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1.0/1.1 builds with broken trees

Arc: Ventor's Crit Arc Build. [UPDATE]: Semi-budget alternate gear + New Video
CoC Discharge: Oro's Ceaseless Discharger (Spectral Throw + Cast on Crit Discharge) needs LEGACY Voll's Devotion
CoC Discharge: [1.0.3]Budget Cast on Crit Discharge - The Vortex of Doom! no Legacy used
CoC Discharge: Too Much Discharge *UsainVolt* CoC + Cyclone + Discharge and more uses Romira's Banquet
CoC: The Perfect Build Uses Cyclone to trigger EK and Arc.
CoC: Spectral Throw CoC done till 88 in hardcore Uses Spectral Throw to trigger EK. Played in HC.
CoC: CI cast on crit hybrid dagger scion - [Invasion] ST triggers fireball/ice spear. HC.
CoC: [1.1.3] Behold My Army - a CoC Raging Spirits build ST as trigger
CoC: [GUIDE] Dual Piscator's CoC Uses dual Piscator wands + barrage
CoC: [1.1.5] Terror's "ArcBlade" 50k+ DPS Barrage CoC/EK/Arc 99% Res Scion
CoMK - Discharge: DRelentless' Low-life / Cast on Melee Kill Discharger
Cold Snap: Self Cast Cold Snap Scion
Detonate Dead: [Guide][HC][1.1] Fite's Detonate Dead Build (Scion/Templar/Witch)
Discharge + Righteous Fire: Manual Righteous Discharger
Dual Elemental Hit Totem: [1.0.4 NEMESIS] BAKER's Low Life - Dual Ele Hit Totem - Support / DPS Char
Dual Flame Totem: Dual Flame Totem [Invasion] Hardcore build.
Dual Flame Totem: [Invasion] Dual flame totem Scion. EB/IR/MOM Hardcore build.
Dual Totem: GreatOne's Chaos Innoculation(CI) Dual Totem Guide CI guide + several dual totem builds.
Ethereal Knives: I Cast Magic Missile! - Cantrip's Guide to Ethereal Knives Tree update at page 30
Ethereal Knives: ZiggyD's Etheral Knives Mana Shield Scion Build Guide - Nemesis/Hardcore Tree updates at page 94
Ethereal Knives: MF Ethereal Knives [IQ 141%/IR 193%][Guide] MF build for low maps + boss farming.
Ethereal Knives + Righteous Fire: Seelenquells 30k dps RF EK Tank/Supporter - HC
Flameblast: The Master Blaster - Ignitebike Flameblast Ignition [1.1.0 BUILDS]
Incinerate: [1.0.4]Scion - Incinerate Tank - Mind over Matter, EB, Max Block | Facetank everythingTree update at page 47
Incinerate: [Nemesis] Nyx's Incinerate Tank
Incinerate: [1.1.3] Self-Cast Incinerate Tank (Invasion) -A use for Kaom's Roots!
Incinerate: Solo & Support Incinerate Scion
Incinerate: Everliving Incinerate Dodge, max block with BoR
Incinerate + Discharge: The DarkSun™ [Invasion] Infernal Mantle, Void Battery, RF Incinerate Discharge 130k dps 60% chaos
Incinerate + Righteous Fire: Nahvi's Righteous Fire Incinerator
Righteous Fire: PoeJoe's Hybrid Righteous Fire build (Cheap, snapshot-proof) uses legacy Voideye
Searing Bond / Flameblast: HotMaarl's HotMess Scion Build
Summoner: The Elemental Animator [Nem/HC] [Animate Guardian/Weapon] [EE/NA/IR] VODs!
Summoner: Horrific's (Ron___Burgundy) Animate Weapon Two Week Charity Event Build
Summoner: Animate weapon build [HC and SC]
Summoner: 5 Aura Raging Spirits / Animate Weapon 1.1.5 Build
Summoner: [1.1.5] Summon Raging Spirits - Aura build
Summoner: The "Pls no RIP" Summoner
Summoner-Dual Totem: [1.1.0] Roast them for your Zombies (Inexpensive Map and Self-Found viable) Summoner + dual totem incinerate hybrid.
Summoner-Dual Totem: The Headbang Gang - Elemental Spirits Animator Scion build Raging Spirits on dual totem + animate weapon.
Summoner-Dominating Blow: Legion Build '' because we are many '' (dom blow) Summoner with focus on dominating blow.

Cyclone: Evelyus' tourbilol tank || 40K dps low life version
Cyclone + RF: Perz' Low Life Righteous Fire Cycloner
Cyclone: [1.1.5] CI Cyclone (another expensive aegis build)
Dominating Blow: Jihoko's "Elemental Dominator" (Low-Life Dom Blow) Safe & Quick Boss Kills! w/vids
Double Strike: SHARP's CI Immortal / Simply OP for all maps (37k+ DPS)/Fully updated for 1.1.0 SotV
Dual Strike: [Guide][HC][1.1] Fite's Claw/Melee Build (Scion/Duelist/Marauder)
Dual Strike: SHARP's Dual Strike STEEL CANNON Build / GUIDE + VIDs.. updated for SotV skill tree
Dual Strike: [ 1.1.0F ] 41K DPS Scion Dual Strike Level 91 Soloing Guild-- Soul Taker +BoR Build
Dual Strike: Classycannon - DUAL STRIKE - Invasion
Facebreaker Frenzy: The Facenuker Niche build that uses frenzy as attack and switches to secondary weapon for discharge.
Facebreaker Infernal Blow: RaizQT's MOM AA Infernal Blow facebreaker!! (1.1.0f updated)
Facebreaker Infernal Blow: 1.1.3 Unarmed Infernal Blow (IR MOM EB AA RT Abyssus)
Flicker Strike: 2H flicker DPS BOMB!
Flicker Strike: #1 <L90 Gorge Speed Clear Build VarthDaver's - Disfavour Blood Flicker - 2H Auraless - SC build around Atziri's Disfavour
Infernal Blow: [1.1.0] Infernal Blow + Righteous Fire | 1H Axe | Anti-Reflect | 4 Possible Classes | 300,000+ DPS Built around a very special rare axe.
Infernal Blow: Dual Doryani's Infernal Blow Auramancer [WIP]
Mjölner Lightning Strike: [Invasion] Pretty amazing Mjölner build. MoM/EB/AA/Block
Reave: DRelentless' Low-life BM Redbeak Reaver (20k+dps) -> $$Cheap Build Damage comes from running auras
Reave: Ashen’s Level 100 8.1kHP Crit Reave Block Tank Scion. 50k++ Melee DPS*
Viper Strike: The Scorpion (full Viper Strike build/ 7 auras/ low life/ dual redbeak)
Viper Strike: DRelentless' Low-Life Viper Strike / Searing Bond

Bow-Explosive Arrow: Shockwave Arrow Build Uses Three Dragons to shock with EA
Bow-Split Arrow: [inv]Classycannon's Ele Crit Split build - The Potential of Windripper
Bow-Split/Frenzy: Windripper/SplitCrit/Frenzy Build uses Windripper
Bow-Piercing: Piercing bow build with varying attack possibilities!! Uses Flame Arrow or some other attack.
Bow-Poison Arrow: Windir's Poison Arrow Build [1.0]
Spectral Throw: 1.1 Updated [HC/Inv] EB/MoM/AA SuperTank Spectral Throw (And my other builds I have played)
Spectral Throw: BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable) Tree update at page 54
Spectral Throw: [1.1.0] Long range ele spec throw 5x aura scion - combine mobility of melee with range of bow!
Spectral Throw: Etup Spectral Throw
Spectral Throw: The SpecialisT (Iski's life/crit ST 30k current dps ACRO/EB)
Spectral Throw: Sherkhan's Just the Tip [critty spectral, done right]
Wander: Perz' Group Supporter

Pure Support: Scion Auramancer IIR Culler - Ambush
Spellcaster + Support: [Guide][HC][1.1] Fite's Support Builds (Scion/Templar/Witch) Some of the leveling trees are broken, rest is updated for 1.1.0.
SHARP's Step by Step (Low Budget) leveling guide from 1 to 90+ LvL

