[2.1] Spin and Burn! Vortex+Righteous Fire
I wanted to try something new this league besides the normal 2h cyclone, so what better way then a spell version of cyclone! I want to thank Mathil for his day one league video on Blade Vortex that made me want to try it over another melee character.
My Blade Vortex dps tooltip is 4.3k right now with a rarity gem in, 6.6k with faster casting. Blade Duration with 90% on tree and 74% on gem is about 13.15 seconds, easy to maintain 15-20 stacks. Getting to 50 is easy to do but will drop down to mid 40s quickly if not continuously casted.
Pros and Cons
Pros: Insane clear speed, get up to 10 stacks and quicksilver to just mow through maps. With Cull on claw and 185 magic find makes high end map grouping fun. Cons: Corrupting blood will be 20 stack almost instantly so be sure to keep an eye on that and flask it off. Lightning Witch Mobs cast some obscenely high % reflect that will cause quick death take care of them fast in packs.
Why Blasphemy over another damage aura?
Simply put, with 10+ stacks of Vortex mobs are dead by the time the aura is applied on them giving a near 100% up time on my 4 endurance charges and the leech is always nice.
Screenshots of Defense/Dps
Gearing and Gear
The only uniques that are required for this build are Cybil's Paw and Rise of the Phoenix. I try to pick up the required resists and high life on all other pieces of gear for Rf burn and Coil. Works very well with Blade Vortex due to many fast hits from the Vortex stacks. Needed for RF Helps with defense
6l/5l Blade Vortex - Spell Echo - Faster Casting(Item Rarity) - Controlled Destruction - Increased Duration Added Fire Damage. 3l Righteous Fire - Concentrated Effect - Increased Burning Damage. 2l Cyclone - Fortify - Vaal Grace 4l Cwtd - Immortal Call - Summon Chaos Golem - Molten Armor 3l Lightning Warp - Less Duration - Faster casting.
I use Purity of Fire and Blasphemy attached to Warlord's Mark, Swap in Herald of Ash or Arctic armor over blasphemy on curse immune maps.
Oak for 40 Health Kill all for Point Oak For End charge. Feel free to leave any questions or Comments Thanks! Последняя редакция: Dorithe#1743. Время: 28 дек. 2015 г., 12:47:18 Last bumped8 нояб. 2024 г., 12:45:09
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Looks quite nice so I will just add few things:
1) Drop blashemy from your build. With blade vortex you cast it for a moment to get high number of blades and you are basically free after that... so you can even do it manualy. But I would just put Curse on hit gem and respective curse in the mix with fortify and cyclone. Blasphemy is nice, but if you use some melee aoe, CoH is better. 2) Drop EE keystone. Why ? It would only be useful if your main dmg source was RF and it isn't. It is blade vortex, and RF boost that incredibly. So you got your order in wrong direction here. Boost your blade vortex even more. Get rid of this keystone, and add added fire to blade vortex. You won't be fast enough to hit it more that 100 times with cyclone (that what 50 vortex blades do per min) so EE is just a handicap here. If you follow my previous suggestion you can also get herald of ash or hatred. But since going for fire dmg boosts also RF go with herald (even your current tree make them both combination similar in dmg gains). Also, going for one element will make it easier to do with reflect maps. Let's do some calculation if you don't believe me:
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If your tooltip is 2,4k and you don't have any almost any cast speed increases, neither does the gear (correct me if I am wrong), your blade vortex cast speed is 0,25-0,20. That's mean that each blade have 600 dmg, and you should have at least 40 of the around and each hits two times so.... 50k ? I don't know what your current HP is but even if we assume something like 8k and this EE bonus, it is something around 25k at best with your setup. Without EE your current RF dmg drops to 2/3 of what you get now but you can now freely get some elemental dmg added to blade vortex which in turn will almost double it (something like 80% more with above sugestions)
3) Why so many resistence nodes from the tree ?? I could get it if you wanted to get more Rarity bonuses on your rings etc but right now you have around 35%. That quite small for focusing on life and rarity alone. Just get something with better res and respect from these nodes. If you like your current tree and want to try something fun and.... risky.... since your current rings are not so good anyway, you can try getting two of these: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Ming's_Heart Life reduction is heavy as you would need 6 nodes from scion life wheel to balance it. But with this setup you get 40% more dmg. Getting 40% MORE dmg for 6 nodes in passive tree is quite unlikely. That's more that pain attunement. And your chaos is almost capped. If you have some time later on, show how your build is doing. I was also thinking about RF-blade Vortex char so I am really curious ^^ Cheers, Abe |
