[2.1 Video Guide] Tanky Beginners SRS/Summon Raging Spirit Build [Atziri & HC/SC Viable]
In my humble oppinion, the build you choose will depend on whether you buy a Pledge or +3 Staff ... not vice versa.
You can use the Pledge for a lot of other builds as well, a +3 fire staff is limited to fire skills. We do not have exact information about the base damage that SRS do, but of course they will have fixed damage stats (like Anger aura) and those numbers ALWAYS raise exponentially with higher levels. So I don't think there is a way that Pledge can beat a +3 staff in raw damage even with the additional link. Basically the +3 staff has a lvl 4 empower built in ... and you can top it with ANOTHER empower lvl 4 (if you can afford it). Also with a +3 staff I would recommend to go with one that has Blood Magic support (as basically the 8th link) on it to be able to forgo all those mana regeneration nodes and spec life/regen instead. BUT ... what this guide here does is give you a very (VERY) cheap solution to play SRS. What does a pledge cost, 1 to 1.5 Ex at max with bad rolls (spell damage doesn't matter for this build) and already 6socket/5linked? You don't need that belly, you could also simply go with a decent rare chest with lot of armor/life. A +3 staff (plus blood magic support crafted) will cost you _a lot_ more! |
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" A lot more? On Talisman SC 3 ex more http://imgur.com/a/wz4y6 @EdenIsBack
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Yes, but you don't have to buy a 6-link for this build to work.
Cheapest +3 staff with cast speed (any %) is 5 ex currently online. 2 or 5 ex? (current cheapest 6socket pledge is 2 ex online) That's already double the price. (6socket/5link is 3 ex currently, but I am sure you can find cheaper while waiting) And that one does not even have Multi-Mod on it to be able to craft blood magic support (which would be another 2 ex minimum if you find a staff where the pre/suffix? is available). Conclusio: If you have the currency to simply buy a 6link staff with those stats ... just save those 3 ex and buy the +3 imho. Последняя редакция: daish0#3486. Время: 20 янв. 2016 г., 6:26:04
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I have made a few adjustments to the primary skill-gem setups. They are now:
With a 3+ staff: - SRS, Spell Echo, Minion Damage, Melee Splash, Melee Physical Damage, Added Fire Damage, Empower (lvl 2+). With Pledge of Hands: - SRS, Minion Damage, Melee Splash, Melee Physical Damage, Multistrike, Empower (lvl 2+) & Added Fire Damage Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting |
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" and your choice for 5link? pledge of hands without fire dmg? @EdenIsBack
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Hi bro .
I have a cuestion : I have Pledge 5L. which is the best combination for 5L : * Melee Splash * Melee Physical Damage * Empower lvl 2 * Multistrike * Minion Damage * Culling Strike FOR 5L ! THX | |
I just calculated how much culling strike actually does for SRS.
