2.2 HC & SC 50-70K DPS Bladefall - Max Block + EB + MoM + AA + GR

IlyaK1986 написал:
Vilpertti написал:
IlyaK1986 написал:
NeverSink said the gladiator variant would have garbage damage. That said, this build only gets like 26 or so additional block and like 137% life before jewels. That's like 50 block chance. How do you max it out?

Yea the gladiator one isint that good thats why we go scion asc and take raider + berserker. We get 25% block from the shield & 7-8% block chance from jewels.

I counted the 25% from shield. You're around 50% block, and then another 6% from jewels, another 3% from tempest shield, and you're up to 59% block. Is it just Rumi's the rest of the way?

+25 shield, +25 tree, +7-8 jewels, +4 stone of lazhwar, +3 tempest shield, +2 from gloves. This will result in 67-68 chance to block attacks & 74-75 block against spells. We get cap spell block by having rathpith + stone of lazhwar = 110% of block chance applied to spells.
Vilpertti написал:

+25 shield, +25 tree, +7-8 jewels, +4 stone of lazhwar, +3 tempest shield, +2 from gloves. This will result in 67-68 chance to block attacks & 74-75 block against spells. We get cap spell block by having rathpith + stone of lazhwar = 110% of block chance applied to spells.

Oh god. A 4% block corrupt. That spikes the price to how many exalts?

Is this character one that can be run as a first character, or is it something that should only be built after obtaining the prerequisite wealth elsewhere?
Oh god. A 4% block corrupt. That spikes the price to how many exalts?

Is this character one that can be run as a first character, or is it something that should only be built after obtaining the prerequisite wealth elsewhere?

Nah it works perfectly fine even with budget version. Gear really isn't expensive until we start min maxing the gear. I bought 3% block lazhwar for 20c last league and did fine with 1 less block.
I see.

One other thing though--why the raider sub-ascendancy? You don't have a way of keeping up frenzy charges. I mean, I'd understand if you had, say, a quill rain with frenzy-GMP-chain on switch or something, but it seems that the entire point would be lost if you don't have that going. I mean yeah it seems amazing if you're on a speed clear and can keep the frenzy charges up by constantly killing things, but it honestly looks like something like Duelist's Slayer or even Templar's Guardian would serve you better by not falling off if you stopped to pick up some loot.

Guardian, on the other hand, gives you a nice 3% block and free 12% FCR (and 12% increased attack speed for WB), while I'm not sure how slayer would work with berserker. Since it costs you ES to cast bladefall and you leech it back with berserker, would that mean that you'd always have the slayer bonuses, or only until you topped off your ES?

I dont see any problem sustaining just 3 frenzy charges with the raider class at maps. We have not the fastest clear speed but its pretty damn good for how tanky the build is. Whirling blading forward will make it easy to keep them up. For 10 seconds you get 3 frenzy charges = 12% more damage & cast speed. On top of that you get Onslaught = 20% cast speed + phasing which is really really nice. Tho I agree there is no point in taking frenzy charge from the skill tree/bandits. 3 is easy enough to get & sustain with the 10% chance at maps.

I'd swap out the raider to slayer when doing atziri/hard bosses since there is no way of getting those frenzy charges up thus making the raider useless. 30% more damage vs bosses & rares and 15% cast speed on top of that is really nice but I wouldn't use it on maps.
They Removed Phasing from RAIDER !
Последняя редакция: Nasferatus#0441. Время: 4 марта 2016 г., 14:57:35
Skill trees don't work. Can you relink? Thx!
theAbstract77 написал:
Skill trees don't work. Can you relink? Thx!

yes pls skilltree update :(
thanks sir for the guide and ur work
Skill tree not changed !

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