[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

basta1982 написал:
Zinja написал:
just checked. HOA doesn't proc when running hatred because hatred + crits shatters... which does not burn from the HOI.

incidentally Me running Hatre+ HOI generated power charges and made my dps go up by 5K

Hatred+ HOA - 95k dps with frenzy charges

Hatred+ HOI- 101k dps with frenzy + 3 power charges..

either going by dps or synergy with shatter i think HOI does give more dps than HOA ( standalone )

You are too focused on paper-dps anyway. It's not only about the power charges, it's about the curse itself. Assassins mark gives 9% more crit, and it really means 9% more and not 9% of your basecrit, plus they receive a lot more damage from critical strikes. The paper-dps won't show this at all, cause it's a debuff, but this is really, really huge!

Btw cause the guide kind of lacks this information as well: Assassins mark is the only way to go over the 95% critcap, - if you got min. 91% with charges up you'll actually have 100% critchance. But before acc comes into play: First time roled to check if you actually hit and then a second time to check if your crit hits, - which is why acc is so important, because it's roled 2 times for critting.

It works pretty much like this to really crit: Hit (acc)? yes, crit (critchance)? yes, crithit (acc)? yes

Thanks basta
best thing i did was to not invest in those accuracy nodes.
went for another jewel and got myself that fragile bloom for 2% Regen to sustain bloodrage.
paper dps is 98k and i am pretty satisfied with it..
Domine Non Es Dignus
Последняя редакция: Zinja#5231. Время: 8 февр. 2016 г., 21:48:18
Sastergaming написал:
Hey guys I need your help. I crafted this bow:
Скрытый текст
Rarity: Rare
Torment Siege
Harbinger Bow
Quality: +20% (augmented)
Physical Damage: 70-155 (augmented)
Critical Strike Chance: 8.90% (augmented)
Attacks per Second: 1.36 (augmented)
Level: 68
Dex: 212
Sockets: G-B-G-G G-G
Item Level: 77
42% increased Critical Strike Chance
Adds 23-38 Physical Damage
13% increased Attack Speed
36% increased Critical Strike Chance

And now my question is if there is any way to apply 100%++ increased phys mod on this weapon or if the only way is to exalt it... What would you do with this Harbinger, pls help..
There isn't. Exalting is indeed your only way to get 100% or more, and you know you odds are "small".
Frankly, unless you extremely lucky, it's just cheaper to buy a ~330 pdps bow.
Ranger builds list: /917964
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Neurik написал:
Looking for some gear optimization advice please. My paper dps pre-frenzy charges is in the low 20k range and the clear speed as it stands feels pretty fast. I really like the snake bite gloves so I will probably not give those up. I am open to swapping out my helmet for a Rat's Nest but the thought of redoing all of my jewelry to get the necessary resists and attributes makes me cringe. Finally, is it worth the cost to wipe the crit multi off my bow to multi mod it?

Thanks in advance.


Yes remove crit multi or attack speed. For suffixes on Harbinger Crit Chance > the two others (debatable which is better).
Thanks for a lovely indepth guide.
i guys, i need help , im stucked atm with my gear and i cant see how upgrade it, i wanna kill atziri for first time but she killed me 3 times already xD, what i need to replace? what i need to buy?

ts dps tooltip: 40 k
fire: 100%
ligthing: 75%
cold 70%
chaos -40%
life 3963
Скрытый текст
i guys, i need help , im stucked atm with my gear and i cant see how upgrade it, i wanna kill atziri for first time but she killed me 3 times already xD, what i need to replace? what i need to buy?

Honestly your gear look fine. Maybe corrupt all your 20/20 gems will made a little upgrade.

Maybe just learn the fight a little bit more.

Try and try.
i guys, i need help , im stucked atm with my gear and i cant see how upgrade it, i wanna kill atziri for first time but she killed me 3 times already xD, what i need to replace? what i need to buy?

ts dps tooltip: 40 k
fire: 100%
ligthing: 75%
cold 70%
chaos -40%
life 3963
Скрытый текст
gear look's fine but i would get a rustic sash with res n hp on it even more wed like this one
Liking this build , currently lvl 85 TSC

My toolip dps says 13500 for tornado shot with 6 frenzy charges and 5 link (TS,GMP,FA,PTL,PPAD) , just wondering is that a little low ?

When people talk about thier DPS here are they talking about tooltip or calculated dps ?

Changed a little bit of the Skilltree (wanted more Crit-chance [to knock enemies back on hit and for the lifeleech with Acuity] and life ...) and I am really satisfied with it.
(The gems in the Chest are only for leveling in the moment ...)

My gear:

My tree:


Have about 5.400 life, 90%Crit-chance, 92% Hit-chance, TS with 5 Frenzy-charges ~90.000 dps
Последняя редакция: el_Nino_69#3529. Время: 10 февр. 2016 г., 17:51:28
i guys, i need help , im stucked atm with my gear and i cant see how upgrade it, i wanna kill atziri for first time but she killed me 3 times already xD, what i need to replace? what i need to buy?

ts dps tooltip: 40 k
fire: 100%
ligthing: 75%
cold 70%
chaos -40%
life 3963
Скрытый текст

Atziri is very doable with your gear. It is just a matter of dodging her attacks which takes practise.

Advice on gear (every piece of your gear can be upgraded by a lot. So there is a lot of room for improvement. Remember to use those all resist +30 int / str passive nodes instead of having crap gear with those stats. DPS stats on gear > DPS stats from passives).

Belt: Doryani's Invitation is a nice beginner belt but it has 0 hit points. Replace for a rare. Max cost 1 ex. (Get a mix of elemental resistance combined with HP and room for WED).
Boots: Atziri boots = lower damage. Why? Because they have 0 resistance which means you either have to run with no Maligaro's or no Rat's Nest or very low dps rings in order to make up for the lack in resistances. Switch to rare boots. Total cost: anything between 50C - 3EX.
Quiver: This is a very firm rule on an archers quiver: You should never ever run with that many resistance rolls no a quiver. I got some fire resistance of mine which has a long and boring explanation but as a rule of thumb: no defensive stats (except for HP) on your quiver. Ever. Take passives with all resistance and only use your current one for elemental weakness maps.
Amulet: Same thing as quiver. This should be a DPS item slot. Do not waste it on resistances and even high life rolls. 40 life elreon enchant is just fine in this slot if you can get good dps stats. Also STR / INT is nice in this item slot.
Rings: Goal = pure dps. For now just make up any lacking resistance / low hit points.

GEM SETUP: Get a new gem setup. Physical to lightning is only worth it if you also use the Weapon Elemental Damage gem.

Gem = TS + GMP + PPAD + FA + Increased critical strikes + added fire
Gem = TS + GMP + PPAD + FA + Physical to Lightning + Weapon Elemental Damage.

But atziri should be very doable with your current gear. It is just a matter of practice. I did her with a 4L chin sol + self found random shit items at the beginning of the league. Yours is way better than that. It is really just a matter of learning to dodge her stuff. Try to focus on dodging her shit. Especially in split phase.

Easy way to deal with her split phase: Buy a chin sol bow + another quiver. Have those in your off-hand. In the split phase shift to chin sol and use your trap setup. This way your trap will deal massive damage to her and make this phase very easy :)

GL! :)
Последняя редакция: Frankenberry#0590. Время: 10 февр. 2016 г., 17:41:54

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