[2.2 Video Guide] Tanky, High DPS, Crit Blade Vortex Build [HC/SC & Atziri Viable]

I suggest you guys get this unique flask

Together with MoM it provides amazing tanking abilities vs tough enemies
Thx for perfect build. Could you post end game passive skill tree?
Thanks for the build!
Started it in HC Perandus, a3 cruel atm.

While Pathfinder's flask bonuses with Witch's flask cluster seem very solid, I'm condsidering Slayer as a replacement for Berseker class.
But I'm not sure that 2% LL from Blasphemy Warlord's Mark will be enough for high tier maps and boss fights. With Berserker it will be 3.5% (with 5% increased damage taken downside)... Almost two times better.
Последняя редакция: silverthorne#6135. Время: 11 марта 2016 г., 16:11:31
Vacys написал:
Thx for perfect build. Could you post end game passive skill tree?

Glad you like it! The end-game tree should be posted? =)
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Hey , ur build is really good , but i have a problem now in tier8 maps , some bosses kill me in 1 hit. The only thing that changed in his build I use a shield, it was a big mistake? , i need ur help serious , my tree is same , gems ,itens , using taste of hate , lighting coil ... what i need to do? HELP

have 4.5k life , 75% all res

sorry for my bad english =(
I have 5-linked Carcass Jack laying around in my stash. Would it be too crazy to try go evasion with this build in HC. Maybe give up Written in Blood and Doom Cast and then take Acrobatics and Revenge of The Hunted. Scions evasion node Reflexes is only 1 node away.

Also is the Berserkers "5% increased Damage taken" same thing as MORE damage?

Thanks for detailed build guide(s).
Последняя редакция: Polvitaide#2591. Время: 11 марта 2016 г., 17:09:44
ThirtyBlackRoses написал:
Really enjoying this build. I use 2 Mark's and 2 CWDT combo.
I also take Charisma in a passive tree for reduced mana reservation.
If it is interesting to someone that's my gear and stats in town.

I like ur setup. But I think its a pretty good idea to run dual cwdt. I even rechromed my gear to accommodate your gem setup. I was shocked though, as it turned out that dual curses aura reserves 70% mana + 25% herald of ash. Which left me with 5% mana ( Even with charisma it is going to be 83% reserved. How are you coping with that?
so did anyone got with assassin over pathfinder?

hows that working out?
even slayer...
MyJellyBelly написал:
ThirtyBlackRoses написал:
Really enjoying this build. I use 2 Mark's and 2 CWDT combo.
I also take Charisma in a passive tree for reduced mana reservation.
If it is interesting to someone that's my gear and stats in town.

I like ur setup. But I think its a pretty good idea to run dual cwdt. I even rechromed my gear to accommodate your gem setup. I was shocked though, as it turned out that dual curses aura reserves 70% mana + 25% herald of ash. Which left me with 5% mana ( Even with charisma it is going to be 83% reserved. How are you coping with that?

Probably dropped herald of ash in favour of assassin's mark. That's what I was running for a while. Trying a different cwdt setup now to generate power charges..

Or just playing it more offensive running all 3 with the reduced reserve nodes.. not as much mana for MoM but better DPS
Последняя редакция: projectsix#7432. Время: 11 марта 2016 г., 22:59:26

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