[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

would someone pls reply to my post on the bottom of page 750 ? :$ i really need some help
brianbrian написал:
Damnit. I followed another guide and went the Raider route for Tornado Shot. The ascendancy route I went is exactly the one NeverSink advises not to go :(

And I just spent 1 exalt buying a bow that was recommended on the other guide (Doomfletch's Prism Royal Bow) that is not even suggested in this guide >.<

This is my first character and I just got it to level 77. Sucks that I might have to reroll to rebuild the Tornado Shot :(

TS rangers tend to chose Deadeye, followed by Pathfinder. Raider is the most uncommon route, though I am a level 77 Raider myself. :)

I agree that Raider is not unplayable. In any given ARPG, higher difficulties always test your endurance more than your DPS. Therefore Raider is not a terrible choice if you are willing to push 90+ levels.

If you are out of passives, you can purchase 4 regrets for ~5 chaos. Not very cheap but not terribly expensive either. There is a site with a weird extension (poebuilds.io ??) where you can select a skill gem and check higher level players' profiles and skill trees - that can give you an idea what is common nowadays.
Casia написал:
Neversinks guide predates doomfletch prism.

that is a very solid bow.
not much changes.
just ptl is meh with it.

And lets be honest. raider is not unplayable. you may wish to respec your ascendancy for avatar of the veil though. if you already spent your 6 or 8.
you get 23 respec points for free iirc. or 29? 5 points per ascendancy node. swapping entire ascendancy is refund all the points, then redo lab, and choose a new one.

Wait, you can change ascendancy classes? I didn't know that. I'd also have to respec quite a few passives as well. If respec ascend points are 5 passive points for 1 refund then that means I would spend them all on the ascendancy which means I won't have any left for the regular passives o_o.
Последняя редакция: brianbrian#0410. Время: 21 сент. 2016 г., 2:29:33
Silahsor написал:
brianbrian написал:
Damnit. I followed another guide and went the Raider route for Tornado Shot. The ascendancy route I went is exactly the one NeverSink advises not to go :(

And I just spent 1 exalt buying a bow that was recommended on the other guide (Doomfletch's Prism Royal Bow) that is not even suggested in this guide >.<

This is my first character and I just got it to level 77. Sucks that I might have to reroll to rebuild the Tornado Shot :(

TS rangers tend to chose Deadeye, followed by Pathfinder. Raider is the most uncommon route, though I am a level 77 Raider myself. :)

I agree that Raider is not unplayable. In any given ARPG, higher difficulties always test your endurance more than your DPS. Therefore Raider is not a terrible choice if you are willing to push 90+ levels.

If you are out of passives, you can purchase 4 regrets for ~5 chaos. Not very cheap but not terribly expensive either. There is a site with a weird extension (poebuilds.io ??) where you can select a skill gem and check higher level players' profiles and skill trees - that can give you an idea what is common nowadays.

Damn, that's quite a few chaos to spend since I need to respec quite a few passives. I'd like to reroll, but if I reroll I'd rather reroll a new class :(
Последняя редакция: brianbrian#0410. Время: 21 сент. 2016 г., 2:31:14
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Casia написал:
Sphor написал:
your cwdt and immortal call do not line up.
your CWDT is level 8 now. with a 1107 damage threshold, and level 52 max.
your IC is level 1. you can level it up to level 10, for the level 52 req.

As long as i don't generate endurance charges i don't level it because no need.

I will try the utilityshot now with enfeeble.

but with the flasks i don't get you. wat setup do you think of?
1 Life flask
2. jade
3. atziri
4. basalt
5. ??? take rumis and respec may acrobatics? or take an normal granite and respec acrobatics?

But thanks for your reply i will test it out now

well you need more physical DR.
how you get that is up to you. Personally, I like running armor, instead of acrobatics/phase acro.
So I run hybrid armor/eva and granite flasks/rumis.
the alternatives for you, with acrobatics, is taste of hate or lightning coil. (or a few others, those two are more common/likely.)

Bubbling life
chemist jade of reflexes.
chemist basalt of heat
taste of hate.

Is it enough phys dmg reduction if i run a granite flask over my basalt flask? Or do i have to get some armour on my gear too?
as long as you have acrobatics, granite and armor in general is compromised. its not worth running armor much, get another form of DR. kitsugi, daressos, taste of hate, lightning coil. you will need one for high end content.

stacking DR is whats needed for life builds. for Armor it is most effective in large quantities. almost exponential needed. The character sheet tooltip actually lies.
if you get 20k armor, the tooltip will tell you, you have like 60-70% phys DR. that is not true. Worse, if you run end charges, basalt, etc, it will ADD those flat DR values into the lying armor value. And, they do not actually add, they go one, then the other.