Last bumped31 авг. 2016 г., 5:15:32
1.2 builds with broken trees

Dual Totem: Pohx's Dual Shock Wave Totems Build [ Budget ] [ HC ]
Firestorm: [Video][1.2.0 ready]Infernal mantle | block | EB | MoM | Firestorm | 0 armour build
Incinerate: [1.2.X Guide] Mollari's Twincinerate DW Cybil's 7500 DPS Tooltip Incinerate - *W/ Atziri*
Righteous Fire: Necro's pure righteous fire build HC, 90% phy dmg reduction, cheap!
Righteous Fire: DRelentless' Low-life/Blood Magic/Righteous Fire ($Budget Build)- Atziri Down!
RF/Ethereal Knives: Life Based RF-EK caster (iron will + doon combo) 26-32k tooltip DPS
RF/Flame Surge: Righteous Doon Surger -- Iron Will IIR caster for Rampage
RF/Flame Surge: [1.2.X] Beyond | EB AA RF Flame Surger (In-Depth Guide) > 20k DPS
Summoner: [1.2] low life blood magic max aura raging spirit
Summoner: [1.2.1] SRS Build | HP | Insane Damage | Atziri Farming | Cheap
Summoner: [1.2.0] The Elemental Animator by Uber/theuberelite (Witch or Scion) (NOT BEYOND VIABLE) Animate weapon.
Summoner: The 'Pls No RIP' Summoner - Beyond Edition!
Vaal Molten Shell: [1.2.3] Beyond | Odir's I dare you to touch me! - Vaal Molten Shell Build

generic: 1.2.X ParadigmShifter's Lowlife Crit Dagger ...DeathLess And Quick Atziri Kill & Uber Viable
Cyclone: [1.2] CI Aegis Aurora Tank | Unkillable Monster | Atziri viable
Cyclone: [1.2.3] Hurricane Katrina *UPDATED* cyclone with maxed aoe
Dominating Blow: [1.2.1] Two-Handed Mace, Dominating Blow build
Dual Strike: [Probird #15 Domination][Ninja Bird Build] Dual strike 52k DPS - 6000 life 12 ap/s
Flicker Strike + RF: Super Saiyan- Blood Rage -Righteous fire level 88 with vids UPDATED FOR 1.2
Lightning Strike: [1.2.x] Rampage | Life Crit Dagger Lightning Strike
Mjölner Discharge/Arc: [1.2.0 UPDATED] THOR'S RAINBOWNUKE - 805K AREA DPS, 350K SINGLE
Molten Strike: Glemmer's Elemental Molten Strike Build
Molten Strike: Molten Strike Scion
Molten Strike: Molten Staff Scion [1.2.x]
Reave: [1.2.0] [English/繁體中文] Voe's Lowlife Claw Reave - UberAtziri Viable
Reave: [1.2.x, Beyond, HC] Asta's Lv95 1H Sword Reaver [40k DPS, ~7k HP, max Sp/Att Block]
Reave: [1.2.4] Beyond Reaver. Atziri/HC viable
Reave: [1.2.x] Kyllink's Reaver build : 1H physical sword + shield with great AOE


-----Spectral Throw
Spectral Throw: 1.2.0 low life spectral throw by ddddddddddddddddddddime
Spectral Throw: Niffler´s Guide to Brain AFK Endgame
Wander: 1.2.0 Fyndel´s LL Bloodmagic Wander 100k GMP+CHAIN Dps with Reflect videos / UBER atziri deathless

-----Trigger Gems
CoC: Manmode CoC - Comprehensive CoC Analysis (broken)Build + a guide to CoC in general. Evaluates the different attack/spell choices.
CoC: [Rampage] Cheap and budget CoC build - Acrobatics - easily Atziri viable
CoC: [1.2.x] CoC ~HC Viable~ Scion Max block *Single target setup and AoE Set up*
CoC: Total Chaos Voltaxic CoC Build converts lightning spells to chaos with Voltaxic
CoC: SkullStorm Cycloner (how to DEMOLISH maps with dagger and skulls v1.2.X) uses raging spirits
CoC Discharge: pabrt's Critical Mass Discharger 1.2 (molten strike coc) needs LEGACY Voll's Devotion
Support: [Beyond] Xenoslay's Aurabot Scion - The Guardian angle God

JakeAlmightys LL Tank Wander - prepping for Hall of GRANDMASTERS! looking for input/feedback! Wip
Последняя редакция: Bada_Bing#4191. Время: 6 апр. 2015 г., 5:38:27
1.3 builds
Ball Lightning: [1.2 SC] Ball Lightning Crit Scion, with a twist!
Detonate Dead: [1.3/HC] Whaitiri's Detonator of the Dead - solo/selffound-viable DD Scion
Dual Flame Totem: [1.3] Dual Flame Totems: Solo, Self-Found, Beginner-friendly. AA+EB!
Dual Flame Totem: [1.3] Dual Flame Totem, Crit
Dual Shockwave Totem: [1.3] Crit SWT /Self-found - New league friendly/ Torment
Firestorm: The Dy'Ness Tank
Firestorm: Firestorm and vaal storm call duration Tank fighter
Freezing Pulse: Freezing Pulse Tank - (Mara or Templar also possible)
Incinerate: [1.3.0]PewPewPews official Starter-Friendly Incinerate Build
Incinerate: My Incinerate + Flame-Totem build uses Three Dragons
Incinerate: 72 Block, Max Spell block, Incinerate Atziri Farmer, 70k DPS.
Incinerate: Scionic Flametank (CI-ZO 13%+ ES regen, Incinerate, newbie-friendly)
Incinerate/RF: [1.3.X] MIJOTHY'S SHOCKING RF INCINERATOR - 200k+ DPS, 10k Fire Pen Tooltip (LMP), Shocks all bosses
Incinerate/RF: Flow's RF 2handed 82 fire res 16,29% regen hp life based
Incinerate/RF: [1.3] The Burning One - RF VMS Scolds self-ignite Incinerator uses Vaal Molten Shell powered by Scold's Bridle
Lightning Tendrils: ThereIsAnother's Lightning Tendrils Build - Has Killed Atziri
Lightning Tendrils: Cursing Thundergoddess - Lightning Tendrils, Vaal Storm Call , Multicurse
Lightning Tendrils: [1.3.0, HC, BL] Asta's Lv91 Pledge of Tendrils [~30k DPS, 12k Eva, PA, VP, Ondars, AA, ~7k HP]
Spark: [1,2] Self cast spark is nice!! [EB][OG][AA] Rampage (work in progress)
Spark: Bloodlines "Press D to End Game" High Projectile Speed Vaal Spark Scion 1.3
Summoner: [1.3]SRS BUILD / Hybrid / Uber viable + Vid]
Summoner: GunFinX's Summon Raging Spirits Magic Finder | Mapping | Normal Atziri
Summoner: "The Apprentice, SRS Magic Finder" | LL BM | 7Auras | Magic Find
Summoner: TyrantKeel's Blood Raven Summoner Bow-Summoner hybrid
Vaal Righteous Fire: [1.3] Vaal Righteous Fire Build

Cleave: [1.3] Dual Wield Axe Shocker - High HP, Balanced Atk/Def, Cheap, Fun!
Cleave: [1.3.1] Dual Axe Cleaver - 106k dps up to 215k dps - easy atziri
Cyclone: DimenRush Master Jedi (Cyclone) build cyclone with maxed aoe
Dominating Blow: 1.3 BeyondDominating - HC Budget Dominating Blow Tank DB + zombies and spectres
Double Strike/ST: Say_Ten's Double Strike/Spectral Throw Melee Scion - Cheap and Easy to Play
Dual Strike: [1.2.2] Sando's 1.4m+ dps Dual Strike Scion / Uber Atziri viable
Dual Strike: Hellcat5's Guide to Melee Scion 1.3.1
Facebreaker Cyclone: 108.5k dps Facebreaker Cycloner Scion >1.3< 1.3 update:page 9
Facebreaker Cyclone: [1.3] Cyclone Facebreaker Build - Cheap and Tested!
Facebreaker Cyclone: [1.3] Nervreaker - Block 75/60 - FB BoR AA Cyclone
Flicker Strike: Crit Dagger CI || Herald of Ash Flicker Prolif ||
Flicker Strike: Polla's Butterfly Build
Flicker Strike: [1.3 Build] "Flickering Candle" Oro's Sacrifice Flicker Striking Shenanigans
Ground Slam: [1.3] Damn! She's Stunning - Budget 2H Mace Ground Slam Scion perma stun build
Leap Slam: [1.3]Bouncy's Turbo Leap Slam 55k tooltip dps budget build
Mjölner: 1.3 Mjolner "The Thunder God" (Vaal Pact, Super Tanky, HC viable, Atziri Down, Cheap)
Mjölner: My Budget Mjolnir Build
Mjölner: Nuclear Leap Slam/Hulk & Thor's manbaby.
Mjölner: [1.3] Mjölner Low Life Crit Build.
Molten Strike: I call it "Rack 'Em Up" An Evasion Crit Dagger Build
Reave: Razorchild CI Reave --> Max 190k DPS -> 4.6k ES -> 50% Block + High Armour
Reave: Divine Reave Scion-120K DPS 4K HP 10K ARMOR 30 EXALTS
Static Strike: Kaom's Megastriker 100k+ dps Low-budget Static striker + Massive prolif
Static Strike: Tanky Static Striker - 25k+ Buffed - Solo the Game - Extreme viable - Atziri Down
Static Strike: Sherkhan's SSS [100k+ Staff Scion Static Striker; 4k+ HP, Phase Acro, New-League Friendly]
Sweep: [1.3] "No Life Kripp Lives" - Sweep CI

