[2.2 Video Guide] Tanky, High DPS, Crit Blade Vortex Build [HC/SC & Atziri Viable]
" Unfortunately when I tested after having added 20q to my gem the 10% aoe from scion made no difference. Pretty anti-climatic after spending 20gcps ;D The duration nodes are not worth it imo, not unless you wanna change out increased duration from your skill-gem setup. Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting |
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Would you say this is a 100-viable build?
♣ IGN: DoctaMagicFinder
♣ My YouTube channel: youtube.com/doctagaming ♠ Proud brazilian player. |
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Thanks for this build liftingnerd. I found myself all of a sudden last night completely tired of totem builds, after doing them for a long while (years).
Its quite a different mechanic spamming blade vortex all the time to keep my vortex up and spinning and walking around killing stuff. Very reminiscent of RF only more difficult to keep going. I'm level 35, about to finish a4n, still using the two lifesprigs. When should I switch over from the three link in the lifesprig to going full out 4 or 5 link blade vortex in a non +1 gems item? (its always hardest for me to gauge when I should leave behind the leveling gear and move to the full on stuff. |
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" From the wiki: "Visual effect: Blade vortex's visual effect does not scale with Area of effect modifiers. Instead, to give a rough indication of radius, there are several versions of the knife effect, each rotating at a different radius. The skill will always try to have one knife using the largest-radius effect that's not larger than the actual radius of the skill, but that skill results in discrete visual changes where you need to reach a certain threshold before the next wider effect can be used. The full radius is always used mechanically.[1]" Perhaps my understanding of this is wrong, but what I get from the wiki is that, while the visual radius does have increment in discrete values, the visual radius is misleading, and for "mechanical" (i.e, actual in game damage radius?) purposes, your true aoe (taking in all the inc aoe you get through the tree+gear) is used. Please do correct me if I'm wrong on this. If it's true, it would make sense to pick up nodes such as the scion aoe, though not having an accurate visual of the aoe you're damaging in might make things a little clunky :) Edit: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1526200 The bottom posts of this thread are in line with my thoughts Последняя редакция: Prank5t3r#1073. Время: 4 февр. 2016 г., 16:19:22
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Awesome build so far trying it out myself, i see that you're using vaal pact, but i don't see anywhere at all where you have any life leech to utilize it. looking from the gear and your tree. Where are you getting your life leech from?
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" Not OP, but the life leach comes from running Blasphemy with Warlord's Mark. |
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" Not sure what Lifting's answer will be, but I switched to daggers as soon as I could buy daggers with spell damage. The reason being is that whirling blades makes this build a LOT easier and more fun to play. With all the mana regen, you can pretty much spam whirling blades instead of using quicksilver flasks. |
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Welp, I'm level 70, and I die way too often. Its hard to stay alive in any T6+ map thats been alc'ed. I don't know if it is just me, my equipment, or my play style, but this just doesn't seem to be working. It doesn't seem like the leech outweighs the damage inflicted upon me, and i'm constantly popping life and mana flasks.
I have 1,200 ES and 3,700 life. And for mana I have about 1,175, around 470 mana after reservations. Here's the equipment I use, I've spent about 30c on the lot including the divinarius.
Level 70 Equip and Passive tree
I have overcapped res and +6 chaos res, 3 endurance and 4 power charges. 1,950 armor (29% dam reduction) and 350 evasion (8% chance to evade). I know you said dual div daggers, but I like the heartbreaker, it culls with spells, it has mana, ES, and spell damage which all seems to help this build. Am I not thinking right? Tooltip DPS in town is 2,313, 2,562 in HO with herald of ash. I seem to walk around killing things with about 15 stacks of blades and can spam blades up to 30 or so if standing there hitting a rare or a boss for a while. I'm seriously flummoxed as to why I am no where near the video in terms of survivablility/tankyness. I found an ex and was able to convert it to 70 chaos, so I was able to buy the gear I have and I have about 40c left over. Is there anything I need to buy that would make this work better? Последняя редакция: Shinare#4581. Время: 7 февр. 2016 г., 9:49:01
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" Not the OP, but just looking at your stats... I'm only level 66, and I have 1202 (480 after res) mana, and my HO dps with Herald and Warlord's Mark is 2734. This is a crit build. The stats on your Heartbreaker don't really make up for the spell crit, radius, and life/mana on kill from the second divinarius. Also, you might not want to run T6+ maps until you get some jewel sockets, because those will increase your survivability. And obviously you shouldn't run maps with the "mobs are immune to curses", since that will prevent you from leeching life. Or if you do run it, drop Added Fire Damage for a Life Leech gem. That MIGHT make up for it, but not sure. Also, you're not running the Armor flask as he recommends. Remember, Map levels are 67+tier. So by playing T6, you're facing monsters that are 3 levels above you. Stick to mobs that are at least at your level or below til you level up some more. Hope I could help. Maybe Lifting will have better advice. |
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Also wanted to add. Although you're in melee range for this build, make sure you're not just standing there face-tanking. Make good use of your whirling blades. It's fast enough that you can pop in/out of melee range to refresh your Fortify in less than a second. Fortify is 20% reduced damage, so it's a big part of your survivability.
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