[3.2] Scionic Flametank "16k ES ed." (ES-CI-ZO-GR, SR-CWC-FS, extensive guide)

Many thanks Pi2rEpsilon!

That is more than enough information to get me going without bricking my toon. I look forward to seeing what else you learn with your experimentation.
does someone know why my flame totem wont be supported by CwDT? altough i meet the requirements? and im lvl 50 now, i cant get more than 1400 es, still with 800 life, and i keep dieing from warbands and bosses over and over again. dont know what i am doing wrong, i didnt spec any offense...
Последняя редакция: strae#6663. Время: 14 июля 2015 г., 3:38:17
You aren't doing anything wrong, strae.

One change in 2.0 is that totems cannot be cast by support gems, so the updated version has to dispense with the auxiliary turret unless you want to deploy it manually.

I should have an updated guide ready tomorrow, Thursday latest. (Knocks wood).
Don't have played this build again but it looks stronger now in 2.0 with the new flame totem, at least to lvl up maybe.

How this build works on the new map still able to tank ?
EzBreesy написал:
Don't have played this build again but it looks stronger now in 2.0 with the new flame totem, at least to lvl up maybe.

Some players tried leveling using the flame totem as main skill in the beta to great success.

I have, however, been forced to drop the new flame totem from my own build because it can no longer be activated by Cast when Damage Taken and I don't want to spend time manually casting totems when I could be flaming enemies with Incinerate.

Overall the build has got a lot more bite in 2.0 and better survivability; the latter is balanced by enemies dealing more damage, so it is a bit of a wash. The overall feel for me is certainly that the build is stronger than ever.

Once I manage to get good rare jewels with 3 useful modifiers each, I suspect I may even be able to drive the damage of each Incinerate stream up to the full shotgun damage of 1.3


How this build works on the new map still able to tank ?

I have no idea. I expect so, but I don't have access to anything beyond 78 maps.

The extremely kind RNG has so far not deemed me skilled enough to be awarded the highest tier maps, that are, and I quote, "content for elite players".

I asked the RNG what it would take to give me a chance to die honourably on the new higher level maps, and it told me that the best way to demonstrate my skill was to be able to chisel, alchemize, and chaos-reroll every 77-78 map I had until I got "top mods", because this is PoE's definition of skill gating.. and I said, Right. Sounds suspiciously like worth rather than play to me.

(Alternatively, I've just had an unlucky streak with maps, but I prefer to get my whining in preemptively. :D)

I can tell you that I managed to die humorously on an 1.3 Temple map I had left over - and that's how I learned that letting a Tormented Blasphemer possess Piety is a really bad idea. :D


Oh, and the first post is now updated with my current 2.0 build.
Последняя редакция: Pi2rEpsilon#4367. Время: 17 июля 2015 г., 17:41:32
Atm I am now lvl 79 in the tempest league and doing quite well. Atm sporting 11.500 ES with 1500 regen per sec (not running vitality yet). Atm im using clarity + discipline + AA becuase i want my 4L incinerate (not wasting a link for mana leech). Vitality would net med another 160 regen, but it can wait.

So far, only few things have proven difficult, but I really must advice on one amazing jewel: "Energy from within". I bought two of these, each with 12% energy shield, but in addition it makes it so that all hp nodes within the large radius is turned into ES% instead (at 50% effect). Place it near mending notable and quick recovery. 12% in itself is not only super good, but they are super cheap as well (nobody uses these lol, 1 alch max in price at tempest) and makes it so quick recoevery wheel and mending wheel pumps out even more ES. In total the jewel placed near mending wheel is actually worth 12% + 3% +3% = +18% to es, just for transforming hp to es nodes.

Also testing increased duration with 2xvaal disicpline. Not so much for the added ES (only adds about + 2k atm to total ES pool), but mostly becuase it adds the ES recovery on top of the regen (es recovery still works even when facing massiv dmg). It is really good on hc, i always pop one if its a massive pack im starting to grind down, or just before Im opening a nasty box.

Vaal discipline for me works like this: 2 x 5 seconds of insane regen, ES recovery per sec is for me now 2500. During vaal discipline activation I get a total of 1500 + 2500 regen (es recovery is not hindered by dmg taken, which is the most important aspect of even consider using vaal discipline in the first place. The added total ES is just a small bonus).


