[2.1] Dbum's Blade Vortex SuperTank [Block, MoM, EB, GR, Cybil's] HC Viable **Video Added**

CadmiumFlow написал:
Nisseonbeer написал:
is there anything you cant facetank with this build?
I'm level 89 and played the Residence boss the other night while extremely tired. I was hanging out in a stream of his lightning ants and not taking any damage at all. Then I got cocky and took a Light of Divinity to the face while standing in the cold beam from his totems. That killed me real quick.

Getting a Lightning Coil/higher base life will help with the spiky 1shot type damage. That said we're also a Whirling Blades build which means there's little excuse to die to attacks like that because we should never get hit by them.
Once you get tanky enough to take them to the face, though, then you can just stand in them because you heal back to full instantly from Cybil's.
The buff abyssal cry is pretty wild, i think BV handles the life regen well enough.
Последняя редакция: PeteBreadman#1721. Время: 6 янв. 2016 г., 23:38:36
d3sden0va написал:

Getting a Lightning Coil/higher base life will help with the spiky 1shot type damage. That said we're also a Whirling Blades build which means there's little excuse to die to attacks like that because we should never get hit by them.

Oh yeah, definitely not. As I said I was playing terribly. Thorns is far more dangerous because it'll seemingly kill you without warning once you start attacking - but that's also my fault for not paying more attention to the monster affixes.
Something I haven't really seen posted here - Abyssal cry works with CoH(need to kill 1 mob for explosion, though).

Currently have 4 link - Curse on hit, Warlord's, Increased AoE, Abbysal. Vastly increases clear speed, insures that all enemies are almost always cursed(far more reliable than CoH+reckoning+curse+tempest shield which is what I was using before). You can also use CoT,Warlord's, Abbyssal, Reckoning if you find yourself running into situations where the curse isn't applying effectively, such as against bosses without any minions. Reckoning works great for that.

This lets you move Tempest to your CoTD setup and removes the need to self cast it.

The other thing which I don't see here is use of Vaal Cyclone. It doesn't need to be linked with anything, but using it can also vastly improve clear speed. Your blades last long enough so you won't run out during the Cyclone and I have had no problems whatsoever with survival - between the block, evasion, MoM and lightning coil you have pretty much no chance of dying(obviously, pulling 500 mobs + 2 sterioded high lvl bosses is still not recommended, but for general clearing this is fantastic)
Последняя редакция: TheGreatWalk#4679. Время: 7 янв. 2016 г., 12:17:38
Thanks for this build, im enjpying it quit alot
did some small modification to make it feel better in TSC.
But do you plan on talking a little about what flask you use?
I think a rumis whould be insane if it buff your dmg from Cybils, havnt tested it yet tho.
Als, a Cybils with corruted Culling Strike, is just INSANE.! try it out
also in my Whirling blade-fortify-faster atk setup, i feel i really dont need bloodmagic, i never run out of ES, i ran with culling strike before i got it on cybils, now i wonder what the heck i chould put in there now, any suggestions?

Best regards
(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ ign Cazjer
TheGreatWalk написал:
The other thing which I don't see here is use of Vaal Cyclone. It doesn't need to be linked with anything, but using it can also vastly improve clear speed. Your blades last long enough so you won't run out during the Cyclone and I have had no problems whatsoever with survival - between the block, evasion, MoM and lightning coil you have pretty much no chance of dying(obviously, pulling 500 mobs + 2 sterioded high lvl bosses is still not recommended, but for general clearing this is fantastic)

I used Vaal Cyclone while leveling and it was great fun, but then as I started encountering harder content it became a liability. Why? Because even though my PC handles the rest of the game just fine, high stacks of BV cause frame drops. Combine that with Vaal Cyclone and often times I would pop it and the entire game would freeze for a few seconds. The next thing I'd see would be the death window.

I'm sure with better gear (like an LC) I'd be far less likely to die, but I still get nervous using any skill that takes away my ability to respond to situations fast enough. I've tried turning the video settings down with some success, but BV really just makes the game choke hard sometimes.
First i must say thanks for the build it makes a lot of fun,im now lvl 76 and all works fine and i can play tier 7-9 maps without hard problems.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1557753/page/1/#p12522644 If your looking into tankier & more dmg version of this block setup check it out =)
Can you use the same tree with bladefall,because the skill tree is empty on your guide
NaGoyahII написал:
Can you use the same tree with bladefall,because the skill tree is empty on your guide

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