[2.0][HC] CI Non-Crit Whispering Ice Storm Scion

Hello, welcome to my 2.0 Ice Storm build thread. The motivation behind this post, is the lack of Ice Storm build posts that are not pure theory craft. This build is currently 84 in the Tempest League.

Change Log
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7/25/15 - Changed my gem links, added curse on hit poachers mark to herald of ice to generate 4 frenzy charges and gain extra flask charges. I still curse Frostbite to open on packs. Updated offense picture.

Build Idea and Execution
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Whispering Ice give insane bonuses to spell damage, skill duration, base damage and consequently high ES% due to stacking int.

Currently I am sitting at 1000 intelligence. In total this gives me 100% Spell damage, 100-300 added base cold damage to icestorm, 500% duration to icestorm, making it last 4.2 seconds, and finally 200% ES in addition to the %es from the tree.

Passive Tree
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This is my current tree at level 84 in tempest.


You could do this build as a witch, but I feel scion is superior because of the extra jewel you get.


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What you are looking for in jewels is to fill in your stats and resists where possible. I try to get int + dex or str on every jewel, resist where i need them, and cold or area damage is huge!

These are not amazing jewels by any means, but they work for me at the moment!

Fertile Mind goes in the jewel slot near vaal pact, once you take vaal pact the gem gives you 74 int

Gem Links

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Helm: Vaal Discipline + Increased Duration + Faster Casting + Enduring Cry
Chest: 2LBB Flame Dash + Clarity 4L RRBB Ground Slam + Increased AoE + Fortify + Chaos Golem
Boots: Frostbite + Temp Chains + Increased AoE + Faster Casting
Gloves: Discipline + Herald of Ice + Curse on Hit + Poacher's Mark
Staff: Faster Casting + Spell Echo + Hypothermia + Cold Pen + Life Leech + Conc Effect


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Obviously the only choice.

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CI Gear is fairly cheap in Tempest League so far I got this helmet for 1 chaos

All you are looking for in a helmet is high int, high ES and one or two resists!

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Another example of overly cheap gear because "CI IS DED OMG"

Paid 5 chaos for this chest, and added intelligence onto it. Ideally you want around this ES, a resist or two, and 40+ int.

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100+ ES, high int, and fill in resists with this slot!

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Same idea as the gloves, get 2 resists, int, move speed and anything over 100 ES works!
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This is the most important slot of your gear. Getting your resists here is super easy. Try to look for two stone rings with high int, and 1 or 2 resists, and craft some flat ES on them if you can
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In my opinion, this is the Int Stacking dream. You also get to make up some dex and str here possibly. Look for 70+ int, and whatever resist you need, can elreon craft %es or flat es! You can also use a chayula here if you feel like the avoid stun while casting nodes are not enough for your liking.

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I use a Heavy Belt to make up the strength required for this build without wasting points on the tree. You can get a decent belt with 30+ ES and not miss too much in this slot, compared to a chain belt

If you somehow manage to not need resist or strength in this slot, a
is an amazing choice, and has great synergy with Vaal Discipline
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Multi Proj Rare Monsters Magic Monsters Jungle Valley with Boss kill

Please feel free to post any questions about the build here, or PM me in game @inoa!
Последняя редакция: Inoa12#1156. Время: 25 июля 2015 г., 18:10:12
Last bumped7 окт. 2016 г., 16:59:26
Updated with Gear and Gems 7/24/15
why did u put each gear piece under separate spoiler?
ign - FancySneakyDevil
Doitfrlulz написал:
why did u put each gear piece under separate spoiler?

Cuz he wrote a bunch about each.

Nice Build Dude Keep it up.
[3.2] ✮ MrBones Wild Ride Dancing Dervish Melee Skeleton Summoner ✮ [400%+ Movement Speed]
MrKasor написал:
Doitfrlulz написал:
why did u put each gear piece under separate spoiler?

Cuz he wrote a bunch about each.

Nice Build Dude Keep it up.

u mean ctrl-c ctrl-v "high es resists and int"?
ign - FancySneakyDevil
Added Video with map clear 7/24/15
Updated amulet slot options
Updated my Gloves and passive tree, added jewel
Последняя редакция: Inoa12#1156. Время: 25 июля 2015 г., 10:56:21
How would you rate the damage and survival of this build versus the tri-curser icestorm build? Leveling up a scion icestormer now, and still low enough level to end up with either one.
Prylos // RoA Marauder 89+

My godly belt collection - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/334226
Mapping Discussion - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/361880/page/1
Okanitu написал:
How would you rate the damage and survival of this build versus the tri-curser icestorm build? Leveling up a scion icestormer now, and still low enough level to end up with either one.

I'm sitting at about 77k dps at the moment, nothing lives long enough to warrant three curses, the slow and temp chains is enough in sketchy situations, and frostbite is enough damage when you don't need temp chains. Dual curse in this build is only 3 points if you feel it necessary.

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