[2.2.x] The rotten pizza build (chaos flameblast) Tons of damage, hc, lvl 100 - xD rip

qqblowa написал:
Isn't ele reflect maps deadly since we're only having 75% of damage conversion?
Or is it still okay and any reflect maps are viable on the Hardcore?

I dont think its that bad, i havent actually gotten my hands to non legacy one so i cant test it :(
If you think it will hurt that much picking up vp for 1 node would solve it since we get 1.5% leech from scion
pvp loooooooool
I think you meant to say "As of 24.10.15" in your first line in the OP, unless you're a time traveler from the future and we get another talisman league :P
Really like this build, was wondering How do you deal with reflect since the the new leagues you only get 75% chaos conversion unless you dual wield consuming darks? If if you use 2x consuming darks, then that would mean no Bino's would that be less viable?
How do I level this character? Im lvl 48 and my dps is 0. What skill gem and support gems should I use before I hit lvl 65 to use fire blast?
Последняя редакция: kitz777#2771. Время: 11 апр. 2016 г., 5:27:08
I Level with Bladefall, Spell Echo, Concentrated Effect, Addet Fire dmg, Faster Casting - the dmg is ok enough for leveling.

Auras: Herald of Ash (DMG boost)and Clarity
Im using incinerate and i'm killing all mobs so easily. At what level can I transfer over to using flameblast? I need more info on this. I tried flameblast but it only takes off about 10% of a normal mobs HP lol.
kitz777 написал:
Im using incinerate and i'm killing all mobs so easily. At what level can I transfer over to using flameblast? I need more info on this. I tried flameblast but it only takes off about 10% of a normal mobs HP lol.

When you can equip binos+consuming+mantle
pvp loooooooool
What Gems for a 5L Infernal Mantle?
I still think fireblast is too slow.. Takes way too long to kill all the mobs.. The poision spread range is sooooooooooooo low!
Level 96 now, got respecced a point and got the frenzy charge from merc bandits.

Tree: poeurl.com/B2o

Vaal Orbed 6l mantleS for +1 all gems:

Damage with 4 Frenzy Charges + Atziri Flask: http://imgur.com/epS7i7D

PHC Atziri downed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4y1n_-69J_U

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