[2.1] Caustic Arrow MF Guide 340+ IIR/45+ IIQ [HC/SC Viable]

I am following this guide, it is very good !
IT & Gamer de la vieja escuela.
doublecheeze написал:
Belanir написал:
Thanks for guide, i started as Scion recently. But i really wish if it could be more noob-friendly. For example guide suggests Flame Totem for leveling and even i am pretty new in this game i can imagine that would be one of the fastest leveling skill. The problem for me it's my first gameplay and i do not know how to get Flame Totem Gem, because i am 9 lvl now and still using Split Arrow and afaik Scion Quests does not reward Flame Totem Gem. Only think comes to my mind is wait for a lucky drop for skill gem.

Make a marauder or shadow and complete the breaking eggs quest on normal, (takes at most 5 minutes). Then you can purschase flame totem from them for your scion.

Thanks, it finally dropped @ around 26 level ^_^ Still using Split Shot also Fire Totem but i will translate after couple of levels, poison arrow needs support gems more than Split Shot to be effective imo.
Последняя редакция: Belanir#1332. Время: 17 окт. 2015 г., 10:53:54
So I'm loving this build so far, but I am seeing a questions and an issue on skill gem socketing. All in all the DoT on this build is awesome though and I can't say thanks enough for sharing it.

1. You have on your gloves 4R and you say to link Immortal Call with Cast on Damage Taken, I get that part. But why attach Increased Endurance to the Summon Flame Golem? It makes no sense as the golem is not time based. Wouldn't this be more beneficial linked to IC and CoDT?

2. Points. I know this is a low mana build so INT is important, but is the single INT node near Ballistic Mastery the best choice? wouldn't it be better to go with an 8% mana node?

3. Mana. What is the best way to keep it up?
Hi Lifting,

I got a question. Currently I'm around level 40 with this guide as my marker, why are we not taking the Corruption notable and other nodes around it?
Great guide, I have a lvl 84 Templar who is out of order atm. Now it's time for him to spread some chaos damage.

Two important questions to begin with:

1) Why does nobody take Phase Acrobatics with this build? Aren't we relying on dodging attacks? *confused"
2) Does the "adds an extra arrow" prefix on my quiver do anything good for this build? (like double the poison ground effect?)

If anyone wonders, this is my skilltree as a Templar. I think it works great, we got some nice Mana, Life and Area damage nodes near the Templar start, and then continue fluently into the tree that Lifting has provided us with:

100% finished tree could look like this (the two nodes at Scion start would obviously miss)

Here is my current gear, ignore the gems, they are still work in progress. I am on 285 IIR and 96 IIQ, still quiete some improvements to make:
Скрытый текст

Tell me what you think and what I could improve, please :)
Последняя редакция: DJSRP#5494. Время: 31 окт. 2015 г., 12:23:02
Sup lifting, just wanna ask a quick question. When you use Divination Distillate to increase the irr, how to u keep it in effect. In other words, how do u make sure your health or mana is not full so the flask is always in effect when you cull. I know some other builds use blood magic, ST and other stuff but still a bit interested in your method.
In case you guys are wondering, then yes - this build is a very good choice for the 5-week Darkshrine Race.

Best of luck! =)
Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro
Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting
Hey Lifting / friends. Great guide really like the build! Playing PA now and am lvl 80 starting to get some gear and have a new player question. As I understand it all the %damage bonus increases are additive so does it matter what I get on my jewels? Like is

%Projectile Damage
%Chaos Damage
%Damage over Time
%Area damage

All equal ? In the video you imply that I should mix them up so to me that implies there is some kind of diminishing return. Thanks so much for the guide again.

Edit: I have been avoiding area damage because it doesn't show up on the tooltip even though everyone agrees its working correctly.
Последняя редакция: Idyar#1105. Время: 21 нояб. 2015 г., 8:55:30
I like this build a lot!
But I have some questions.
1. Wouldn't it be soo much better with GMP rather than Increased Area of Effect
2. Wouldn't flame totem be better with GMP aswell? Or is Flame totem not meant to do dmg?

Atm those are my main 2 questions ^^^
I feel like GMP would be amazing.. and then with 6-link to add pierce.

Hey Lifting, loving this guide, and your others! They're great to get started in new leagues, I've been having a blast!

A quick question though, if we manage to get ele resist capped without purity, would you recommend running a different aura in its place?


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