Blink Arrow: [1.3] "Agent Smith" Scion Version / Mirror/Blink Arrow Triple Aura clones build
Explosive Arrow: [1.2.0] Explosive Arrow - Mana based with maxed AA/MoM
Ice Shot: [1.2] Malibu's Infernal Ice Shot Uses Pyre for cold to fire conversion
Ice Shot: Resolute Technique Ice Shot Scion
Ice Shot: [1.3.1] Crit IceShot Antireflect - HC Build (Freezer+Schocker)
Poison Arrow: Fill the screen with 20k dps poison clouds! (26k with curse) Tanky too! HC vialble! Atziri Viable!
Poison Arrow: [1.3] Lib's Scion BM PA (1.0) 33,8k DPS DoT (Cursed) 279,7k Damage per Arrow. ~Tanky. Shoot & Run
Tornado Shot: Crit Tornado Ripper - Fastest map clearer? You decide! Up to 95 crit
Tornado Shot: Tornado Shot Crit Life v1.2.0
Tornado Shot: Codename AKFlubby: Results of pushing Ripper up to +1 arrow, .. 140k gmp ts
-----Spectral Throw
Spectral Throw: Elemental Buzzsaw - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update
Spectral Throw: 1.3.0 FyndelThrow Phys/Ele Lowlife COE SpectralThrow / Uber atziri deathless
Spectral Throw: [1.2] Life EB Aura Crit Spectral - 19.4k LMP with a 5L Budget Setup, HC Viable
Spectral Throw: Elemental Crit Spectral Throw [1.3.0 Updated]
Spectral Throw: Velvet's elemental buzzsaw {crit} ~ Atziri deathless/map clearing 1.2.x
Spectral Throw: [1.3] Ele Crit Low Life Spectal Throw [Budget]
Spectral Throw: [1.3] Lib's Scion BM IG LL ST (7.0) 82.6k GMP / 116.8k LMP~ 129.2k GMP / 182.7k Buff
Wander: 1.3 Kaiserin's Hybrid Synergiser Wander updated 1.3 trees:page 142
Wander: [1.3] pabrt's Frost Wall Kinetic Blaster
Wander: Lawyne's Imbued **BL4ZE RUNNER** Kinetic Blast Reflectproof ~ 100k GMP DPS ~ 7,5k ES ~ 22 AA
Wander: [1.3] Poor man's Kinetic Blast wander 40k LMP
Wander: [1.3] Wanderfully Balanced Kinetic Blaster
Wander: [1.3] [Bloodlines] Duff's Ele Wandsaw Kinetic Blast 5 Aura/Buffs
Wander: 1.3.1 Low Life Kinetic Blast Wander (for the upper middle class)

-----Trigger Gems
CoC: [1.2] Wurpo's quill rain + cast on crit build (aka stress test build) with videos Uses Split arrow/Barrage to trigger several spells
CoC: [1.3] CoC Sci/Sha/Ran/Due with Block - Song of Ice and Fire. Uses Spectral Throw to trigger fireball and arctic breath.
CoC: [1.2] Cold Hands - CoC + Cold Snap Bow Build [1.2]
CoC: Total Chaos Voltaxic CoC Build converts lightning spells to chaos with Voltaxic
CoC: [1.3] 40ex Uber Viable Barrage CoC 500k+ dps (1.22m+ DPS boosted)
CoC: [Bloodlines] RF Cyclone CoC Flame Surge
CoC: [1.3] Discharging Molten CoCs (Work in Progress) needs Voll's Devotion
CoC: Ice Queen - Coc freeze whole screen molten strike w/ cold spells
CwDT: [1.3]Scolds CWDT+CWS Discharger uses Scold's Bridle to selfdamage
Support: Pure Support: _VOC_ / LvL 88 #8 Torment - build and gear (Updated 12/16/2014 for 1.3) - 6 Curses Pure support build with 6 curses + 7 auras
Support: [Build 1.2.0] ZiocxOmega Aura Supply Supporter(10 Auras ES Blood magic Conduit, with Generosity)
Support: Otariidae's 1.2 bootleg pubbie party oddball cullball curseball auramancer supplementator generic support for public parties
Support: [1.3] Kaom's auraculler / RF / 700 regen / 9 Auras / Infinite Rarity 6.5k+ ES mf + auras
Support: [1.3.0] Generic support guide - Hexa Curse 6 curses
Support: Whispers of the Angels - World's dankest curser
Poison Arrow: [Invasion] RaizQT's Poison trapper. Poison Arrow linked to Trap. HC. Starts as witch with 1.2
Blink-Mirror Arrow: [1.3] [BL] "This exile is an illusion, World!" TrippinPeaches's Illusion Squad (Blink/Mirror Arrow) Clones build.
Последняя редакция: Bada_Bing#4191. Время: 10 июля 2015 г., 3:08:06
2.0 builds
Arctic Breath: [2.0 HC]FAT Arctic Breath (Ball Lightning, Magma Orb, Incinerate etc. Variants Included)
Dual attack totems - Kinetic blast: [2.0][Temptest] Low Life Elemental Kinetic Blast Totems [WIP]
Dual totems - Incinerate: [2.0] Dual Incinerate Totems 100k Aoe dps /// Rank #1 First Day --- Cheap
Dual totems - Incinerate: [2.0] Zzzh4's budget magic finder - dual Incinerate totem
Dual totems - Incinerate: [2.0] Incinerate totem MF build! | ~80k DPS solo | 343iir / 74iiq - warbands! | 8 jewel slots! | BM
Dual totems - Incinerate: [2.0] Yawnbands' Cheapish Righteous Fire Dual Incinerate Totem (Also with Dual Curse!)
Dual totems - Spark: [2.0] ☼ Spark of Shards ☼ uses Sire of Shards
Dual totems - Spark: [2.0] Spiderbros and Chill (Low-Life Dual Crit Spark Totems w/ Shavs, Call of the Brotherhood) uses Sire of Shards
Ethereal Knives/RF: [2.0] Nurbel´s Iron Will-EK-Righteous Fire Spellcaster (55k+ DPS, 5,7k+ Life, 14k+ Armor)[V- 1.1]
Ethereal Knives: The EK king - MF with good defences, clear speed and DPS
Ethereal Knives: [2.0] Sutters_ | 98.7k DPS - Crit EK Chain - Jewel build
Ethereal Knives: The MF queen - IIQ 82 / IIR 396, 50K+ DPS, 5.8K life - luxurybuild
Incinerate: Block incin and stuff
Incinerate: [2.0] Nuclear Shell - VMS Scolds EB/MoM Incinerator, up to 600k singletarget uses Vaal Molten Shell powered by Scold's Bridle
Incinerate: MOM EB GR MAX-BLOCK AEGIS CYBILS SCOLDS VMS INCINERATE uses Vaal Molten Shell powered by Scold's Bridle
Incinerate: [2.0] Scionic Flametank (CI-ZO 13%+ ES regen, Incinerate, newbie-friendly) with lots of cwdt support
Incinerate: [2.0] Incinerator Scion - Uber Atziri Warbands
Incinerate: [2.0] 0-1 mana cost Aegis Aurora Incinerate WIP
Incinerate: Templer10's Guide to a 0 mana 6-Link Super Tank 175K dps Incinerate
Incinerate: [2.0][Warbands] Battlecookies MaxBlock Incinerate - CORE CLEAR! (Cheap+Budget Version inside)
Incinerate: [2.02 HC]Merk's Ultimate Life Incinerate Guide
Incinerate: Incinerate/Vaal Molten Shell (Atziri Viable) Immortal build
Incinerate: [Tempest] Full Chaos Incinerate, EB/MoM/BM Hybrid, Plug-and-Play! 100% chaos conversion
Incinerate: [2.0] 7L Toaster Build Guide! 200K+ TTDPS / Super Tanky Incinerater uses special corrupted gear
Incinerate: [2.0] Iron Will Chaos Blood Magic Incinerate - Lightning Coil Version
Incinerate: Mathil's Low Life Chaos Incinerate - 2.0 Uber Atziri & Every map mod viable
Incinerate: 2.0 [FR] / [ENG] Block tanky 'vayniseincinerate'
Magma Orb: [2.0] SieuAc - Crit Magma orb (Full chaos , Lowlife non shav/solaris ,High Dps, cheap)
Storm Call: [2.0] Storm Call - a different approach
Summoner - SRS/Animate Weapon: [2.0] Null's Inclination - SRS/AW Summoner Archer Uses Null's Inclination
Vaal Spark: [2.0] The Flash build Spark + Vaal Spark (glasscannon)
Vaal Molten Shell/Incinerate: Scold's VMS by MatrixFactor uses Scold's Bridle to self-trigger VMS

