THOR'S RAINBOWNUKE: off to the Marauder forum

As a small change, I pathed through the templar/witch area such that I could get elemental overload (shouldn't require any more passives). Due to us not taking RT, it is basically constantly up, and provides 30% MORE damage.

RicoKGB написал:
Here's my final version of life Fire Juggernaut:

T13 Wasteland double dmg mode, full clear using the most current setup:

I feel no need of doing any other version really. I've planned to do low life zerker but honestly I doubt it turn out to be THAT good. Unfortunately because I think this one will be nerfed.

Tree At lvl 90


+Surgeons flasks (yes with Controled Destruction), jools are pretty much attack speed + stats.

Anyone have any luck with low life version?
As a small change, I pathed through the templar/witch area such that I could get elemental overload (shouldn't require any more passives). Due to us not taking RT, it is basically constantly up, and provides 30% MORE damage.

Its 3 more points and its not constantly up, posted setup uses Controlled Destruction and with it Discharge has like 12% chance to crit. It might be up in longer fights but honestly current build dishes out so much damage than its not really that needed.
Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke:
3.7 CI CoC Discharge:
3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner:
Последняя редакция: RicoKGB#5871. Время: 8 июня 2016 г., 14:43:50
RicoKGB написал:
Anyone have any luck with low life version?

Low Life Berserker in 2.3 feels like a slightly more powerful version of Low Life Ascendant from 2.2. Once I manage to level to 95+ I will update (and possibly move) the guide.
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
RicoKGB написал:
As a small change, I pathed through the templar/witch area such that I could get elemental overload (shouldn't require any more passives). Due to us not taking RT, it is basically constantly up, and provides 30% MORE damage.

Its 3 more points and its not constantly up, posted setup uses Controlled Destruction and with it Discharge has like 12% chance to crit. It might be up in longer fights but honestly current build dishes out so much damage than its not really that needed.

Good point; I use slightly different pathing such that it only takes one more point, but it's still one more point. I also still use Arc instead of controlled destruction because:

1) It still shocks enemies which does more damage. However, I'm unsure if it shocks bosses, so it may not provide more DPS when it counts. Can anyone confirm/deny this? It's hard to tell when you have 1000 discharges going off ;)
2) It breaks breaks breakables and "indicates" where other enemies are, which is a nice QoL thing, but hardly required

I'm probably going to try out the Controlled Destruction and see how it goes; thanks for the ideas. :)
Hi everyone. I have been a long time follower of this thread as well as the earlier thread started by Tom. Recently, I made the shift from low life over to Juggernaut. Link to items, passive tree and original build guide below. Feel free to try this out. It's been a blast for me!

For bosses: Swap Inc. AOE for 2nd discharge in Mjolner. Swap Cyclone and Inc. Accuracy for LMP and GMP in Chest.

Build guide

tackle70 написал:
RicoKGB написал:
Anyone have any luck with low life version?

Low Life Berserker in 2.3 feels like a slightly more powerful version of Low Life Ascendant from 2.2. Once I manage to level to 95+ I will update (and possibly move) the guide.

I agree, I finished testing the low-life Berserker again and it is exceedingly strong, probably overall best ascendancy.

Im currently testing out low-life elementalist.
What now after patch? Berserker has been nerfed for scion. What about ascendacy classes for scion u recommend now?
MexJames написал:
What now after patch? Berserker has been nerfed for scion. What about ascendacy classes for scion u recommend now?

Nothing is very good in scion in my opinion right now. Marauder is currently the best class for this build.
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
Mark_GGG made a comment in the mechanics thread (1676002) about Mjolner with 3 discharges (Juggernaut)
How does Mjölner with 3 discharges, Juggernaut (Unrelenting), Voll's Devotion, Romira's Banquet (and Resolute Technique/Voll's Protector) work?

Assuming starting from zero charges, and only a single enemy, within discharge range, which never dies (and taking the Resolute Technique option as it's easier to describe)
1) You hit with Mjölner, with a non-critical hit.
2) You gain a power charge.
3) First discharge triggers.
- 3a) Discharge calculates damage, based on your one power charge.
- 3b) Discharge consumes all charges.
- 3c) You lost a power charge, so gain an endurance charge, which is replaced by you gaining your maximum number of endurance charges.
- 3d) Discharge deals damage, hitting the enemy, with a non-critical hit.
- 3e) You gain a power charge.
4) Second discharge triggers.
- 4a) Discharge calculates damage, based on your one power charge and maximum number of endurance charges.
- 4b) Discharge consumes all charges.
- 4c) You lost a power charge, so gain an endurance charge, which is replaced by you gaining your maximum number of endurance charges.
- 4d) Discharge deals damage, hitting the enemy, with a non-critical hit.
- 4e) You gain a power charge.
5) Third discharge triggers.
- 5a-e) Same as the second Discharge.
6) You currently have one power charge, and your maximum number of endurance charges, and have finished your attack.

Is there a particular order gems have to be in Mjolner to get the max out of them???

...And besides Warlords Mark, what is another good curse to use for Occultist doing duo curse? o_O
Последняя редакция: patrickcampbe21#5377. Время: 20 июня 2016 г., 23:20:35

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