[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)

Yeah, I thought the same when i checked poe.trade.
Prices are absolutely ridiculous.

Then I thought to myself, well let the drops come as they come, still having a great time with the build even though I only got around 50 iir right now with level 62.

But I stashed a lot of gold rings while leveling, I will play the chance-game when I'm ready to start maps.
Already chanced a andvarius once, so maybe the rngeesus will bless me again in this league.

Thank you for the very nice and detailed guide, found the threat in closed beta and sticked to it.
Well folks, until people get their heads out of their asses regarding pricing, I recommend just getting as much IIR on rares as you can and sacrificing resistance when you can afford to run either Purity or get nodes off the tree.

That's pretty much what I'm doing.


Alc or chance gold rings, alc gold amulets. Try to avoid rolling them when the implicits are less than 10%, unless you're getting desperate. I don't alc/chance anything less than 12% implicit myself.

Edit: glad you're enjoying it, tobias. =)

(I mean... at least Andvarius is priced right for this point in the league. Doesn't usually drop to 1-1.5ex until 5-10 days in or so).
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Последняя редакция: Serleth#4392. Время: 13 июля 2015 г., 5:47:48
Serleth написал:
Well folks, until people get their heads out of their asses regarding pricing, I recommend just getting as much IIR on rares as you can and sacrificing resistance when you can afford to run either Purity or get nodes off the tree.

That's pretty much what I'm doing.


Alc or chance gold rings, alc gold amulets. Try to avoid rolling them when the implicits are less than 10%, unless you're getting desperate. I don't alc/chance anything less than 12% implicit myself.

Edit: glad you're enjoying it, tobias. =)

(I mean... at least Andvarius is priced right for this point in the league. Doesn't usually drop to 1-1.5ex until 5-10 days in or so).

yea I run 100MF atm with self found gear.

found a queen of the forest debating to use it as evasion is good with it.
Последняя редакция: skjutengris#6643. Время: 13 июля 2015 г., 5:53:10
Serleth what will be your end game gem setup with this build?
In the bow u have: Poison Arrow - AoE - Conc Effect - Empower - Slower Projectiles - IIR
What would u put in a 6l chest? And in the 4-linked items?

Thx for the build and the answer, u'r always helpful
skjutengris написал:
yea I run 100MF atm with self found gear.

found a queen of the forest debating to use it as evasion is good with it.

That reduced movement speed tho. Depends how much eva you have elsewhere and what your boots are, but yeah, good chest to use in general.

I have about 100 MF atm too, culling with flame totem for bosses to add a bit more.

ceralguy написал:
Serleth what will be your end game gem setup with this build?
In the bow u have: Poison Arrow - AoE - Conc Effect - Empower - Slower Projectiles - IIR
What would u put in a 6l chest? And in the 4-linked items?

Thx for the build and the answer, u'r always helpful

See the guide OP for gem links, all other links are explained there.

IF you want to keep Flame Golem more survivable you have the option to add minion life and minion res gems. That's the only thing I haven't put there is FG links.

I never really considered using another skill for any reason because the damage of PA when I tested it was solid enough to just not care but there are some tankier bosses in the new maps, so I would probably test out EA + Slower Proj + Conc + Fire Pen + Empower + Fire Pen sort of setup to help chunk down tankier bosses. Not sure if we'll have the mana sustain for that though.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Последняя редакция: Serleth#4392. Время: 13 июля 2015 г., 6:25:33

EZ lyf :p

5 fuse ....
Последняя редакция: D0ndarion#7019. Время: 13 июля 2015 г., 6:15:29
Do I even bother regaling this 5L Thicket bow? +2 bow gems and +1 mana on kill. Uh what a bummer. What do you guys think? Keep rolling alts?

Also > what would you put in 5L if your empower gem is no where near level 2 yet?
bye bye PoE
D0ndarion написал:

EZ lyf :p

5 fuse ....


Gratz. =D

Do I even bother regaling this 5L Thicket bow? +2 bow gems and +1 mana on kill. Uh what a bummer. What do you guys think? Keep rolling alts?

Also > what would you put in 5L if your empower gem is no where near level 2 yet?

Regal it. Even a shitty mana gain on kill is helpful.

Faster proj until Empower 2, or IIR gem.

LOL I just noticed the stats requirement for Aurseize:

Strength: 99 Dexterity: 97 Intelligence: 134

That intelligence requirement. I'm not going to bother. Think I have 112 intelligence and I had to mastercraft INT on an amulet to get that.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Последняя редакция: Serleth#4392. Время: 13 июля 2015 г., 6:36:37
LOL I just noticed the stats requirement for Aurseize:

Strength: 99 Dexterity: 97 Intelligence: 134

That intelligence requirement. I'm not going to bother. Think I have 112 intelligence and I had to mastercraft INT on an amulet to get that.

Well it seems GGG found aurseize to be too op. LOL

Xyz bug?

Poedb still has it level 36 requirement.

Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Последняя редакция: Serleth#4392. Время: 13 июля 2015 г., 6:49:25

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