Abyssal cry: [2.0] DimenRush Abyssal Cry Build! (ver 2)Yup. Abyssal cry as main damage source.
Cleave: [2.0] Crit Ele Cleave aka the "Slap-Chop" Beginner Friendly elemental build
Cyclone: Inc Aoe Crit Ele Cyclone Mfer - Cheap - Mapping -Good Clearspeed
Double Strike: [2.0] Size doesn't matter - Double Strike Dagger Edition (Detailed Guide)
Flicker Strike: [2.0] CI Flicker Striker - 630k Splash // >914k SingleTarget mirrored weapon
Flicker Strike: [2.0] Oro's Jewel Strike elemental build with Oro's Sacrifice
Frost Blades: [2.0] Frost Blades Chain Phys Crit Dagger
Frost Blades: ULTIMATE Frost blades guide
Ground Slam: 1H Crit Groundslam/Ice crash Scion build (2.0)
Ice Crash: [2.0] Raggapauls EasyPeasy Crit Ice Crash Scion!
Ice Crash: [2.0] Cold Dead Hands and making RichMoney proud. Cameria's Maul Magic Find Ice Crash MF build
Ice Crash: [2.0] Scion Ice Crash Crit MF Build w/ Sword Crit and Cameria's Maul MF build
Ice Crash: [2.0 HC] [MF] [RT] DUAL CAMERIA Freezing Scion Greed All Day
Lightning Strike: Can't Believe It's Not Mjolnier-- Lightning Strike/Molten Strike RT scion
Mjölner: [2.0 Korago's "Budget" Life based Mjolner - No Voll's required]
Mjölner: [2.0.3] Morrah's Mjolnerson {MK II} Tank ヽ(◉◡◔)ノ
Mjölner: [2.0.4] Budget Mjölner Build [12 Exalts][WIP]
Molten Strike/RF: [2.0] Inexpensive Molten Strike Claw Scion Tank with Righteous Fire
Reave: 504K Reave DPS, 9.3K ES CI Reave Build
Reave: [2.0] High end life crit reave. 217k dps 5.4k hp
Reave: [2.0] Wolf Truck. CI+Reave 200K-700K. 90% Crit. 8k ES. 65%/33% Block. Uber Atziri DOWN
Reave: [2.0] Scion Elemental Claw Reave - Amazing clear speed on low budget elemental build
Static Strike: 52.0 Crit Static Strike Aegis Block with high dps
Vigilant Strike: [2.0] Bino's Critting Vigilant Strike
Viper Strike: [2.0] Block Viper Striker A.K.A BlackMamba
Wild Strike: [2.0] The fevered Soul Strike Scion (392 Manacost Wild Strike)
Wild Strike: [2.0] Wild Strike + EE Claw Scion
Wild Strike: [2.0] The Samurai (2H Crit Katana Wild Striker)

Elemental bow: Crit Ele Split Ripper - Fastest map clearer? You decide! Up to 95 crit Windripper with TS or split arrow
Explosive Arrow: EA, RT, EE, MoM, Acro, Phase Acro, Arctic Armor, "Onion Defense" Scion
Ice Shot: Starlina's Queen of The Cursed Forest - Ice+Split Shot Bow Curser
Lightning Arrow: [2.0]Violet Shock; a shockingly chaotic Voltaxic Rift build Voltaxic Rift chaos conversion
Lightning Arrow: [2.0] Voltaxic Crit LA, Pure life with blood magic gem Voltaxic Rift chaos conversion
Poison Arrow: 2.0! Fill the screen with 42.5k dps poison clouds! (56.6k with curse) Tanky too! HC & Atziri Viable!
Poison Arrow: [2.0] Lib's Scion BM ACRO PA (2.0) 88.9K DPS DoT(Cursed) Tanky, Shoot & Run, Reflect & Map Immunity
Poison Arrow: [2.0] Hidden Potential Poison Arrow (100% magic gear!) wearing magic gear only
Poison Arrow: Rich man's PA MF build
Poison Arrow: Lyzwa Poison arrow build base on jewels. 100K Pa. 2.0 Warband
Poison Arrow: Clad's Poison Arrow Build 2.0 (38K Cloud Tooltip, Uber, Expensive)
Poison Arrow: [Tempest] Loot Cloud. Poison Arrow MF. (Semi-guide)(WIP)
Tornado Shot: [2.0 Warbands] Scion 4L Tornado shot Atziri Farmer for Atziri farming
-----Spectral Throw
ST: [2.0] Kitty's Physical Crit Banana Throw | Extensively Detailed Guide
ST: [2.0] Elemental Crit Spectral Throw with Acrobatics
ST: Elemental Crit Spectral Throw [2.0 Updated]
Kinetic Blast: [2.0] **Kinetic Blursed** Twin Curse Low Life Wander reflect proof ~ 100k DPS ~ 8k ES ~ 4L PS
Kinetic Blast: [2.0] Low Life Kinetic Blast Wander (for the upper middle class)
Kinetic Blast: [2.0] CoD(MoM) | EB | GR KB 35K solid ^KnallerBraut^ !!!NO Shav!!!
Kinetic Blast: [2.0.5] Morrah's WanderThrow LL ML ヽ(◉◡◔)ノ

-----Trigger Gems
Coc: [2.0] Wurpo's quill rain + cast on crit build (aka stress test build) uses Quill Rain
Coc: [1-2.0] CoC Sci/Sha/Ran/Due with Block - Song of Ice and Fire. Cheap. Fun. Nerfed
Coc: [2.0] Rathik's Shotgunless Barrage COC build. "A song of shock and shatter"
Coc: 2.0 tacata69's^_^ SLAMMER CHUCK ^_^ (CoC GroundSlam/Molten Shock Nova + Glacial Cascade/Flame Surge)
Coc: [2.0] HerCoCules | A HC CoC wand build of Herculean proportions [WIP]
Coc: [2.0] Angryweasel's Fakener [HC-Tempest Viable] [WIP]
Coc: [2.0] Flicker CoC - fast & affordable uses flicker strike
Coc: [2.0] AngryWeasel's CoC Magic Skold's/Daresso Wander [HC-Tempest Viable]
Coc: SieuAc Quill rain CoC 2.0
Coc: [2.0]Klino's 79% Pierce Kinetic Blast CoC requires an extremely scarce 6 off colours chest
Coc: CoC Tank 17k armor no flask, amazing clear speed ice nova / glacial cascade Video added
CoD: [2.0] Tag-Team Suicide Discharge Boss Remover for Solo Players
Comk: [2.0] BruderDoryani's Fists - Best of Both Worlds - Cyclone/Ice Crash + COMK + Discharge
Curser: 2.0 Pure Support: _VOC_ #4 Rampage/Beyond, #8 Torment/Bloodline, #14 Atziri (SC) - Hexa (6) Curser 6 curses
MF culler: [2.0] "The Culler's Way" [ES] [TANK] [SOLO] [PARTY] [MF] [ATZIRI] - Tankiest culler build in PoE -
Poison Arrow: [TEMPEST] RaizQT's Poison trapper [lvl97+ top 20] BUILD OF THE WEEK + ATZIRI KILL!
Fire trap/Firestorm: [2.0] The Infernotrapper
Fire trap/Firestorm: [2.0] Chaos Storm Trapper Scion