Последняя редакция: Avantor#2744. Время: 17 июля 2015 г., 15:33:12
How is it with Vaal Discipline now - some months since I tried it, and at that time I decided to shelve it in favour of things that were always on... but then, I don't play hardcore where the usefulness of emergency buttons is more important. Is the Vaal discipline effect interrupted by stuns?


As for Energy From Within, surely it is 19.5% ES if you place in the node between Scion and Shadow, not 18%? There's a total of 15% life in the Melding wheel. I haven't tested it, as I haven't gotten my hands on a cheap Energy From Within in standard, but I wrote 19.5% in my updated guide in the first post, so if it is only 18% I'd like to know why. :)

@Avantor: Thank you. I forgot about that Jewel until I checked up on this thread and I was able to pick up a couple 11% for fairly cheap. No one was online with a 12%... which I will have to get later.

Pi2rEpsilon написал:

As for Energy From Within, surely it is 19.5% ES if you place in the node between Scion and Shadow, not 18%? There's a total of 15% life in the Melding wheel. I haven't tested it, as I haven't gotten my hands on a cheap Energy From Within in standard, but I wrote 19.5% in my updated guide in the first post, so if it is only 18% I'd like to know why. :)

It is only 18% on the Melding node. The 3% life gain becomes a 1% es gain. 50% rounded down... Each of them become 6%, 6%, 6% and 13% respectively, for a total gain of 6% + Jewel. On the Quick Recovery node, it becomes 2%, 2% and 3% for a total gain of 7% + Jewel.

QBotU_DyNess - www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1171890
Hehe glad i could help reminding on the jewels Dy'ness :D

Im pleasently surprised, I thought HC end game would be abit spiky, but with enough ES and regen it is quite safe so far. Still experimenting with links, i very much like flaming dash + faster cast for positioning (i.e move across shock ground effects in swarmy nasty situatinost, or just gtf out moments).
So far maps have been a breeze, its interesting becuase in tempest you can have anohter RNG factor on top of map mods, i.e even more dmg mods. Among really dangerous tempest mods would be:

1) Always crit tempest. NAASTY haha!
2) Attacks always freeze.. ouch!

Super annoying tempests:
Elemental damage you deal on mobs heals them. Hahaha i had a map with lots of ressurect mobs, and everytime the tempest hits i just had to stop attacking and watch the entire screen get reanimated LOL. Took way too long that map. I had to wait for the tempest buff to dissipate, and hope another one wasnt hitting the mobs i tried to get rid of lol.

Still not sure about vitality, I would have to run mana leech or craft a GG elreon ring (which is expensive for sure). Dropping vitality saves me abit of points, i can then skip all the aura nodes (95% reserved is harsh if running mana leech, so little mana leeway left).

I do have shapers seed, so thats another +2% regen, kinda making up for vitality. Although 170 regen is hard to pass up too! But dmg is abit on the low side, and i really notice the difference with having fire pen in the 4L incinerate link. Changing that for mana leech would slow things down and require much more nodes.

Museum is a breeze as Ci haha, good times. The new map village something was quite rippy,alot of my friends ripped there, but for this build it was fine!

Regarding vaal discipline, its still cast so you can be stunned before it fires. I mainly use it before expecting incoming bursts, like open boxes (which create alot of lag on my computer) or start of boss rooms etc. I still havent taken ghost reaver this time around, i probably will eventually, just link starved lol! 2x vaal disicpline + inc duration, and flame dash + faster cast eats up CWDT slots!

Последняя редакция: Avantor#2744. Время: 17 июля 2015 г., 20:19:11
DyNess написал:
It is only 18% on the Melding node. The 3% life gain becomes a 1% es gain. 50% rounded down... Each of them become 6%, 6%, 6% and 13% respectively, for a total gain of 6% + Jewel. On the Quick Recovery node, it becomes 2%, 2% and 3% for a total gain of 7% + Jewel.


The inconsistency in this game with regards to which values are rounded and which are not is enough to drive any mathematician mad.

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