[2.3] Explosive Arrow Build - Uber viable - 100 hc/sc proof - Scion, Witch, Duelist, Mara versions

Hello there,

quick overview:
Survivability 10/10 9.6k Life, block, 1450 life regen per sec etc.
Damage 8/10 Incredible Damage, scaling very well with every lvl
Affordability 10/10 It's very easy to get started and also compared to other builds cheap to max out.

Why would u pick the build?
High damage, high life, high hopes.

What is required?
A quill rain that is atleast 4L

Is there a boss this build can't handle?
No, this build can do Uber Atziri, Malachai in Core and all the other bosses just fine. For uber a good player is necassary tho and it isnt as easy as with other builds.

Example Gear [2.1]
Gear, Jewels, Flasks and links



Swap the effect of the life flasks to improve this setup

Standard gear

Core Items:
These Items are the best possible in their slot and do not need their corruption.

Quill Rain is the only core item that is concidered necassary.
It allows this build to shoot arrows with more then 5 attacks per second which makes for smooth and fun gameplay.
Bows with +3 to Bow gems are also an option but they will slow down your clear speed and thus be less fun.

Kaoms Heart grants us the tankiness to survive whatever the game throws at us, additonally we can swoop up some fire damage.

Rearguard adds to the tankiness of the build and is one of the few quivers that increases the damage of explosive arrow.

A Item with flat cold or lightning elemental damange. If its a pair of gloves, a ring or even an amulet does not matter.
For an explanations on how EE works, take a look at the FAQ and the comments of Page 2.

Enhancing Items
These Items will enhance ur character by a great margin and are highly recommended. Try to balance your resistance out and fit one of the enhancing items in if u can.
The Frenzy Items are best if u have them all with their respectable corruption.

Frenzy Dmg Variant

The Blood Dance boots grant high movement speed (32%), alot of damage (6 Frenzy charges, inc damage against low life target) and whooping 570 life regen per second.

Also to note here is the free charge generation, with those boots u will have frenzy charges up at all times, while if u would use frenzy manually u certainly would not.

A +1 Frenzy charge amulet if its a good rare like mine or a good unique amulet does not matter in this case. The +1 Frenzy charge allows the Blood Dance Boots to shine with 6 Frenzy charges.

Good inclusions depending on the situation

Especially for budget, atziri and hc this helmet excels. Its a good and easy way to up ur attack speed and movement speed in the beginning or when u cant afford a full frenzy gear.

Any Talisman with Fire damage will greatly amp the overall dmg

The movement speed will amp ur clear speed, especially if u dont have all those frenzy corruptions.

Items to not equip at all costs
Items with flat fire elemental damage are a no go! Avoid them at all cost

The Links
6L - If the Ascendancy class provides Life Leech
Explosive Arrow - Greater multiple projectiles - Fire penetration - Empower lvl 4 > Slower Projectiles - Less duration - Increased area of effect \ Chance to ignite \ Slower projectiles

Recommend Chance to ignite over increased area of effect

6L - If the Ascendancy class DOESN'T provide Life Leech
Explosive Arrow - Greater multiple projectiles - Fire penetration -Life Leech - Less duration - Increased area of effect \ Chance to ignite \ Slower projectiles \ Empower lvl 4

6L - Single Target for offhand or gem swap
Explosive Arrow - Slower Projectiles - Fire penetration - Less duration - Empower lvl 4 - Concentrated Effect / Chance to ignite

While leveling a 4l single target setup is recommended
Explosive Arrow - fire penetration - Concentrated effect - Chance to ignite / Slower proj


6l Quill Rain setup:
Explosive Arrow - Greater multiple projectiles - Fire penetration - Increased area of effect - Empower lvl 4 or Slower Projectiles - Life leech
The necassity of the gems in the order as written down
For hardcore leagues use Life leech as fifth link instead of slower proj/Empower.
Quality adds alot of damage to explosive arrow.

4l Curse on hit setup:
Curse on hit - Flammability - Rain of Arrows - Frenzy
Rain of Arrows to reach targets behind the frontline.
Frenzy to keep frenzy up at boss encounters like Atziri.

Cast when damage taken setup
Cast when damage taken - Molten shell - Life leech - Enfeeble
The order is not important.

4L trash can
Blink Arrow - Enduring cry - Fire/Chaos golem - Portal/Minion life/Faster attacks

Ascendancy Classes and passives trees

There are multiple strong options for this build, each with there own upside.
If u find improvements, post them in the forum or message me ingame @peyter

Allrounder, the Scion Ascendant

The AOE, Elementalist Witch

The elementalist comes into the EA game with 2.3 and provides a way to handle Reflect better while also granting some damage and elemental profileration which improves the clear speed in large packs. A Gem slot will also be free'd by dropping chance to ignite if used.




Normal difficulty: Oak is the best until u reach a high level, after that a point is better
Cruel difficulty: Kraitlyn - Attack speed or the Point
Merciless difficulty: Kraitlyn - Frenzy charge

Dont start this build before lvl 55+ unless u are an experienced player!!
The reson for this is that the damage of EA scales hard and is weak in the early game. Even experience players shouldnt swap before 38 or 55.

When you switch to EA make sure u pick up the ndoes EE and Elemental overload or Resolute technique(Only for leveling! Elemental overload is to good to pass up for the late game). A Curse on hit setup is also highly recommended when switching.

For leveling till then Firestorm or any fire spell is recommended because it synergizes with our passive tree. For Example: Flameblast, firestorm, fire trap, fireball.~level 55.

Why lvl 38? At lvl 38 u can use increased aoe & curse on hit with Elemental Equilibrium which will greatly increase the clear speed.

Map mods:
This build can play every map mod except for Elemental reflect.


Q: How does Elemental Equilibrium work in this build?
A: By hitting with Explosive Arrow, Rain of Arrows or Frenzy we apply -50% fire resistance to fire and 25% to the element we hit the enemy with. When the Explosions of Explosive Arrow go off they will have greatly increased damage because of the -50% fire resistance on the enemy

Q: "Inspiration"?
A: Fyndelino cappucino, kudos to him, he played a less dmg version with different gear, build and class but it was still the spark that brought me to EA.

Q: 2x100? WHO!?
A: Search the thread, one of them is on page 29

Q: Why so few QUESTIONS?

the prize!

Love, ur Peyter
Последняя редакция: IamPeyter#2801. Время: 16 июня 2016 г., 10:11:25
Last bumped1 марта 2017 г., 11:01:48
That's impressive. I've tried 3 normal Atziri runs with my EA Scion and failed each time at Atziri herself. Granted, I'm not a good player but I felt I had a severe lack of single target damage.
How to level that?
Buckets0 написал:
How to level that?

Go Flame Totem + Firestorm up to level 38. Then equip Quill Rain with EA - GMP - Inc AoE - Fire Pen.
Whats a good flask setup for it.

Thats my usual flask setup for mapping & stuff.
Could be improved by swapping the effects of the life flasks & rolling a better suffix on the ruby.
Последняя редакция: IamPeyter#2801. Время: 27 окт. 2015 г., 0:14:33
why do you go for the templar armour/es + life/mana node when your can get a jewel for 16% armour + one skill point (for life/resi for excample). The jewel can give armor+life+whatever, would be more effective

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Последняя редакция: Timbersaw666#2231. Время: 27 окт. 2015 г., 7:38:08
Milkyslice написал:
why do you go for the templar armour/es + life/mana node when your can get a jewel for 16% armour + one skill point (for life/resi for excample). The jewel can give armor+life+whatever, would be more effective

I'm assuming he did it for the life regen.
Added the jewels as requested by some

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