[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

Can see if you can get any X mana on hit... that will overcome the cannot leech since on hit isn't leech... something like a Thieves Torment ring... that was mentioned in the guide for using Infractum...
Последняя редакция: edgrubermn#7780. Время: 1 дек. 2014 г., 10:11:45
So I've been leveling this build over the weekend and loving it so far, I'm at level 65 atm. I am working on crafting a bow to use at lvl68, and I've ended up with this so far after about 1000 alts:

(5L Tyrannical Harbinger iLVL78)

I was wondering what the best course of action is now. I'm on a rather limited budget so I'm not trying to craft a godly item, just something to use until I can afford something really nice. I was thinking of either:

1. Augment it and then regal, and hope for good mods. Then add 1 mastercraft mod and just use it. Scour if both augment and regal are bad.
2. Regal it without augmenting, and then try to find one with lvl8 master that can add "Item can have multiple crafting mods" for 2 ex, then mastercraft the remaining 4 mods.

I am leaning towards option 2 but I want some more skilled player's opinions before deciding. I don't really know anyone with lvl8 masters and it feels a bit scary to hand over the item to someone I don't know though, so perhaps option 1 is better.
there are a few lvl 8 master crafting services around. i can't remember the names but you can search for them. there are at least two "free" services, where you just pay for the service, and you can tip if you choose to. so i wouldn't worry about master crafting in that regard
Последняя редакция: xMustard#3403. Время: 1 дек. 2014 г., 19:19:28
I would regal it and then most likely use it if the mod isn't too bad.

Jeppeboy написал:
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So I've been leveling this build over the weekend and loving it so far, I'm at level 65 atm. I am working on crafting a bow to use at lvl68, and I've ended up with this so far after about 1000 alts:

(5L Tyrannical Harbinger iLVL78)

I was wondering what the best course of action is now. I'm on a rather limited budget so I'm not trying to craft a godly item, just something to use until I can afford something really nice. I was thinking of either:

1. Augment it and then regal, and hope for good mods. Then add 1 mastercraft mod and just use it. Scour if both augment and regal are bad.
2. Regal it without augmenting, and then try to find one with lvl8 master that can add "Item can have multiple crafting mods" for 2 ex, then mastercraft the remaining 4 mods.

I am leaning towards option 2 but I want some more skilled player's opinions before deciding. I don't really know anyone with lvl8 masters and it feels a bit scary to hand over the item to someone I don't know though, so perhaps option 1 is better.
Hello, thanks for the great build. i am a casual player and i dont use any currency for thr items. i just use the dropped items, neverthless i can survive well by this build. for mana issues, i prefer blood magiv and life leech with tornado. for bosses, i attack with both tornado and puncture. Blood magic and life leech makes my dps lower but i can have hoa, hatred and hoi at the same time. it is funny dancing with 8k puncture and 4k tornado.
And here comes my question. Did anyone try the noncrit version of this build? How can it be if we prefer physical damage nodes instead of crit nodes?
etacarinae32 написал:
Hello, thanks for the great build. i am a casual player and i dont use any currency for thr items. i just use the dropped items, neverthless i can survive well by this build. for mana issues, i prefer blood magiv and life leech with tornado. for bosses, i attack with both tornado and puncture. Blood magic and life leech makes my dps lower but i can have hoa, hatred and hoi at the same time. it is funny dancing with 8k puncture and 4k tornado.
And here comes my question. Did anyone try the noncrit version of this build? How can it be if we prefer physical damage nodes instead of crit nodes?

Hi, we pick both phys and crit. The non-crit version of this simply wouldn't be very effective.

OK I found the problem ...... which was pretty obvious :x

INFRACTEM that was.

I WOULD HAVE SWORN it only affacted life leech...I just realise it says "Cannot Leech" (no "life" ._.)

Eh...well now i gotta deal with that somehow.... anyway thanks for answers.

Use life on hit or the thieves torment ring


Hi, I'm currently trying out this build and loving it but I have one big issue ........ MANA ! D:

There are several suggestions on how to deal with this problem in the guide.

Generally speaking, I think you have too many links and not enough damage. This usually happens to players who try to use tabula rasa with a weak bow. Try picking up crit/damage nodes instead of attack speed and improve your damage as quickly as possible.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Oh: one more thing:

At last I finished updating the Tornado Shot Calculator.

New things added:
-Supports different attacks!
-Rain of Arrows
-Lightning Arrow
-Ice Shot
-Burning Arrow
-Supports calculation of conversion effects
-Supports Herald of Thunder
-Cold to Fire, Increased AOE, Concentrated effect
-Added some additional fields for puncture
-Fixed a few bugs and cleaned the interface

Also... I deleted all old sheets, sorry, you guys will have to enter your data again :x

The link once again: -> clicky <-
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Последняя редакция: NeverSink#3349. Время: 2 дек. 2014 г., 8:22:20
I got pretty lucky on my regal and hit T1 Attack Speed:

I was thinking of master crafting the following on it:

- Can have multiple mods (suffix)
- 22-27% increased Critical Strike Chance (suffix)
- +40-49% Increased Physical Damage and +35-55 to Accuracy Rating (prefix)
- Adds 14-18 to 26-31 Physical Damage (prefix)

Does that sound like a good idea or should I pick any other mods? There's no room for crit multi unfortunately.
Последняя редакция: Jeppeboy#7299. Время: 2 дек. 2014 г., 11:08:09
congratz to that nice bow u crafted. looks really awesome
yup, those are the mods you want

its obviously much cheaper than trying to eternal/exalt more mods on it, so go for master crafting. you'll end up with a pretty kickass bow at the end

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