This tree has: - 12% attack speed - 80% minion damage Items give us: - 15% minion damage (Sidhebreath; not calculated in the increased minion movement speed!) - 15% minion damage (rare gloves, crafted) 20 quality Gems give us: - 10% increased melee physical damage (basically minion damage) - 15% increased minion damage Jewels give us (maximum): - 5x14% up to 5x16% minion damage = 70 - 80% minion damage (if you take rare jewels for all slots) With 5x14% jewels this is 205% increased minion damage (215% with 5x16%) Haste (without Generosity) gives us: - 21,44% attack speed (took the 34% increased aura efficiency nodes into account) A quality 20, level 20 Culling Strike gem provides: - 38% Increased Damage - 10% Attack Speed (I hope this applies to minions, if not ... calculations will be off by far) - 10% Cast Speed (nice boost, not taken into account for damage calculation) The increase from 205 to 243% minion damage is 18,53% more damage The increase from 33,44 (21,44+12) to 43,44 attack speed is 29,9% more damage As our SRS cull at 10% life, this also means 10% more damage (well, as the culling strike is not always on exactly 10% life ... it's probably more 8-9% more damage) So Culling Strike gem actually provides us with 18,53 + 29,9% + 9% = ~57 MORE damage. (this assumes the 10% attack speed from quality applies to the minions) --- So while running around without any buffs except your own (Haste, Hatred), Culling Strike actually outperforms Minion Damage and Melee Physical Damage which surprises me myself. Although I did not take into account that with higher physical base damage SRS could "penetrate" more armor on enemies (if you take Minion Damage or Melee Physical Damage instead of Culling Strike), but I don't think it is that important as everyone will have at least a 4- or 5-link anyway! (so Minion Damage and Melee Physical damage gems will always have a place) Keep in mind, that this number changes when your SRS are affected by buffs, as Culling Strike is not a fixed more multiplier but increases already existing stats! Examples: Flesh Offering (lvl 20) provides: - 30% attack speed Now Culling Strike (q20/lvl20) increases attack speed of our minions from 63,44 to 73,44 which is now only 15,76% more damage. Vaal Haste (lvl 20) provides: - 36% attack speed (I assume it does NOT stack with normal Haste, not sure about that) This increases attack speed from 48 to 58 which is 20,83% more damage. Both together means that our minions already have 78% increased attack speed, Culling Strike increases that to 88% which means that it now only provides 12,8% more damage (on the attack speed part). While Culling Strike is just amazing while running around while playing half asleep, the advantages of it's quality diminish when you provide other buffs like Vaal Haste and Flesh Offering. Still, Culling Strike always benefit this build with: - around 18,53% more damage because of Increased Damage (from Gem level) - at least around 12% up to 30% more damage because of Attack Speed (from quality) - around 8-9% (estimated) from the Culling effect. So it is at least ~40% more damage but can also provide up to ~58% more damage overall! Keep in mind that this is calculated that you have at least 14% minion damage in ALL JEWEL SLOTS. If you could not afford to have that for whatever reason (unique jewels to fix mana regeneration, cast speed or life) - the relative damage of Culling Strike is EVEN HIGHER! (and still on the positive side, a 20 quality one also provides 10% cast speed which is also a huge boost to reach max SRS). So ... long wall of text, Culling Strike really seems to be a must have. My suggestion for gems, in that order: SRS - Melee Splash* - Minion Damage - Melee Physical Damage - Culling Strike - Empower 3 or 4 (else maybe Added Fire) *swap to Multistrike for Bosses like Atziri etc. Try to get at least a 5 link otherwise you have to forgo a damage gem for Melee Splash (map clearing without it is just too cumbersome and slow). Unfortunately I cannot calculate if it is worth swapping out a gem with Empower (2, 3, 4) before the 6th link as we do not have minion base damage values - GGG should really post them. I don't think Empower level 2 is worth it, I'd rather put in an Added Fire which itself does 44% more damage on level 20 (only fire, so it will be resisted more than physical probably ... but that can be mitigated by Arc Spell Totem with EE). /Edit: Oh and btw ... I would not bother with a non-quality Culling Strike, the attack speed part does a lot and without it I would rather put in an Added Fire gem. So just level the Culling Strike in your second weapon slot until it reached level 20 for the vendor recipe or just buy a 20q one. Последняя редакция: daish0#3486. Время: 21 янв. 2016 г., 5:00:53
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" Quality post right here. Reason I come to the forums :) |
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Love your guide :) Super easy to follow. Going to try out your marauder cyclone build. Im a newbie and I just started playing with my hubby and your guide has helped me out a lot. Thank you and keep up the good work!
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Hi there !
" There are seven gems listed here. I'm guessing you forgot indicating switching between Melee Splash and Multistrike for multiple or single target ? Otherwise having Melee Splash and Multistrike linked together seems to make the Mana cost of Spirits skyrocket. I'm wondering what LNB and everyone else think about GurkanG's entry a few posts earlier, about keeping Culling Strike in your gem setup. It seems to be a must-have, especially for such a low Mana multiplier. Great guide by the way ! This is by far the tankiest build I've had since I've started playing a bit less than a year ago. |
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