[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

MoodyRuse написал:
How does one acquire enough leech to make Vaal Pact do its job? It looks like there is a total of 1.6% life leeched through the passive tree fully spec'd. Is that sufficient to reliably heal?

I'm only level 53 at the moment but I have 1.2% leech (combined passive node and leech on bow) and it seems to do literally nothing with Vaal Pact. Does it just work better when your damage is much higher?

It's actually 2,0% with that 0.4/0.4 mana/life node. And that's true that you need some "decent" damage to make it work.
It's hard to be more specfic for me, but I took that Vitality Void cluster and V. Pact pretty early in Breach league (mid 50-ish lvl) and it wasn't working well till I hit yellow maps, so iirc I had 6L and 326 pdps Harbringer with 8,8% base crit. At the end of league V. Pact was great, but I had to put a lot of effort to boost my damage, starting with 370 pdps bow, tons of flat phys damage on gear, wherever it was possible.
But I totaly ignored full ele conversion, that might help as effect is pretty much insane.
(There are few guides on the board, that expain details about full ele conversion- all stuff with picking Signal Flare, PtL and so on and so on.)
Burn all the orbs!
Maybe it is because of my item set, but I just lost 1.3k HP and 7k DPS (I had 9.2k DPS with 0 frenzy charges) when I changed my skilltree from the default to that experimental 2.6. I noticed it focuses on energy shield, which I like, but I have no ES on my gear, so...
returning after a 3 year break. having trouble seeing what order to go through my skill tree as i level. help! =)

Neversink, in your previous 2.5 version of the guide, you had some leveling skill tree links for us who are new to follow.

I can't find any leveling skill trees in the current version of the guide, which section did you put them?
Great build Neverskink!

But has anyone noticed that some + Max Frenzy Charges passive tree nodes don't work? Frentic and Fervour seems not to work. Only Savagery seems to rise the limit. So instead of 7 max there is only 5 charges max with all 3 nodes filled.
Последняя редакция: mroziu_pl#7194. Время: 5 марта 2017 г., 15:32:44
could you show the ES-IC grear, i want to try this build, butthere isn't any information about gear
I noticed on your skill tree you don't take spirit void, but you mention in notes to take it to take care of mana issues.
Soul Raker give you mana and life leach

can someone tell me why to get these Claw-Nodes on the Passive Life-Tree Build? Only because of life leech 5 Skill-Points?

Sorry for my newbie question :x
Последняя редакция: eisi2010#3301. Время: 6 марта 2017 г., 9:17:11
eisi2010 написал:

can someone tell me why to get these Claw-Nodes on the Passive Life-Tree Build? Only because of life leech 5 Skill-Points?

Sorry for my newbie question :x

I think it is a mistake from neversink...but not entirely sure since im quite new myself...

Although I think he just did the passive tree real quick, and went playing the game in stead as he isn't playing this character himself...

also for ppl who ask about the leveling skill tree...

What I do at the start is I go straight to the mana leech (3 points on the right) so you dont have to take mana pots, this takes about 30 points or so.....

After that go take the first screen u see when u open it....it gives a dmg boost....after that go to the defensive notes (which are abit higher then the mana leech nodes) this becuz on cruel/merci youll want all the resist nodes you take with this guide....

After that it doesnt really matter....if you feel ur dps is getting lowish, take dmg nodes if you need def do those first....
Последняя редакция: Cheydinhal#5332. Время: 6 марта 2017 г., 9:25:02

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