[2.2] A Storm of Ice and Fire - Avatar of Fire CI Whispering Ice - Uber Viable!

conqMax написал:
MatrixFactor написал:
StokeYdral написал:
The duration change is such a huge nerf. Completely changes the way you have to build the character to get any satisfactory duration. I guess if it's not PA, Flame Totem, or Cyclone the official GGG stance is to go fuck yourself.

What? It's a huge buff to single target damage. Now you can use inc duration as a support and the skill effect duration nodes in the tree.

Do you understand basic logic? Less duration, means we are hurt much worse on longer fights (tanky rares, boss fights) because we aren't stacking multiple instances of ice storm on the target, meaning less damage is being done

Don't insult me when you don't have the ability to reason through it yourself.

With 1.2k int you had 4.9 sec duration. Now for 6 points you can have 3.3sec*1.9=6.27sec duration. 28% more single target damage for 6 points. AND you can swap a weak support gem for increased duration for even more single target damage.
All my builds /view-thread/1430399

T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265
Последняя редакция: MatrixFactor#3574. Время: 21 авг. 2015 г., 14:59:45
DotsandDashes написал:
so until you can even equip a whispering ice whats the best weapon and skill gem setup to plow through the early levels that works with this passive tree?

I was using dual Lifespring and Freezing Pulse with faster casting and added cold damage.
looking at the gear in the first post i feel like im missing something, arctic armor is slotted on 2 pieces of gear? helm and boots, why?
Alala написал:

So I'm a little confused Alala. You're saying with that gear and skill tree, you have 7.5k tooktip damage on Ice Storm? I'm finding that quite hard to believe. I'm not doubting you, just shocked really. Can you please post a tool tip screenshot for confirmation?

I think it's possible to achieve pretty high damage with crit, I'm building a mix build myself so I can attest to the power of crit (I only took some crit nodes to maintain flasks actually). His tree shows that he probably has 7 power charge on, plus the crit nodes, it may reach to around 30-40% crit, which effectively increase damage if you stack multiplier on jewels.

btw, I compared and think that past 900~1000 int, each 10 point of Int gives you roughly 1% incr tooltip dps so I think the focus on spell power, crit, and ele damage on tree may surpass the inc from Int. I dont have time to do actual math and min-max though so just some thought ;)
Последняя редакция: wiwigvn#7566. Время: 22 авг. 2015 г., 5:32:37
the passive avatar of fire says you deal no non fire damage. does that mean once you take that talent you need to start using cold to fire right away? unless im miss understanding something then once you take that talent 50% of cold becomes fire, you no long do anything but fire damage, but if you dont have cold to fire you would be missing out on 50% damage

just want to make sure im understanding this, because thats how it comes off to me
DotsandDashes написал:
the passive avatar of fire says you deal no non fire damage. does that mean once you take that talent you need to start using cold to fire right away? unless im miss understanding something then once you take that talent 50% of cold becomes fire, you no long do anything but fire damage, but if you dont have cold to fire you would be missing out on 50% damage

just want to make sure im understanding this, because thats how it comes off to me

This is right. cold to fire for 100% conversion is pretty much required when playing avatar of fire.
Just burned about 40 Regrets and tested all variations of Crit, with all gem and gear combo's as well and can say for certain this character is far better without crit.

With 7 power charges, annihilation, serpent stance, doom cast, throat seeker, and assassination and it's still far worse than without crit. Also crit gear is actually worse as well. I would have thought maybe high crit rings and maligaro's would be a better combo but it just isn't.

The only way I can possibly see Crit being viable is if you were close to level 100. Past lvl 85 or so there aren't that many more good spots to boost stuff, so maybe spending the last 15 points in Crit might be viable.

Any normal level though, around 90'ish, non crit is better. OP has the build right for sure

BTW: no friggin way Alala has even 5K tooltip damage let alone the 7.5k he claims. Impossible. I tested this with better gear than his and it's not even close to what he claims. Anybody who read that and got excited about crit, don't bother. He's lying, not sure why ???
How viable is this build for MF farming for 68-74 rare maps?

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