Последняя редакция: Bada_Bing#4191. Время: 14 марта 2016 г., 6:45:10
2.1 builds
Abyssal Cry/Essence Drain: [2.1] DimenRush Poison Abyssal Cry Build! (ver 3) AC as main damage source
Arctic Breath: [2.0] Ten Link Arctic Breath
Ball Lightning: [2.0] Scion Ball lightning Tanky 4 curses-on-hit/mf possible
Ball Lightning: [2.0x] 92% AoE Radius, 25% Knockback Ball Lightning Scion - cheap, MF viable
Bladefall: [2.1] RichJMoney's Chaos Bladefall Budget Build. "MingPep's Heart Rage of Defiance"
Bladefall: [2.1 HC & SC, UBER VIABLE] 50K DPS BladeFall - Max Block + EB + MoM + AA + GR
Bladefall: [2.1] The Real Unlimited Blade Works - Low-Life Bladefall! 140k Tooltip!
Blade Vortex: [2.1] Dbum's Blade Vortex SuperTank [Block, MoM, EB, GR, Cybil's] HC Viable
Blade Vortex: [2.1] LvL89: FoxTactics Vacuum Vortex reverse knockback with Empire's Grasp
Blade Vortex/RF: 2.1 Spin and Burn! Vortex+Righteous Fire
Blade Vortex: [HC] Dual Wield Dagger/Cybils Crit Poison Blade Vortex
Blade Vortex: [2.1.0] Surging Hands aka. The Blade Stomper
Blade Vortex: [2.1] Grand Vortex [huge Damage][Atziri/Uber][Immortal?]
Blade Vortex: [2.1 Video Guide] Tanky, High DPS, End-Game Crit Blade Vortex Build [HC/SC & Atziri Viable]
Dual totems - Arctic breath: Triple Totem/Zero Aura/Perm Flask/Curse Immune Scion
Dual totems - Righteous Fire: 2.1 Talisman League Guide for Cheap Permacurse Dual RF Totems for Hardcore/Softcore
Dual totems - Spark: [2.1] Pancake's Spark Totem
Dual totems - Spark: [2.1 Video Guide] Budget Friendly Dual Spark Crit Totem [HC/SC & Atziri Viable]
Essence Drain: [2.1] Damning-King - Tri-Curse ED+Contagion | Super Fun | Awesome AoE Smasher | Atziri Viable
Essence Drain: "Burning Ebola" budget build ~22k (ED/RF/IW/Contagion) SC/HC/Atziri viable
Essence Drain: ARIWRFDOT (Armor ; Iron Will ; Righteous Fire ; Essence Drain&Contagion&Poison) [SC&HC]
Essence Drain: Essence Drain + Abyssal Cry - The Affliction Warlock! 22,700+ DPS!
Essence Drain: [2.1] Dimio's Defensive Support Low Life Chaos Build (shavs not required)
Essence Drain: [2.1 Video Guide] Tanky Beginners Contagion/Essence Drain Build [HC/SC & Atziri Viable]
Essence Drain: [2.1] Miragent's DoT Build [IW/ED] (Budget, Fun, HC viable)
Essence Drain: [2.1.1d] 2H Essence Drain Build
Ethereal Knives: [2.1] I Cast Magic Missile! - Cantrip's guide to Ethereal Knives/Bladefall. 7K Life, 100K DPS!
Ethereal Knives: [2.1] Sutters_ | 130.5k DPS - Crit EK Chain - Jewel build
Ethereal Knives: [2.1] Low-Life Shock EK-Chain Archer(12.12)
Ethereal Knives/RF: [2.1 Updated] Nurbel´s Righteous Will Spellcaster (130k+ DPS, 6k+ Life, 16k+ Armor)[V- 3.0]
Ethereal Knives: [2.1] Aggnog's Iron Will One Click 7link EK Non-crit 114K DPS
Fireball: [2.1] Fireball, BM, Crit, Massive aoe explosion 100% chaos conversion
Firestorm/cwdt: [2.0] The Dy'Ness Tank with lots of cwdt support
Firestorm: [2.1 SC] DDD Firestorm (RF, 100% chaos, Uber down!) 100& chaos conversion
Flameblast: [2.1] Breath Of A Dying King : Chaos Flame Blaster! 100% chaos conversion
Flameblast: 2.1 rotten pizza build (chaos flameblast) Tons of damage, hc, all mapmods, lvl 100 viable 100% chaos conversion
Freezing Pulse: [2.1] Mind over Matter Freezing Pulser - safe, good damage and affordable
Freezing Pulse: [2.1] Bitterdream Freezing Pulse ("Bitterpulse") - Now with Video Guide!
Icestorm (whispering ice): [2.0][HC] CI Non-Crit Whispering Ice Storm Scion
Icestorm (whispering ice): A Storm of Ice and Fire - Avatar of Fire CI Whispering Ice
Icestorm (whispering ice): [2.0] [Tempest] CI Whispering Ice Tri-Curser
Icestorm (whispering ice): [2.0] Whispering Nice, HC/TEMPEST (Avatar of fire, Dual curse, high dps, great survivability)
Incinerate: [2.1] Scionic Flametank "After Dark" (CI-ZO 14.65%+ ES regen, Incinerate, newbie-friendly)
Incinerate: [2.1.0] Low Life INCINERATE. "Estaba de parranda" build. 10K ES 44K DPS tooltip
Incinerate: Max Block Mom EB Ghost Reaver Incinerator is Back!!!!
Incinerate/Vaal Molten Shell: supernova incinerate - good block, good chaos DPS, 5.7K life, about 500K chaos DPS vs bosses - TANK!
Lightning Tendrils: [2.1] TickleAndBlast - The Tendril-Shatter-Scion
Magma Orb: Scion CI Chaos Orber 100% chaos conversion
Spark/Vaal Spark: 2.1 MinKami_Spark+Vaal Spark+LowLife(1MSC) High Clearing Speed
Spark/Vaal Spark: 2.1.0 MinKami_Spark+Vaal Spark With Life Based High Clearing Speed
Spark: Scion Life Spark Build
Spark: Dela's Self Cast Flask Sparker level 99 ALL Content viable
Storm Call: [2.1] Storm Call - a different approach
Summoner: Poison Summoner 2.1 Talisman HC
Summoner: [2.1]MoM EB Arctic armour Summoner! HC viable!(Really good clear speed)
Summoner - Animate Guardian: [2.0][2.0] Animate Guardian, Frost Blades HC Viable
Summoner - Animate Weapon: [2.0] Elemental Animator Scion - The Nanoswarm
Summoner - Animate Weapon: Animate Weapon Build with EB/MoM/ZO + Atziri Video
Summoner - Animate Weapon: [THC] Animate Weapon/Flasks/Life based
Summoner - Blink/Mirror Arrow: [2.0] Blink & Mirror Arrow Scion - Cheap and Effective!
Summoner - Blink/Mirror Arrow: [2.0] Dariidar's Blink/Mirror Arrow Summoner - This world is an illusion
Summoner - Blink/Mirror Arrow: 2.0 Mirror Arrow Summoner/Trapper! Atziri down HC/SC viable
Summoner - Blink/Mirror Arrow: [2.1] iao's Poison/Curse Blink/Mirror Arrow
Summoner - Blink/Mirror Arrow: [2.1] Bizrock Mirror arrow/Blink arrow - HC viable - All maps and mods viable
Summoner (Skeletons only): (Skelemancer) Army of Bone Summoner. Modified 2.1 tree doesn't interfere with 2.0 version
Summoner - SRS: [2.1] GunFinX's Summon Raging Spirits Magic Finder | Mapping | Normal Atziri| #Updated 2.0# Tanky version: [2.1] GunFinX's SRS MF HC Tank Build | Atziri(Uber) Viable
Summoner - SRS: [2.0] "The Apprentice, SRS Magic Finder" | LL BM | 8Auras | Magic Find #UPDATED 2.1
Summoner - SRS: [2.1] GunFinX's ZeroMana MaxDodge SRS Summoner
Summoner - SRS: [2.0] Angryaa's SRS Minion Summoner also uses zombies + spectres
Summoner - SRS: 2.0~ Alf´s True summoner Z+G+S+SRS+G Life based also uses zombies + spectres
Summoner - SRS: 5 Aura SRS scion summoner, Dem Booffs.
Summoner - SRS: [2.0] SRS - The Not-So Glass Cannon.
Summoner - SRS: [2.0] Thrash Atziri in trash (SRS) (~15C)(Atziri only) Atziri build/guide
Summoner - SRS: 2.1 pure life SRS [2.1 DPS calc]
Summoner - SRS: #6 ladder Tempest Pela's Zergo build SRS self cast + dual totems
Summoner - SRS: [2.0] Bob's Blood Magic Summon Raging Spirit Build, all maps and mods
Summoner - SRS: SRS || scion/witch/templar || cheap&strong || in-depth guide || 2.0
Summoner - SRS: Eyedol's Tanky SRS/Summoner Build (6.7K HP, Lightning Coil, 240% minion dmg)
Summoner - SRS: [2.1 Video Guide] Tanky Beginners SRS/Summon Raging Spirit Build [Atziri & HC/SC Viable]
Summoner - SRS: 2.0~ Alf's Only SRS
Summoner - SRS: [2.1] GunFinX's LL Max Block SRS Summoner| 6 Auras | New League Viable
Summoner - SRS: The_Skull_Queen SRS Build 2.1 (500k+ dps obtainable, tooltip doesn't show)
Summoner - SRS/Animate Weapon: [2.0] Null's Inclination Bow/Summoner Build Guide Uses Null's Inclination
Summoner - SRS/Animate Weapon: [2.1] Null's Inclination Poison Summoner Uses Null's Inclination
Vaal Righteous Fire/Flameblast: [2.0.5B]HC Viable Vaal Righteous Fire Flameblast Scion (Living Bomber)