Rule of thumb
To prevent one third of damage, you need armor 5 times the damage (e.g. 500 Armor for 100 damage)
To prevent half of damage, you need armor 10 times the damage (e.g. 1000 Armor for 100 damage)
To prevent two thirds of damage, you need armor 20 times the damage (e.g. 2000 Armor for 100 damage)
To prevent three quarters of damage, you need armor 30 times the damage (e.g. 3000 Armor for 100 damage)
To prevent 90% of damage, you need armor 90 times the damage (e.g. 9000 Armor for 100 damage)
Armor will never prevent more damage than its value divided by 10 (e.g. 1000 Armor will never prevent more than 100 damage)

you have a single armor node in tree atm. 24% bravery.
With no armor gear. granite would give 3000basex1.2pathfinder=3600 x 120% of ironskin+24%bravery= 8784 armor. 8784 will DR 880 or so max per hit. halved from acrobatics=4392 armor, and 440 DR..
20% Dr from a 5000 hit from a basalt would be 1000 DR.

So yes, if you want to go armor for DR. you do need more then just granite.

I play around with my characters sometimes. So, don't take anything here as absolute. someone was asking about windripper, so I respeced/geared her a bit, to see how it works. but overall mostly the same.

I have 78% armor in tree,175% eva(+4%/frenzy 28%).
Running arm/eva gives me the advantage in selffound, of more freedom with gear. I can run armor, armor/eva, or eva gear freely.
1323 armor unbuffed. 11,111 flasked.
her gear is not overly impressive at all. Almost laughable. but still clears, t12+ with ease.

the 11k Armor is giving alot MORE Dr on smaller hits, then basalts flat 20%.
A 1k hit will have 50% dr to 500 damage.
a 5k hit will only have like 5-10% dr though.

But that is gearing for armor. I favor that, but am not suggesting everyone should. just that if you do, you understand it.
My main reason for favoring it, is as noted. I have more freedom in gearing. I can run armor, armor/eva, or eva. A 5 or 6l drops, I can run it. My DR is coming from all my gear. And I do not have to build around ONE or two specific unique. Taste of hate or lightning coil, for survival.


Ps. Been watching people facetank Shaper with vaal pact lately has me really rethinking the need for that as well..

There is alot of discussion on life vs ES right now. I am not even sure how well these builds would handle Shaper, without 200%+ life, vaal pact, or going CI.

There is also those new 350ar/eva belts.
my Ess league current is actually a Frostblades Ranger. And, while also armor/eva pathfinder, I stack rumis, Dw Block, quartz, fortify, blash+enfeeble, 3end charges, molten shell/IC+cwdt, +decoy. no taste of hate yet. but would be nice. Defense is pretty solid, raw dps is my concern atm. 40-50k single target iirc fully buffed. I'm not sure that is enough to do uberlab. had to skip a 3 ess last night in a t8... Taste of hate/atziris would be solid increases. better weapons, 6l chest as well.
doing uber lab for master surgeons as well. Big question. Vaal pact for instant leech to face tank, at the cost of life regen. Versus, Surgeons flask charges gain and an instant life flask spam. Will surgeons with high crit and fast attack, refill that instant life flask fast enough to allow it to be spammed vs face tanking?
Последняя редакция: Casia#1093. Время: 21 сент. 2016 г., 9:11:39
I had a question: on which lvl and amount of dps i can do a first time ever(boooo sooo nooob) atziri???
Right now about 13-14k dps(about 17-18k with frenzy charges) with tornado shot and 3960 hp.
What advice you can give to me for second boss (trio) and atziri itself? I need to use barrage or just use tornado and smash them?
Последняя редакция: fmagesty#0188. Время: 21 сент. 2016 г., 12:11:19
Anyone who is playing Raider Tornado shot this league can tell me how great it is? I'm debating whether or not to respec my Deadeye into Raider TS :) She's 88 already.

Is Deadeye really better than Raider for TS? I really like the speed Raider gives but I'm afraid my clear speed will pay without Chain... What you guys think? I'm not sure why Raider is disregard.

Anyone would recommend LA over TS? I like the fact that TS has really good single target damage and I've never tried it.

Also, why are people are using both Blood Rage and Frenzy?
Последняя редакция: dguay#0846. Время: 21 сент. 2016 г., 22:09:53
I just hit 90 and have 2 passive points left. What should I consider putting them into? There are a lot of good places I can consider going to, but don't know what is mathematically best. Here's my passive tree:


There is point blank which is 2 away, also Arrow Dancing which is 1. Elemental Focus is 2, as is Nullification. Vaal Pact is three away, but end game gloves gives the same passive.

They all seem useful. Unlike in other games where you want 100% offensive, I can see arguments for all. I have two jewels with useful stats, including one that is shoring up resistances. If I get more resistances in the tree, it frees up slots on my gear. If I get more offenses in the tree, I need to maintain defensive gear.


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