[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

Ah, that explains some things. I haven't really built a Ranger in a while though, so thanks for the heads-up! =)

So TS is the main skill and I assume that empty Death's Opus should hold a single target skill? Barrage perhaps? Care to elaborate on the gems for that one?
Yeah... but I assume TS is a no-go for Atziri as well... The question is if it's worth it to have a complete alternate loadout in the bow - or if you would just swap out the TS gem for such encounters... Is TS such a good all-round skill that you don't have to use two alternate skills while mapping? What's the verdict on reflect maps/mobs if you go TS only?

I've never played TS before so this build looks very appealing to me from that standpoint. =)

Yeah... but I assume TS is a no-go for Atziri as well... The question is if it's worth it to have a complete alternate loadout in the bow - or if you would just swap out the TS gem for such encounters... Is TS such a good all-round skill that you don't have to use two alternate skills while mapping? What's the verdict on reflect maps/mobs if you go TS only?

I've never played TS before so this build looks very appealing to me from that standpoint. =)

TS is one of the many builds that needs to swap in a different attack for Atziri, not because their DPS is insufficient but because you'll hit the mirror and one-shot yourself.
Hi all, i played this build a while ago, and made a TS Deadeye. On the last few days of this league, i started to build a LA character, but my dps was realy below average playing with the HC skill tree. With a 5L i had under 2k dps at level 60 with LA - PTL - WED - LMP - Chain.

What would be an acceptable dps (i know it means nothing when you compare it among diferent skills, but it can be an indicator when you compare within the same skill) for LA for a character to hit maps. I want to build a LA raider as my league starter on Legacy.
Shivaun написал:

TS is one of the many builds that needs to swap in a different attack for Atziri, not because their DPS is insufficient but because you'll hit the mirror and one-shot yourself.

Yeah, exactly - but I was hoping for a more detailed answer regarding the skill choices.

Are people playing similar builds generally just swapping the TS gem for a Barrage gem during Atziri (and Shaper etc. where more DPS is welcome and AoE not quite as needed) - or are they keeping an entire additional set of skill gems available all the time?

Like, would the optimal links for a Barrage setup be the same as for TS?

I can't help but notice that vanagain2's bow was 5-linked but with no skill gems. It seems as if there should be a skill link setup there - or else such free space would be use for some utility skill (or at least for leveling other skill gems for selling).

...or is it to put some sort of phys-to-ele dmg skill there to combat physical reflect in maps?
Последняя редакция: Bizze79#1888. Время: 27 февр. 2017 г., 16:42:00
Lots of pages here. Whats the latest iteration of this going toward 2.6?

Most notably as my first foray into league play.
Последняя редакция: xbryguyx#6855. Время: 27 февр. 2017 г., 17:01:02
How do you compare a Death's Opus with a Reach of the Council and a very high pDPS Harbinger bow?

If you have a 200 DPS Opus, does that simply mean 600 DPS since it adds 2 arrows?

...and a 250 DPS Reach gives us a total of 1250 DPS? But then there is crit chance to consider, which is the only way a Harbinger can compete I guess... This is not an easy comparison to make. Has anybody done this before and what's the reasoning behind it?
Bizze79 написал:
How do you compare a Death's Opus with a Reach of the Council and a very high pDPS Harbinger bow?

If you have a 200 DPS Opus, does that simply mean 600 DPS since it adds 2 arrows?

...and a 250 DPS Reach gives us a total of 1250 DPS? But then there is crit chance to consider, which is the only way a Harbinger can compete I guess... This is not an easy comparison to make. Has anybody done this before and what's the reasoning behind it?

No. The math isn't overly complicated except for the Critical chance part and how that influences the dps of your particular build. So I would recommend using the Path of Builder offline planner since it helps you a lot with calculating damage :)

To answer your question I am gonna be using RotC as an example.

Reach of the Council has build in 4 projectiles and thus it avoids the need for GMP. This is a big deal. A huge deal because less multipliers are much "worse" than a more multiplier.

For example if your damage was 100 and you had a 50% less multiplier you would have to multiply your total damage with 0,5. 100 x 0,5 is 50 :( To raise your damage back to 100 you would need a 100% multiplier (50 x 2) to be back where you started (the 26% less multiplier from a lvl 20 gmp would "even out" with a 35,14 more multiplier).

So avoiding the 26 less multiplier from GMP is a big deal.
Also since you are using a gem slot on GMP you also gain access to another gem. In the example below I am gonna assume you will gain access to the Slower projectiles gem which has a 29% more multiplier.

So you take the dps of a RotC and divide it by the less multiplier you are avoiding and multiply it by the extra more multiplier you access to.

So let's Assume your RotC has a total dps of 282 (decent rolls but not top rolls).

282 / 0,74 x 1,29 = 491,6 dps. So your RotC is similar to that of a 491,6 bow in this example. However this is not entirely true because that would only be the case if you compared with a bow that also had 6% crit chance. Usually if you are not using a RotC you are using a well rolled rare which has a higher crit chance (Harbingers comes to mind). However this math is quite tough (it really depends on your build, crit chance, crit multiplier, diamond flask, power charges, ascendancy class, bleed or no bleed and so on and so on) that I really recommend the Path of Builder calculator.

Also note the example is with GMP lvl 20 and you gain access to Slower Projectiles.
Now if you gained access to another gem with a lower more multiplier or avoided LMP instead GMP the difference would less significant and thus the effective dps of RotC would drop.

Also it goes without saying, that this math is only true if you are utilizing a skill that benefits from extra projectiles (like barrage or TS). If for instance you were using Blast Rain or Rain of Arrows RotC would just be a 282 dps bow.
Последняя редакция: Frankenberry#0590. Время: 28 февр. 2017 г., 18:07:27
My Death's Opus is empty because I just use Tornado Shot exclusively in maps. If you wanted to make a single target setup then you can definitely use a poison Barrage setup. That would probably be Barrage, Poison, Increased Crit Strikes, Pierce, Added Chaos and Slower Projectiles as the sixth link.

Hello. Newbie here. Going to start new league. And im confused onwhat weapon i should searching for once i reacher higher level...
I will follow this guide playing deadeye tornadoshot/ frenzy skills..

Before i was using lioneyes glare bow. But would have bought council of the reach...

I hear lots saying opus death will be good in 2.6 but isnt just 2 arrows worse than a harbringer rare with gmp? Cuz youll want 4 arrows??

Also i will go physical dps. Is that the best way for deadeye ranger?
I feel like my ranger did okayish in higher maps 12.13. But got instant killed with any sort of reflect also soms bosses instant me when they hit me...

Feel like i saw other rangers that went pathfinder with elemental dmg did way more dmg. Ofcourse better geared.
But feel like im doing it wrong as i had a 300 pdps weapon and still had only 20k ts dps...

Also I see alot of gem setups ....and this build doesnt sound efficient at all..
I mean why dont use all the curses within a 6 link frenzy attack? This way you just have to fire once....instead of every single time have to curse .....same goes for immortal call and other buffing gems, u dont want to cast them...you want them to be auto triggered....for example with CWDT.....am I misssing stuff here?
Последняя редакция: Cheydinhal#5332. Время: 1 марта 2017 г., 16:04:31

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