Cleave (Reave): [2.0] Allout Lightning Melee (10 chaos budget build) uses Hyaon's Fury sword
Cyclone: Psyren's Exclusive "Jack the Hannibal Ripper" Dual Wield Cycloner or Ice Crasher
Cyclone: [2.0] MF Trolljölnir Cyclone, Dual curse/wield. (warbands)
Cyclone: Emberwaker, Emberwake, Oro's, Cyclone elemental build with ignite stacking
Cyclone: [2.03] Windz's RT Big AoE Knockback Shatter Cyclone WIP elemental build
Cyclone: Soultaker Cyclone *Solo* MF
Double Strike/ST: [2.1] Say_Ten's Double Strike/Spectral Throw Melee Scion - Cheap and Easy to Play
Double Strike: [2.1] "Size doesn't matter" - Double Strike Tank Guide [SC/HC/Atziri/Rigwald/Maps] 6.7K HP 110K DPS
Flicker Strike: [2.1.0] CI FLICKER STRIKER - 737k Splash // >1.0m SingleTarget - HIGH-END DPS & CLEARSPEED
Flicker Strike: [2.0] pasta777's ::: FLICKADIGGA ::: 8k life ::: up to 230k on hit dmg mirrored weapon
Flicker Strike: Guide: Two hand Flicker strike with Oro's sacrifice. Hardcore viable Ele build with Oro's Sacrifice
Frost Blades: FoxTactic's LVL100 Crunchy Frost Ninja 200-272k edps frostblades
Glacial Hammer/Ice Crash: [2.1]Glacial Hammer / IC + HoI Build. Massive Chain Explosions. Global Freeze, High DPS, Tanky
Glacial Hammer/Ice Crash: [2.1 Hype] Nuka's Massive RT Conversion Builds - up to 320k Melee DPS
Ground Slam: [2.1] The spikes of Ground Slam are poisoned, fun yet cheap and easy build
Ground Slam: 400k+ DPS Groundslam - Moshslammer
Ice Crash: [2.0 Warlords] Budget Oro's Flash Smasher Ele build with Oro's Sacrifice
Ice Crash: [2.0] [Cheap] Marohi Erqi Burning Ice Crash aka Melee Flameblast cold to fire build
Mjölner: [2.0] Aegis Aurora + Mjölner, Facetank-Scion
Mjölner: 2.0 Block/EB/MOM/GR cyclone mjölner build (hc viable)
Mjölner: [2.0]GomennaScion's ThorTank (Mjölner, ZO, CI, Max Block)
Mjölner: [2.1 Korago's "Budget" Life based Mjolner - No Voll's required]
Mjölner: [2.0.4 SC] Disnuker Mjolner with RF and AoE radius!
Mjölner: [2.1] Sossaman's Mjolnadin – strongest while cheapest mjolner-build? [Discharge, no Voll's required]
Mjölner: [2.1] Good ol' double Arc Mjölner
Reave: [2.1] Scion Elemental Claw Reave - Amazing clear speed on low budget elemental build
Reave: [2.1] Lee_P's Slide'n'Slash Crit Reave 233k AOE [SC]
Reave/Cyclone: [2.1] Arly's Elemental Cyclone Reaver Scion [Complete] elemental build
Unarmed (Facebreaker): [2.0]201.1k dps Facebreaker Cycloner Scion
Unarmed (Facebreaker): [2.0] Facebreaker Cyclone Scion *HARDCORE/TEMPEST* - Extremely Cheap!
Unarmed (Facebreaker): CircleOLife Cyclone Facebreaker Shield Block
Unarmed (Facebreaker): [2.0] The IceBreaker Scion. Ice Crash + Facebreakers + Counter Skills = Great fun!
Unarmed (Facebreaker): [2.0.x] Zma_PWned Crash (currently on Warbands)
Unarmed (Facebreaker): [2.1] Flaskman! - 274k+ DPS Crit Facebreaker Infernal Blow, with Flasks!
Wild Strike: [2.0] The fevered Soul Strike Scion (392 Manacost Wild Strike)
Wild Strike: (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง Rainbow Soul [2.1] Cheap To Gear70k+ DPS - RUN ALL MAP MODS!
Wild Strike: [2.1] Wildstrike 200k+ dps -> with CoC 2.0 mechanics

Caustic Arrow: [2.1 Video Guide] Poison Arrow MF Guide 340+ IIR/45+ IIQ [HC/SC Viable]
Explosive Arrow: [2.0] (SC) BM, Dual Curse, EE, Explosive Arrow Scion
Explosive Arrow: [2.0.1] Bloody Explosive Arrow Build (258% Life + 7.8% Life Regen)
Explosive Arrow: 2.0.2[Tempest] Ghost Explosive Arrow Build (unique utility setup) uses knockback
Explosive Arrow: Vyvanne's 9 Link Explosive Arrow Build - EE, BM, Dual Curse. [Tempest] Uses two alternating EA setups
Explosive Arrow: [2.1] Explosive Arrow Build - Uber viable - Peyter
Split Arrow: [2.1] Realyn's Split Arrow Windripper build for HC - Video added Windripper ele build
Split Arrow: Null's Inclination Build uses Null's Inclination for minion support
Split Arrow/Blast Rain: [2.1] Ele Crit Split Arrow/Blast Rain Windripper ele build
Tornado Shot: Windripper TS 100k+ dps MF (100/200++) build
Dual totem - Siege Ballista: [2.1 Video Guide] Dual Elemental Siege Ballista Build [HC/SC & Atziri Viable]
Dual totem - Siege Ballista: [HC Talisman] Chaos/Poison Siege Ballista - over 30k dps per totem, 5k hp, 14k armor
Dual totem - Siege Ballista: [2.1] Armoured Dual Crit Punch Ballistae [2x117k dps Point Blank with 5L]
-----Spectral Throw
Spectral Throw: Spectral Throw Returns ELE BUZZSAW 50k+ DPS Ele Atziri Capable/High End Mapping 2.1 Talisman
Spectral Throw: [2.1] Elemental Buzzsaw / Spectral Throw (Crit Sword)
Kinetic Blast: Kinetic Blast to a new level: CI 258k dps 10,5k ES 35%block #1 clear speed build
Kinetic Blast: [2.1.1] Morrah's WanderThrow LL ML ヽ(◉◡◔)ノ
Kinetic Blast: [2.1] Piscator's ele wander

Detonate Dead: [2.1]Bens DD Trapper (1 Shot Everything) Burn Dmg Cap
Remote Mine - Bladefall: [2.1] Minefall -- bhwung’s guide to mining for exalts (bladefall + remote mine)
-----Trigger Gems
Coc: [2.1] Fakener - "The Nut Buster" Cyclone CoC Discharge (Viable budget revision)
Coc: [2.1] "Circe" lite - Speed Clearing Mana based Low life CoC EE dual curse wander
Coc: [2.0] MauranKilom's RF Cast on Crit Mapper
Coc: [2.1] Poor Man's guide to big wand CoC - 200K Dps and Atziri on a 5L
Coc: [2.1][SC] HoHoHo Marry XMas - CoC Staff - Spin2Win Xmass Tree (Ez Maps / FuN) uses 2H staff
Coc: [2.1] QoQ CoC (Quill on Quill Cast on Crit) uses Quill Rain
Coc: CoC Discharge 2.1
Coc: [2.1] ElectroZombi's Cyclombi - 4 Spell Physical CoC Cyclone Tank (Hardcore Talisman)
Coc: [2.1] The Queen of Blades - Hybrid EK+Bladefall CoC - Tank+Damage as Fuck- Sub 2:20 Gorge Run
Coc: [2.1] Voltaxic CoC Poison Spork - awesome AOE damage & clear speed uses Voltaxic Rift
Coc: (2.1) Demopolos' Life-based CoC Cyclone Discharge (OP damage/Uber Viable)
Coc: [2.1] Untouchable Barrage CoC Build 100k dps/ 49 k evasion / 73&75 dodge chance
Coc: [2.1] *Ride The Lightning* CI CoC LS Scion uses Lightning Strike as trigger
Coc: [2.1] Low Life/Mana Killer Cold/Light CoC Scion Build (Reflect Can't Kill You)
Coc/Unarmed: Crit Doryani's Fister or in other terms; A Budget CoC Build Doryani's Fist - coc hybrid
Comk: [2.0] Hurricane Katrina 2 - Eyes of the Storm [CoMK Cyclone/Shock Nova] Cast on melee kill with maxed aoe.
CwDT: [2.0] Dreamscythe's Dance of Death - (cwdt Scold's) - [Video] sef-triggering cwdt using Scold's Bridle
Generic / CwDT: The Modular Tank Build generic build for tanky build with different classes
CwDT, Vengeance, Riposte: [2.1] I AFK to clear maps
Auras/Curser: [2.0] Support/Multicurser Build Guide 5 curses, 5 auras
Auras: [2.1] HC Tanky 8 Auras + AA / MF Culling LowLife Build
Curser: [2.0] Generic curse support guide - The Doedre's apprentice
Curser: [2.0] 6 Curse Double Whispering Ice Scion Support 6 curses
Gluttony of Elements/Curser: [2.0] The Glupport - Quad curse immune to physical & elemental damage support
Vacuum cycloner: [2.1] SlipperySiren's Ghostbusting and Leo Trolling Vacuumer

[2.0] Explosive Arrow Scion, 1200 regen, 7k hp, phase acro, top ranking pvp build.

