[3.0] Windripper Tornado shot magic finder
" Imo the 3 best ascendacies are Berserker, Deadeye and Assasin. Raider is so-so, phasing is useless and you can get onslaught from the new flask: "Silver Flask: Grants Onslaught.". You can pick this if u dont wanna run blood rage tho. Elementalist is not that good. 5 ele pen is decent and 30% cold damage is ok i guess but not worth it imo. Berserker is probably best utilized as a spell caster for the leech since we already have great access to leech from the skill tree. It might allow you to run reflect maps tho, and the 10% more damage is sweet. Access to other starting locations doesn't save you many points, if any at all and i won't be going that route. I will most likely be playing Assasin and Deadeye. Assasin for more base crit for easier capping with sadimas + the maim sounds like a solid defensive option together with the knockback. It also opens up the possibility to skip the left part of the tree and invest in more life if you wanna rely on the power charges you sometimes generate (personally i won't do that). Deadeye gives +1 arrow which paired with a +1 quiver enable you to go from GMP --> LMP which gives 10% more damage. Also u get increased dmg and piercing from the tornadoshots secondary effect which will increase clear speed. |
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Yea Assassin + Deadeye sounds good. Regarding the +1 arrow from deadeye, would you say it's worth it to drop a legacy crit quiver for a +1 quiver but with a 35-38 crit multi for the lmp switch?
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" Just tried with I lost tooltip damage compared to my legacy crit multi quiver. So probably not worth it if u already got a good legacy quiver. U might consider swapping to LMP anyway to help single target if that lacks. 5 arrows gets more spread which isnt optimal for boss killing. Anyway i wanna see tree changes, new gems, and tornadoshot helm enchant before i jump to any conclusions!:) |
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Bit of a philosophical comment about what to do when you have 100s of exalts in standard, but I'd be curious to hear your thoughts if you've thought about this:
Is it worth investing in gear that has dps, hp, res, and mf so you can level while you're mfing or is it better to have separate leveling and mfing gear (and potentially separate builds)? My question is based on the idea that your jewelry is suuuper expensive. So it would take a long time for you to recoup the cost of acquiring it (assuming it gives you better loot because of the MF). But, if you used regular jewelry without MF (if it was just like yours minus the MF mods), you'd be clearing pve content just as quickly/safely, and you could invest in a seperate MFer for cheaper. So you wouldn't have to play as much to recoup the costs of investing in that MFer. Do you get what I mean? What do you think? All my builds /view-thread/1430399
T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 |
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Greetings Gents,
Looks like this awesome high lvl char build gonna be cheaper. To get all benefits you should be around 95+ Awesome trick with lioneye's fall and endurance charges - really godly to save our ass. Thanks to the topic starter to share tis MF build. What about your feelings - how it will transform in 2.2? |
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" In the long term you will definetely make it back. I started playing windripper in Torment league and have bought all of the rest of my gear through currency made from my MF character - mainly from drops and crafting. I have never flipped anything and got all my currency from playing the actual game. I tried playing some different chars but without all the drops i get quickly bored so i just always end up back at my MFer. For me its a long term investment, the rings are also so generic they can be used on basically every lifebased attack build, and legacy mods like IIQ on gg pieces makes them less likely to lose value over time. The middle ground here is off course to invest in rings without IIQ but high IIR,wed and resists such as: These can be very cheap and still give very good stats for the build. I leveled up this build solo in 77-80 maps, no deaths from 98 to 100 in 2.0 with minor modifications. I swapped in acuity, specced out of vaal pact and got some life regen and more life in the tree to be more safe. But i was still rocking mf gems and gear in the other slots, so you can level up while mfing for sure. I think i would have invested in a legacy kaom before gg rings if u want to level up while mfing. It's cheaper and u can get away with rings without IIQ without suffering too much in the drops. My own gearing progression was like this: Windripper -> legacy multi quiver and ammy --> legacy kaom --> iiq gg rings --> GG mf belt Hope that answers your questions. |
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" Hey mate. i agree that around level 95 the build gets really really good. I shared some of my thoughts in a previous post. I don't think the build will see big changes. I suspect assasin/deadeye will be the best ascendancy combo. I'm waiting for more patch info to give my final judgement :) |
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The new Force of Nature cluster is a very nice buff to the build and is only 3 points as we path past it. Heard some rumours of unique jewel range being lowered, hope its not the case.
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I'm Looking forward to this build for incoming ascendancy
Can you add skill points per 20 level? And I want to know what ascendancy class you pick for this build and why? |
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Really loving the build so far. The fact that you have such good clear speed and at the same time you're able to maintain really high mf is so awesome!
My gear so far: What would you suggest I upgrade first? Great job making this build! Последняя редакция: JackBauerTheBoss#6525. Время: 2 марта 2016 г., 19:12:50
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