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Thanks for the feedback. I picked up a Ming's ring and now sit at 2.8k on BV tooltip. I only picked up those resist nodes until I got better gear now I moved them off to life to balance out the ring. I plan to use added fire gem as my 6th and take out some life regen when I get 20 Purity of Fire. The reason I choose blasphemy instead of hatred or herald, is because even at a 10 stack of Vortex I am just killing packs of mobs on the first walk through. Only the bosses or rares with resist auras live longer than a few seconds. Also the mana leech keeps me able to just plant myself under a boss for 50 stacks. It also keeps 4 endurance charges up and it works great for my high level cwdt-ic setup. When I do curse immune maps I swap to herald or vitality. I am at .18 cast speed and if I drop my 19 lvl faster casting it goes to .24 so debating on dropping that for phys to lightning for more variety on damage. I was able to do t9 and t10 maps with ease last night with some crazy mods I just stick away from vuln mod or higher than 20% regen loss. Only lightning witches or not paying attention to corrupting blood are the only ways Ive come close to dying because so many hits per second. I debated going crit and dropping controlled destruction but I think this works for me for now. I'll be updating def/dps pics later. Последняя редакция: Dorithe#1743. Время: 18 дек. 2015 г., 9:06:25
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Do you have any videos of the build in action? I am interested in this. I have been thinking of a similar build to this.
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No problem ^^ " If you get hatred aura, you can replace controlled destruction for hypothermia for almost the same effect (although, the tooltip doesn't show this increase). Cold dmg of each blade isn't very significant but it is enough to put very short chill on enemies, and the sheer hit rate of this skill is enough to keep it up. But replacing this gem makes only sense if you really can get something around 250% crit increase or inflicting status ailment gives you something (like with Berek's grip) http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Berek's_Grip Good luck with the build and keep us updated !! ^^ Cheers, Abe Последняя редакция: Alex_Lied#4288. Время: 18 дек. 2015 г., 11:04:38
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Rapid Decay doesn't work with RF because RF doesn't have a set duration. But this build is something I was considering as well (though I went with Essence Drain in the end). You can put in increased AOE; quality would increase the damage of your RF.
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" I didn't test it but... where does it say that "more DoT damage" is somehow connected with "reduced skill duration" ? Such a things in PoE are usually separate if they are not in one description's "line". http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Rapid_Decay Edit: Yea, GGG confirmed Rapid Decay mechanic in their latest announcement so it really doesn't work. Poignant was right. Последняя редакция: Alex_Lied#4288. Время: 27 дек. 2015 г., 7:09:21
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Hi, I was looking over your build.
This is the first scion I feel comfortable trying, and it seems to be working well for me. I have one question for you: Have you considered switching the Lightning Coil for a Carcass Jack? You loose the defense, yes, but you gain extra AOE area and damage, which is a net gain for BV. In addition, the defense stats for a Carcass Jack aren't all that bad. It's something I'd be willing to try; I'm sitting on 5 links in both so when I level this alt there's no reason not to experiment. Draella_Oldenevil |
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Updated with images for defense and dps. I dropped out rapid decay it did not help with Rf so just using increased burning and conc. I 6l'd my tunic and gained crazy damage.
I am running magic find on gear and a gem, and culling on my weapon right now so sitting at 185 rarity and it is just fantastic. I can do Rigwald 75 with no real issues, have to watch the bleed. Will need to swap blashempy for grace or arctic armor to combat his wolf phase for 80 version. I have thought of carcass jack but I like Lightning coil's defense and my damage is good. |
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Video pls Dude!
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