2.2/2.3 outdated trigger builds

BER-RAI Blade Vortex/VMS: [2.2] [PSC]NonSt0p's Bersassin LL 94% crit BV+VMS 1.2-2kk dps. Atziri Normal\Uber done! Scold's Bridle triggers VaalMoltenShell

ALS-ELE Mjölner: [2.2 Uber down] Heavy Armour Mjolner V3.0, the Uber farmer
BER-GLA Mjölner: [2.2] Mjolner + Aegis Block/Spell block Tank & DPS build NO VOLLS AMU!!
AC Mjölner: [2.2] Scionic Thundertank - Under 2 ex Mjolner
ALS-BER Mjölner: : [2.2] Fistan's Tanky LL Mjölner/Aegis Build (29k+ armor 75/71 block 12K discharge) Budget build
BER-ELE Mjölner/VMS: [2.2]Dual Curse + Mjölner + Scold's + Vaal Molten Shell = DeePeeEs

ASS-DEA Coc: [2.2] Poor Man's guide to big wand CoC - 200K Dps and Atziri on a 5L
BER-DEA CoC: [2.2] Quill Rain CoCer by Crupt (Back to the Ancient Times) [200+ Rarity] EK
ASS-BER CoC: The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed - cheap! Quill Rain + EK,FP,Spark
ASS-DEA CoC: [2.2] Elemental Minigun - Million+ DPS for 1 Exalt - CoC Quill Rain Quill Rain + Arctic Breath, Magma Orb, Spark
ASS-DEA CoC: The Piercing CoC Quill Rain + EK, Spark
BER-DEA CoC: [2.2] Berserker/Deadeye CoC Quill Rain Quill Rain + EK, Spark
ASS-DEA CoC: [2.2] Beta Quill-CoC - Full Screen Shatter - 100% pierce Quill Rain + EK, Spark
BER-DEA CoC: CoC Barrage Scion *HC VIABLE* *CHEAP* Quill Rain + EK, Spark, FP
ASS-BER CoC: {2.2} The Yolo speed demon CoCCharger discharge
ASS-BER CoC: [2.2]Queen of Blades: LL BF/EK CoC - 10k HP. 4.4% Leech w/ VP. Crit Capped (thru Enfeeble) 500+ Mult EK, Bladefall
ASS-BER CoC: Mathil's CoCSlam - It's exaclty what it sounds like groundslam + EK, Bladefall, GC
ASS-BER CoC: [2.2] Flicker Discharge, taking fakener to the next level discharge
ASS-BER CoC: [2.2] "Blade of Doom CoC MF" 2.2Mill DPS!!!!
ASS-DEA CoC: [2.3] CoC Shield Charge CoC - Insane clear speed! - 3.8m Shield Charge + Discharge
ASS-DEA CoMK: [2.2 PSC] CoMK Wormblast-Sparkwave Edition uses writhing jars
Последняя редакция: Bada_Bing#4191. Время: 31 авг. 2016 г., 5:22:26
2.2-2.4 builds
BER-RAI Arc: [2.2] JoSo's ARC-CORE, Beginner Friendly Hardcore Arc, High Life, Budget Viable
ELE- Ball Lightning: [2.2] Scion Ball lightning Tanky 4 curses-on-hit/mf possible
BER-SLA Bladefall: [2.2] RichJMoney's Chaos Bladefall Budget Build. "MingPep's Heart Rage of Defiance"
BER-RAI Bladefall: [UPDATED 2.2 HC & SC, UBER VIABLE] IMMORTAL 50-70K DPS Bladefall - Max Block + EB + MoM + AA + GR
BER-PAT Bladefall: [2.2] Scion Bladefall ~45k DPS to ~145 DPS -Eva-HP-Block-Dodge-WB-BR-Guide (Atziri/Uber viable)
BER-PAT Blade Vortex: [2.2 Video Guide] Tanky, High DPS, Crit Blade Vortex Build [HC/SC & Atziri Viable]
ASS-BER Blade Vortex: [2.2.x | Bers/Ass] "Vortex" 1.5kk+ dps, Insane clear speed, Blade Vortex | Uber/high end content
ASS-BER Blade Vortex: [2.2 PSC]Belton's Self Cast Harvest Blade Vortex (Lowlife or Life) MF/Atziri/Godmode Speed
BER-PAT Blade Vortex: [2.2] 700k+ Tanky Low Life Blade Vortex | HC/SC | Videos | Uber Viable?
ASS-HIE Dual totems - Arc: [2.4] RaizQT Inspired Crit Arc Totem [SC/HC Viable] [Budget Friendly]
JUG-PAT Dual totems - Bladefall: [Lighty] (2.4) Bladefall Totem's - Cheap/Easy/T15/Atziri etc...
DEA-OCC Dual totems - Spark: [2.3 Video Guide] Dual Spark Crit Totems Ascendant/Inquisitor [HC/SC & Atziri Viable]
DEA-SLA Dual totems - Spark: [2.3] Freezing Spark Totem - Sire of Shards
DEA-OCC Essence Drain: [2.4] The Mistress of Agony - Life based Tri-Curse Essence Drain / Contagion Ascendant
DEA-TRI Essence Drain/RF: [2.2] RF Contagion/ED PHC build
AC Essence Drain/RF: [2.2] RF/Essence Drain
DEA-OCC Essence Drain: [2.2] Indepth Guide - Low Life ED/Contagion -- DeadEye + Occultist
DEA-OCC Essence Drain: [2.2 DEA-OCC] Dire Drain: 60k Essence Drain DPS without LL or RF | Atziri DOWN easy
OCC-TRI Essence Drain: [2.4] The Purple Plague - 100% Pierce GMP ED+Decay Scion (some videos)
BER-TRI Ethereal Knives: [2.2] I Cast Magic Missile! - Cantrip's guide to Ethereal Knives / Bladefall. 7K Life, 100K+ DPS!
RAI- Ethereal Knives: [Ascendant] [LL] [Uber] Kangaroo's Ethereal Knives 364K DPS
ASS-ALS Ethereal Knives: Crit Ek (%70) 50-60K damage, 6000 life, %60-65 physical damage reduce, ARMOURED TRUCK BUILD
BER-OCC Ethereal Knives: [2.2] (BER/OCC) Ethereal Knives MF Build. 8.4k ES, >200k DPS, 230+ IIR, 43 IIQ, Triple Blasphemy
JUG-OCC Firestorm/cwdt: [2.2] The Dy'Ness Tank with lots of cwdt support
BER-DEA Freezing Pulse: [2.4] Tempada's Flaming Pulse Scion | 7k+ life, Acro, Snakepit, 100k+ DPS fire conversion
BER-ELE Icestorm (whispering ice): [2.2] A Storm of Ice and Fire - Avatar of Fire CI Whispering Ice - Uber Viable!
ELE-RAI Icestorm (whispering ice): [2.4] The Curse Whisperer - Tri-Curse CI AoF Whispering Ice Eleraider - Viable for All Targets
BER-HIE Icestorm (whispering ice): [2.2] Acendant (Berserker/Hierophant) Low Life Whispering Ice! Up to 10k+ ES and 27k Avg.Dmg. peak!
ELE-TRI Righteous Fire: [2.4] Pure Righteous Fire | Fast Clear Speed/Very Tanky | HC/Atziri Viable
ELE-TRI Righteous Fire: [2.4] ES based low life righteous fire -- HC viable, Atziri facetank
GLA-TRI Righteous Fire: [2.2] Kaom's Molten Fortress || EE Righteous Fire Hypertank || 8K+ Life 73/60 Block Fortify
AC-TRI Righteous Fire: [2.4 Video Guide] Righteous Fire, Vaal Molten Shell Build Guide (Large AoE) [Atziri & HC/SC Viable]
PAT-TRI Righteous Fire: [2.4] Righteous Fire - Fast - Secure - Lazy
CHA-TRI Righteous Fire: [2.4]RighteouSplosion Ascendant RF + fire burst on hit
ELE-ALS Spark/Vaal Spark: 2.2 MinKami_Spark/Vaal Spark 95%Crit Chance High Clear Speed Life based and Cheap
DEA-INQ Spark/Vaal Spark: [2.2] Dual Curse - Spark/Vaal Spark - Map Clearer
BER-DEA Spark: [2.2]UPDATED Dela's Self Cast Flask Sparker level 100 [TaliSC] ALL Content viable
BER-DEA Spark: [2.2] Self Cast Crit Spark | Super fast Clear Speed | Easy to Gear
DEA-ELE Spark: 2.2+ Spark / Supp: Vspark by LumiunousSpark
BER-DEA Spark: [2.2] Self Cast Non Crit Spark Hc/Sc Over 200% inc life
DEA-AC Spark: [2.2] Spierk's Low Life Crit Sparker tri-curser (HC Viable, mid-high budget)
BER-DEA Spark: [2.2] Mf Self Cast Spark ( Low Life )
BER-DEA Spark: [2.2] Another Sparker - My take on crit sparker - 112K tooltip!
ASS-BER Storm Call: [2.2] ASS-BER Storm Call - dual void battery - Uber viable
NEC-AC Summoner - SRS: [2.4] GunFinX's Summon Raging Spirits Magic Finder | Mapping | Normal Atziri Tanky version: [2.4] GunFinX's SRS MF HC Tank Build | Atziri | Max Block!
NEC-AC Summoner - SRS: [2.4] GunFinX's ZeroMana MaxDodge & 50/50%Block SRS Summoner
GUA-NEC Summoner - SRS: [2.3] Stag's Bloody Boner || Srs safe end game mapper || 200%+ life
DEA-NEC Summoner - Animate Weapon/SRS: [2.3] NeverSink's 20-Arrow Poison Animator - "The Venomancer" ☠ + Video Guide Uses Null's Inclination
CHA-NEC Summoner - Melee hybrid: [2.4] "The Battle Queen" || Double Strike/Auto-Summoner Hybrid moved to witch section
ASS-ELE Vaal Spark: 2.4 MF Vaal Spark Scion

