[2.1 Video Guide] Dual Elemental Siege Ballista Build 2x 40k+ DPS [HC/SC & Atziri Viable]

arcadius написал:
Ballista is viable just not on elemental. For ele dmg you need high spd to scale it and Ballista has 50% less speed so it's a fail from the start. Second - ele attack builds usually dont have build in penetration because they are using all 3 elements so slotting just one pen is not effective. That means without using curse your dmg can be mitigated by 75% by enemy resistances

Soo... Did you watch the video or play the build before making this comment? I have done tier 12 maps with this build with great clear speed. Elemental Siege Ballista is more than viable. I am not sure why you would say otherwise, unless I am misunderstanding you?
Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
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It may be viable but its not optimal for ele totems
I have these 2 bows laying around that i don't use anymore.

if anyone wants them contact me ingame (IGN: Bongo_scion) let me know you've seen em in this guide and i'll give you a discount

Original price 3 Chaos, guide price 1 chaos

Original price 16 chaos, guide price 12 chaos

This is no means to hyjack this thread or anything just trying to help out the ballista community (and myself a little). If LiftingNerdBro wants me to delete this i will.

LiftingNerdBro написал:

No offence mate, but you are comparing tool tip DPS numbers with two VERY different skills. I don't know how new you are to the game, but this is not how things work in Path of Exile. A skill with low tool-tip dps can easily outperform a mechanically weaker skill with a higher dps number.

There is also plenty of skillnodes in the skill-tree that would be inefficient choices for flame totem (I should know, as I have played that build a ton).

I am not sure what to tell you, but your "facts" are wrong.

95% Bro - 5% Nerd comment

"Trust me, you're wrong" is not very usefull. This isn't like SRS where there are no DPS numbers. Which parts of the calculation are missing? In gameplay, the totems kill quicker. Siege ballista certainly has the AoE advantage.

and the build still needs specialized gear, many supporting gems and is short on viable bows...
Hey man, pretty interested in this, will be my first ranger. You mind linking all of your gear so I have a baseline of what to go off of?

Thanks man
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Trying this build out, I started last night. Did the "Night's Hold" + flame totem and I don't think I've ever run through areas this fast lol.

2 hours of play and I'm level 31 and starting a4n! :)

Someone said to me yesterday that if it takes me longer then 4 hours to get to merc then I'm not leveling right. Well, I guess I'm not. He wouldn't elaborate tho.
Well, for everyone not getting what they want out of this build : get a voltaxic and a few respec points and you're back in business. Might be easier to acquire than some GG ele bow.

Here's my tree :

Currently doing 50k dps per totem (with lvl 1 slower proj) and 3 frenzy charges up. Might get a 4th charge next level.

Kendo_PoE написал:
Well, for everyone not getting what they want out of this build : get a voltaxic and a few respec points and you're back in business. Might be easier to acquire than some GG ele bow.

Here's my tree :

Currently doing 50k dps per totem (with lvl 1 slower proj) and 3 frenzy charges up. Might get a 4th charge next level.

Hi, what gems are you using ballista with? Could you paste your gear aswell? :)
My profile should be open to everyone. Char name is Smugslut
arcadius написал:
It may be viable but its not optimal for ele totems

I am not sure what to say to you. I have proved that the build is powerful and viable for end-game. If you disagree then it is you who carry the burden of proof. It scales damage via attack speed, ele and totem damage. What else would you like for an elemental attack based totem build? Crit? Yea sure if it is was a crit build, but it is not.

Feel free to post whatever skill-tree or setup you find "optimal", but if you don't please stop misleading potential interested players with your inaccurate statements.
Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro
Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting

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