[2.0][HC] CI Non-Crit Whispering Ice Storm Scion

nosl1w написал:
How do you calculate DPS?

I've been comparing trees and I'm wondering if I should re-think Celestial Judgement on the Templar side.

This is what my build is looking like at level 85.

Passive skill tree build

I went tri-curse w/ these.

But before I got those I still used dual-curse. Temporal chains, chilled ground, and enfeeble do wonders for survivability.

Revised Tree
Hey buddy looked at your build two things.
One which is pretty important is Catalyse on the west side of the tree is Elemetnal Damage with Weapons not spells so it literally does nothing.
Two Blast radius and Area nodes actually decreased the damage done by Icestorm which is weird because you literally were the one who pointed me to this. This version saves you 2 points and gets you much more INT.

Good luck with Icestorm and happy grinding.
[3.2] ✮ MrBones Wild Ride Dancing Dervish Melee Skeleton Summoner ✮ [400%+ Movement Speed]
Hey inoa sir, Is the build Diamond Shrine Viable?

IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
GMT -7:00 PST
Последняя редакция: nosl1w#1758. Время: 26 июля 2015 г., 16:29:16
Thanks! Yeah I didn't think Catalyse helped but I saw it in someone else's tree. I got the AOE nodes because I think it does help with clear speed, having a bigger area and all.

Also I might use Poacher's Mark instead of Frostbite because cast speed seems to be the limiting factor while clearing trash white mobs atm and the frenzy charges would help. I'll keep Frostbite for bosses and rares. I usually run Enfeeble though.

I also came up with a variant of my build with Vaal Pact.

Passive skill tree build

Instead of Celestial Judgement and 80 intelligence in 9 points; I get Harrier, a jewel socket, Vaal Pact, and 90 Intelligence in 10 points.
GMT -7:00 PST
Последняя редакция: nosl1w#1758. Время: 26 июля 2015 г., 17:07:50
nosl1w написал:
Thanks! Yeah I didn't think Catalyse helped but I saw it in someone else's tree. I got the AOE nodes because I think it does help with clear speed, having a bigger area and all.

Also I might use Poacher's Mark instead of Frostbite because cast speed seems to be the limiting factor while clearing trash white mobs atm and the frenzy charges would help. I'll keep Frostbite for bosses and rares. I usually run Enfeeble though.

I also came up with a variant of my build with Vaal Pact.

Passive skill tree build

Instead of Celestial Judgement and 80 intelligence in 9 points; I get Harrier, Vaal Pact, and 70 Intelligence in 10 points.

Good Idea I did that same thing but try this. You get two more Jewel Sockets. and have access to more ES and resistances and I just got you more in in traveling. Removed Essence Surge as the Unique ES belt offers just as much ES Regen and 15% faster start is like milliseconds.
[3.2] ✮ MrBones Wild Ride Dancing Dervish Melee Skeleton Summoner ✮ [400%+ Movement Speed]
Последняя редакция: MrKasor#6572. Время: 26 июля 2015 г., 17:06:15
Wow great suggestion.

I think this might be close to my optimal build:

Passive skill tree build

Haha this should probably be in your thread too.

It's an amalgamation of 5 different builds.
GMT -7:00 PST
Последняя редакция: nosl1w#1758. Время: 26 июля 2015 г., 17:32:36
People take Catalyse because it's one point for 20 int with the conversion jewel which gives you 4% es 2% spell damage 10 mana 2-6 base damage on icestorm and 10% duration.
Последняя редакция: Mystrl#6540. Время: 26 июля 2015 г., 17:37:00
Mystrl написал:
People take Catalyse because it's one point for 20 int with the conversion jewel which gives you 4% es 2% spell damage 10 mana 2-6 base damage on icestorm and 10% duration.

True. With the Strength nodes leading to it and the conversion jewel, it works out to 80 Int in 6 nodes.

Old math is wrong I think.
Скрытый текст
With the increases from WI and Black Sun Crest, a 133% Multiplier, 10 int = 13.3 int.

I'm trying to figure out what 13.3 Intelligence equates to what % spell damage when applied to 1000 damage Icestorm.

This is assuming 10 int = 1% spell damage and 1-3 base damage.

13.33 Int:

x% Spell Dmg:

So I'm not sure if my math is right, but it seems that 1.0159% Spell damage is equal to a 13.33 Intelligence when applied to a 1000 damage Icestorm.

This is also ignoring existing Intelligence and Spell damage. But in a vacuum it seems that Intelligence may be overvalued?

I have no idea where I would start to graph Intelligence vs Spell damage vs Existing Intelligence vs Existing Spell damage. I'd love if someone could expand upon this.

Sorry I sort of went off on a tangent trying to determine the value of Intelligence vs Spell damage.

GMT -7:00 PST
Последняя редакция: nosl1w#1758. Время: 27 июля 2015 г., 7:10:06
IGN: Ghured
Mystrl написал:
People take Catalyse because it's one point for 20 int with the conversion jewel which gives you 4% es 2% spell damage 10 mana 2-6 base damage on icestorm and 10% duration.

Not worth it at all. 3 Skill Points for 40 Int and a Jewel Socket. When a Jewel Socket alone gives 25 INT, 10% Damage, and 7% ES. The Fertile Mind on the way to Vaal Pact is only acceptable as Vaal Pact is a Keystone and Extremely Useful anyways. Going for elemental equilibrium and just getting the 20 Str along the way would be a better bet. Saving the 3 Points for any Triple Cluster would be a much more cost Efficient Choice.
[3.2] ✮ MrBones Wild Ride Dancing Dervish Melee Skeleton Summoner ✮ [400%+ Movement Speed]

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