ASS-PAT Blade Flurry: [2.4] Ascendant Chaos Flurry
ASS-GUA Cleave: [2.4 HC | Video Guide] Cleave is back! | Crit Shatter | flexible (Lacerate/Reave)
BER-RAI Double Strike/ST: [2.4] Say_Ten's Double Strike/Spectral Throw Melee Scion - Cheap and Easy to Play
BER-SLA Earthquake: [2.2] Dime's Earthquake Ascendant - 100,000 tooltip dps 10,000 Life Level 100 in Perandus Hardcore
ASS-BER Earthquake: [2.2][BES/AS] 550K DPS Crit Earthquake / Vaal Ground Slam
JUG-RAI Frost Blades: [2.3]JUG-RAI dual claw Touch of Anguish Frost Blade
ASS-BER Sunder: [2.2] Hybrid Crit Sunder Varunastra 250k+ DPS (~2ex budget)
ASS-JUG Reave: [2.2 | PSC | JUG/ASS] CI Crit Claw Reaver, 8.5k ES / 100k DPS / 6.8% leech
ASS-INQ Wild Strike: [2.2] Crit Dagger Wildstriker "The AssQuisitor" Evasion/acrobatics 100k+ dps on a 5L
CHI-HIE Ancestral Protector Totems: [2.3] Lergrodan's Ancestral Protectors 215K DPS (Facebreaker build) UPDATED!
CHI-HIE Ancestral Warchief Totems: [2.3] Ancestral Warchief Facebreaker build – 60k pure dps – 150k+dps with flasks
ASS-HIE Ancestral Warchief Totems: [2.4] Assophant Stickpeople or a guide to Crit Staff Warchief Totems uses Hegemony's Era
ASS-HIE Ancestral Warchief Totems: [2.3] Crit Facebreaker Ancestral Warchief. Uber Atziri Video
ASS-CHI Ancestral Warchief Totems: [2.4 HC | Video Guide] Crit Warchief Totems | Abyssus | Kondo's Pride
CHI-HIE Ancestral Warchief Totems: [2.4] The Smashing Ascendant|1mio dps|3 ancestral totems|Facebreaker + Rigwald’s Curse|+Budget vers

DEA-SAB Blink/Mirror Arrow: [2.2] Scion Clone Generator - Mirror + Blink Arrow Army
DEA-OCC Caustic Arrow: [2.3 ] Grocery's Caustic Arrow Scion! HC Viable!
DEA-OCC Caustic Arrow: [2.4.0] Caustic Arrow High Speed Flexible Magic Find
BER-RAI Explosive Arrow: [2.3] Explosive Arrow Build - Uber viable - 100 hc/sc proof - Scion, Witch, Duelist, Mara versions
BER-RAI Explosive Arrow: [2.2] Scion Ber/Rai EA The Big Bang +budget Version
BER-RAI Explosive Arrow: [2.3] Explosive arrow Magic Finder-Uber Viable
ALS-DEA Ice Shot: [2.2]Morgan Infractem 120k ice shot pseudo phys elem dual skill swap for reflex video
ASS-AC Ice Shot: [2.4] Tibasu's Versatile Iceshot [SC/HC Viable][Budget Friendly]
ASS-PAT Lightning Arrow: [2.4] Rakels Eski-Bow-Mower (Nuro´s Harp/Reach of the Council/SC/high penetration)
ASS-DEA Lightning Arrow: [2.4] LA/BR Voltaxic Assasin/Raider Updated to AoW
ASS-DEA Ranged Attack Totem-Barrage: [2.2] Loate's Thousand Arrow Totem Build
CHI-DEA Ranged Attack Totem-Tornado Shot: [2.4] c9q9md's Reverse Knockback Ranged Attack Totems Build! (HC)
ASS-RAI Siege Ballista Totem: [2.2 Ascendancy] Ballistae Army! Rule with an Iron Fist! IRON COMMANDER
CHI-DEA Siege Ballista Totem: Orion's HC Iron Commander 5 totems/100K+ dps
CHI-DEA Siege Ballista Totem: Iron Commander 6 Totems 1k+ DEX 175k dps on 5L
HIE-RAI Siege Ballista Totem: Bringer of Ballistae: Bringer of Rain+Lioneye's Glare=3 Ballistae and 175k+ dps (HC build)
CHI-DEA Siege Ballista Totem: [2.3] Voxcy: Reach of the Ballista (180k,UberLab,Atziri)
CHI-DEA Siege Ballista Totem: [2.4] Dumb Commander - No Int siege ballista build - WIP - Atziri down
BER-DEA Tornado Shot: Windripper TS 100k+ dps MF (100/200++) build ele build
-----Spectral Throw
ASS-SLA Spectral Throw: [2.2] [AC/ASS/RAI] Kitty's Physical Crit Banana Throw | 107K+ DPS | Extensively Detailed Guide
ASS-BER Spectral Throw: [2.2] Elemental Buzzsaw / Spectral Throw (Crit Sword) 70+k DPS [Updated Tree]
-----Wand (Attention! Frost wall no longer works with own projectiles in 2.4)
BER-DEA Kinetic Blast: [2.2][SC] Morrah's WanderThrow LL ML ヽ(◉◡◔)ノ
BER-DEA Kinetic Blast: [2.2 updated, sub 5 min lab run video] low life kinetic blast by ddddddddddddddddddddime
BER-DEA Kinetic Blast: Graceful Synergiser - LL CoE KB 350k dps/8.1k es/58% eva (non-mirrored)
BER-RAI Vaal Power Syphon: [2.2] MF Vaal Power Siphon dried lake farming

ELE-SAB Detonate Dead: [2.2 ELE/SAB] Ben's Scion HC DD Trapper (1 Shot Everything)
-----Trigger builds
BER-OCC CwDT: [2.2] Dreamscythe's Dance of Death - (cwdt Scold's) - [Video] sef-triggering cwdt using Scold's Bridle
...-... CwDT: [2.4] COLB (Cast On Last Breath) tanky, high dps, can use any spells you want sef-triggering cwdt using Scold's Bridle
ASS-BER CwDT: [2.2] Build Self damage - cwdt sef-triggering cwdt using Scold's Bridle
ASS-RAI Mjolner: [2.4] Mjolner Lightning Strike - The Lightning Cone of Death [SC]
CHI-HIE Auras/mf Culler: [2.2] "The Culler's Way" [ES] [MF] [TANK] [SOLO] [PARTY] [ATZIRI] - Tankiest culler build in PoE -
Последняя редакция: Bada_Bing#4191. Время: 27 нояб. 2016 г., 6:13:58

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