[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)

Hi Sereleth

How to fight with hydra boss(1 rom 4) in Atlas... if He have chaos resist?

Best Regards
Given we don't know the final numbers yet, but do you think the new Hydra boss unique Slivertongue (Pierce causes bleeding, chaining causes piercing, which would then pierce and bleed) could rival/beat out a +3 6L for DPS?
Последняя редакция: CBTao#3029. Время: 26 авг. 2016 г., 21:22:25
Slimak1980 написал:
Hi Sereleth

How to fight with hydra boss(1 rom 4) in Atlas... if He have chaos resist?

Best Regards

Like every other boss with chaos resist (which is a lot of them, Atziri included). Curse, VLT, Wither totem.

That said, it's unlikely this build will be able to handle all the Guardian fights, much less the Shaper (T16 battles).

I'll playtest it as soon as I can, but I promise nothing. Highest map I have available in Standard right now is T14.

Given we don't know the final numbers yet, but do you think the new Hydra boss unique Slivertongue (Pierce causes bleeding, chaining causes piercing, which would then pierce and bleed) could rival/beat out a +3 6L for DPS?

For CA?


We're scaling the cloud damage strictly off gem levels. Zero other stats apply to us.

The only thing beneficial out of that unique is the Pierce chance. We already hit 90%, so 10% increased damage at the cost of three gem levels is a significant reduction to our damage output.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Последняя редакция: Serleth#4392. Время: 26 авг. 2016 г., 22:42:12
I have a question about bows for this build. If you gain 50% of physical damage as extra chaos damage, why are we crafting a bow with +3 socket but low pdps?
Because we're scaling the cloud damage. That stat only affects the actual dps of the arrow making contact with the enemy.

The cloud damage is scaled through gem levels. The pdps has no impact on cloud damage.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Последняя редакция: Serleth#4392. Время: 27 авг. 2016 г., 16:35:05
I've always wanted to start a new league with 1 build and pretty much stick with it, cause I must suffer from ADD when it comes to characters and if I give up on one, I start making new, get them to 80 and ditch them. Last league I made 19 haha.

So my question is: is this build a fast map clearer/uber lab farmer with normal gear is what concerns me. I know I may lose the benefit of gathering currency but I've never struggled making it. But at the same time I'm guessing gear for this build "excluding the bow" doesnt really do much for the dot?

I know something was mentioned about slow boss killer, I just wanna know if imma be stuck downing Uber Izaro for 6 mins while circling around.

I've tried leveling it a few times, and in the beginning CA felt such low dmg dot, that I gave up after act 3. Worst part was final bosses on acts.

I'm a bow fan, but I hate non-reflect immune builds so I guess this leaves me with CA.

Последняя редакция: xecutable#6776. Время: 28 авг. 2016 г., 18:00:17
If you aren't going to MF, look for other CA builds.

Quick google search:

Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Serleth написал:
If you aren't going to MF, look for other CA builds.

Quick google search:


I'm aware of those, just yours came as recommendation as the "bible" of CA builds that's all :)
It takes a more or less completed build to start shining and competing with clear speed builds. It still suffers on bosses, regardless of which structure you follow.

As a point of comparison, most speed-clearing builds are 2:30 in Gorge or faster. This setup, in MF gear, can do it in 3:30. So, it competes with mid to mid-high clear speed builds, but it's nothing fantastic.

To reach that level of clear speed you need a +3 bow, Drillneck, some form of additional AoE (Deadeye notable at the very least, or Carcass), a level 20 CA and Empower 3.

I'm guessing with the standards you're probably thinking of for boss-farming, this build will not compete.

Doesn't take super long for me to take down Uber Izaro, but it's not fast either and it's pretty mechanic heavy. You have to do it next-to-flawlessly in order to not burn the lab. Uber Izaro (final stage only) takes me 30-60 seconds depending on how much dodging I end up having to do.

Your decision basically comes down to whether you're fine with boss fights taking longer, or just sucking up reflect maps / rerolling them.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.

This appears to be NOT a T1 Essence, leaving some room for a possibility that a higher tier will give a guaranteed +2.

If that's the case, +3 bow prices will go down this league.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Последняя редакция: Serleth#4392. Время: 29 авг. 2016 г., 1:08:50

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