[2.2] Poor Man's guide to big wand CoC - 200K Dps and Atziri on a 5L
This guide is straight up awesome. Love the humor. Will try it in the next 1 month. Need way more of this attitude around hear. Please continue to make more guides.
Lab is 0 fun. Free the ascension points from lab
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Great guide, funny too; you deserve a valuable poster tag.
Why are you allocating vaal pact or where do you get the leech for it? |
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" Thanks mate glad you like it, you can pretty easily farm yourself a Tabula in a session while levelling so this would work well in a 1 month. " Thanks I am glad that you liked it. I take Vaal Pact because when I leech I want it instantly to offset reflect rares. I gain leech from 2x Atziri Flasks I run full time. |
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" I suck at flask usage, so I use an alternative approach. I had a Cold Doryani's Invitation lying around, so I have been using that in combo with COC Ice Spear, COC Arctic Breath, and CWDT Ice Nova. If this proves insufficient, Crafting a Catrina leech mod on a wand is another option.) |
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" It wont be enough. If you want to feel leech and make VP worth it, grab ALL life leech you can - that means LL gem + dual LL craft on weapons (+belt prefferably) + warlord's mark. For Vaal Pact, the more LL you have, the better. MUCH better. Planning to try CoC in next 3-month league... A simple question there - why use GMP for Barrage? Barrage works badly with GMP. Each extra projectile increases base attack time, so you essentially get 25% more procs with GMP, but with 25% less damage. Not so fancy. I feel Barrage wont be enough to clear packs rapidly, on other hand, i feel Kinetic Blast will suck against bosses. Maybe, i should aim for 2 different CoC setups. How about using corrupted gloves/helm with "gems in this item are supported by Xlvl CoC"? It will provide sencond "5-link" essentially, which can be used for single target (for example, Barrage + 2xIce Spear + Life leech). Also, another question about Kinetic Blast. With GMP and LL, its mana cost will be around 45, and that's quite a much. How am i supposed to sustain it? I cant just get mana leech because my attack damage will suck badly. Life leech gem for me is mandatory, because i want to have good HP recovery all the time, and not just from short-timed flask or (too low) 0.2% mod. Does it mean i'll be forced to use Barrage (due to KB costing too much)? Maybe, i should get BM keystone? What do you think about Elemental Equilibrium? In theory, it should be great for, let's say, Fireball_Arctic Breath combo, but is it so on practice? After some thoughts, i've made a build tree: https://www.poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgAAWlKomptd8pd7w0rIvoCDCTWStfJuqti9dweHE5ykb54Wv2HiJpWMNlVLbWxsjJ2qNj1irLVIH0EGI3BSKgvz6l3ycNWJ02NDDdEOSDpCS3jdqDBx1CONvwW1_94k_edUUUftPzfUTZIj9o19MHy5fIwL7LADHmBDbj0DljsoJbzgw9tP378OPDpSNuhYr6luwBp4DW87GJG8n5_LpzAB5xRN_Eso-oLH-eiYrejW53T-Crc-QYci6io4wzqExZu1X7DKSqZXTeP-jzrh8kVKfeOfh3YNjfzF7g6jigAGYnkV9g== I plan to use Kinetic Blast with Fireball, Arctic Breath and Life leech gem. To sustain its abysmal mana cost, i go for BM keystone. Elemental Equilibrim should add a bulk to offensive potential. I plan to dual-wield wands and use Voll's Protector for my chest slot, because i know how important power charges are. Using BM, i wont care about its drawback anyway. Since i cant get decetn life regen from tree, i decided to try Vaal Pact. I noticed i wont have high evasion anyway (chest with 0 eva, no Grace, very low %eva from tree, etc), so i decided to go for Unwavering Stance. Stun immunity should be much better for Vaal Pact than mere evasion. The main problem there is low int. I see two ways to solve it - either get 188 int from gear and tree (for Imbued Wand), or craft Carved Wand (47 int requirement) with proper stats myself. IGN: MortalKombat Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504 There is no knowledge That is not power Последняя редакция: MortalKombat3#6961. Время: 30 окт. 2015 г., 15:54:47
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" Barrage isn't what does the damage. What does the damage is your CoC spells, which do work well with GMP. |
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" It seems you missed my point. Yes, GMP is good for supporting your SPELLS, but it doesnt improve your barrage. Kinetic Blast, for example, delivers much more procs with GMP, and barrage doesnt. So, i think, barrage should be used for spells, that dont require GMP support, in first place. And why there are no Ethereal Knives in spells list? Is it so bad? 2OP You should note, that using same spell in CoC setup twice greatly reduces its effectiveness, because 2 instances of the same spell cant be cast at the same time due to 0.05 sec cooldown. So, you're actually encouraged to use different spells. IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504 There is no knowledge That is not power |
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" I honestly don't even know where to start with this... So I will just tackle the biggest issue first. GMP Barrage is AMAZING! You literally double your hits on your Barrage, I have no idea where you have gotten the idea that it slows your attack rate. It absolutely does not. And GMP is incredibly important as a link because without it your spells only fire off 1 projectile each which just doesn't work. You get infinitely more spell proc's with GMP Barrage. Kinetic Blast is incredibly costly, that is why I suggest barrage. You will find it very difficult to sustain GMP Kinetic blast on Mana. You need Elreon Jewellery and reduced mana cost of skills jewels but it can be done. As for your skill tree, I kind of hate it. You're giving up a power charge, and the power charge spell damage node, yes you gain twin terrors, but over all I feel that build losses a lot given the loss of jewel sockets. and Blood Magic is kind of terrible for CoC, as you want to be running Aura's for added damage. " Maybe I should have put a note there about running different spells. I had clearly wrongly assumed anyone educated enough to play Cast on Crit would know you need to run separate spells. Seconly again, Barrage GMP is amazing and it delivers twice as many proc's with GMP vs without it. Without trying to brow beat you, you're wrong. |
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can you link jewels? what did you prioritize on them?
