches; then, the watch switching witches watch which watch you watch. Watching witches watch watches is not for the faint of heart... |
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" Thank you very much, Dying__Light! I did almost everything you said. I gave up on Vaal Haste, since I almost never used it. I am using Enlighten + HoI + Hatred + HoA on my helmet. Instead of using AFD I'm using now WED, like you said. I bought a perfect harbinger bow, obviously, "perfect" compared to my actual bow. See: I changed socket colours of Atziri's boots to suit Assassin's Mark, Blood Rage (in love with this skill), Ice Golem and my beloved Blink Arrow. Thank you very much for the help! Now I need luck to jewel and fuse my future bow hahaha |
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I don't know where to ask this question, but thought people here might have some insight. Is there anyone else that is completely confused about why Harbingers cost so much. I seriously don't know any other class in the game that is as severely punished when it comes to buying their top tier items. I play in hardcore league and have been playing every day since the league started multiple hours, have even found 2 exalted. I have managed to save 11 exalted currently and 500 fusing, I have a 5 link 350 pdps 8.8 crit bow, but my plan was to buy a 400 pdps bow and try to 6 link it. The only two bows that were listed for over 400 pdps harbingers both were already 6 linked and the seller wanted 30-45 exalted orbs. That's outrageous. I'm level 95 now...by the time I have the currency to buy such a bow, I will be level 100 which sort of defeats the purpose. The bow is supposed to get me to level 100 easier not be the bow I wear after I get there.
Is there any other class in the game that is asked to pay 30-45 exalted for their 6 link. I look through 6 links on poe.trade and even for nice rare 6 links...it's only 20 exalted. Who picked Harbinger bows and decided "*&%$ those guys."? Somehow poe players have it in their collective mindset that Harbingers alone should be paid premium prices for but everyone else's elite items shouldn't cost as much. Take phys wands for example, I have one of the best phys wands in the league for sale, it's not worth more than 2-4 exalted. And no one wants to even pay that when they ask about it. 6 linking costs 14 exalted if you do it with fusing at current prices, so a 30 exalted bow, they are basically saying the bow itself is worth 16 exalted. How is an elite bow worth 16 exalted and an elite phys wand is worth barely 2 exalted? Both have the same rarity. Rangers aren't even that popular. only 15% of the league is Rangers, and of those, how many went voltaxic? I have thought about this and I understand why unique 6 links sell for 12-20 exalted, cause the unique is actually more common than a 400 pdps bow. But by the time anyone gets the exalted to pay such an exorbitant price the league will be over. Seriously. In hc already the league is practically dead. My guild and everyone else's guild never even comes online anymore, our guild leaders have league quit and I can't find a NA mapping guild. But I just don't understand why Harbingers seem to be the most expensive item in the game for elite ones. When other classes elite items 6 linked or not, don't sell for even a fraction of the cost. Why does the poe community have this belief that it's worth that much, and it's worth not selling until 2.5 months into a 3 month league, at that point you might as well save it for regular parent hc league where you can probably make 100 exalted off it, cause that's where all those exalted end up. I just really don't understand how I'm supposed to make that kind of currency anytime before the two month mark unless I happen to be that one player every league who finds a mirror. Just very frustrated at the bow prices in hc, thanks for listening, and any feedback or theories on why this is the case would be great. |
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