What curses? any defense, cwdt? |
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" Barrage interacts with LMP/GMP differently than other attack skills do. Each extra projectile adds +15% to base attack time for Barrage. So, with GMP, its base attack time will be 160% of normal. Essentially, that means GMP puts 37.5% LESS attack speed penalty. So, no, it doesnt delivers twice as many procs. Actually, it delivers only 25% more procs. And it brings 25% less damage penalty to spells. So, versus single target, GMP brings ZERO advantage. Source: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1019280 " " But i cant use EE with Anger or Heralds - it simply wont work because of added damage to all spells. Sure, BM alone may be worth it, but i wont use auras with EE anyway, so, why not going BM? All i lose is a bit of AS/MS from Haste and defences for Arctic Armour. Also, BM allows using powerful Clear Mind jewel, to "fix" spelldamage a bit. Power charge is sweet, but i feel you take too much nodes just to grab it. It's just +50% increased critical chance, after all. You gave no feedback on EE, btw. About jewel sockets - you actually took 2 jewel sockets for 3 skill points each (2x stat node and jewel). When you have really GREAT jewels (4 desired rolls), that will work, but decent jewels arent worth your 3 points. You should note that as well. And about your skill tree. It is not optimal. For example, if you take another path from Acrobatics to Vaal pact, then you replace +10 strength for +10% projectile damage, and the latter is generally better (unless you REALLY require those 10 str for stat requirements, but you cant advice that for "general" tree). You took 4x(5%life) nodes here and there, but missed "Written in Blood" cluster, that gives the same +20% life AND +10 strength/+25% ES for free. It also opens decent Doom Cast cluster. You exit Scion's area down through +5 str and +18 all resist path, but instead, you could get +32% projectile damage. Generally, +32% projectile damage is better, unless you badly need those +18 all res to cap your resists with your gear. You also exit Scion's area through +28% spell damage and +5int path, but instead, you could get +13% attack speed. Those are kinda close, actually, but if you dont need that extra +5 int for stat requirements, i feel attack speed ath will be better. It also opens 3x10% crit multiplier nodes, which are decent for extra DPS. There is a nice THroatseeker cluster, that offers +36% crit multiplier for 3 points. I have doubts about Acuity cluster, too. It isnt bad (you have just +62% sccuracy without it), but isnt really good either. I already told about 3-point jewels - they arent for everyone. And at last, i find +8% attack speed for 1 point from helping Kraityn in Cruel worth it. You have low %increased attack speed total. So, i think your "general" tree should look like this: https://www.poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgAABAcFtQYjDdEOSBGWFr8fQSBuI_Yk_SaVKgsqOC0fMHEwfDWSNj031DpCSshLV0t4TLNNklAwUUdRdFVLVcZd8l-wYeJirGNDbIxtbG6qb55wUnDVdwd7w3_GgwmD24TFhxOJ04wLjDaNfY2_jumVIJu1nKSdqqKjpHimmbVItfK5fL6AwOPB1cHzwzrKStAf1CPYvdte3aje-OdU7LDtP-_r8bPz6v_eWlKomptd8pc7KAOWYENuPUlR8NWVLgce6NYi6ud0Ax5qQ8BUvOprFwj0pldN4_6POuHyRf4K IGN: MortalKombat Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504 There is no knowledge That is not power Последняя редакция: MortalKombat3#6961. Время: 2 нояб. 2015 г., 4:34:39
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