[2.3 Video Guide] Dual Spark Crit Totems Ascendant/Inquisitor [HC/SC & Atziri Viable]

How come in every guide you post you say its Atziri Viable.

You haven't even done Atziri on any of the builds.
How's the single target with the massive Vaal Spark nerfs? Still worth using, or switch to something like Vaal Storm Call?
Hey, bro. How do you sustain mana without clarity? Pots?
Dharmatrooper написал:
Hey, bro. How do you sustain mana without clarity? Pots?

He reserves all of his mana with auras. He then uses eldritch battery to make his ES protect his mana pool. This makes ES his mana pool. Because he took Mind over Matter, whenever he takes a hit 30% of that will hit his ES instead.

This is why Energy Shield and Vaal Discipline is so important because it's both your Mana Pool and your MoM defense.

Don't level clarity up so high at lower levels if you're leveling with Spark Totems early because the mana cost is quite high.

Hope this clears everything up. :)
Последняя редакция: Jakzca#7793. Время: 4 марта 2016 г., 3:25:39
what skills do you recommended to level up with until moving to dual totems? ~40
Hareu написал:
Hey quick question, you go out of the way 1 node to take the mana and life nodes even though the scion life wheel is 1 node away and dont take that in your tree. mana is uneeded in your build since you reserve 100% so just wondering if theres some hidden reason or an oversight on your part.

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changed up your build a little only difference was the scion life wheel and pathing by the templar and took celestial nodes and a totem cluster you skipped out on, also figured inquis/deadeye combo would be better unless ES regen would become a problem, otherwise inquis seems to be a pretty hefty damage increase if you dont need occultist for es.

The scion wheel isn't actually more efficient to reach, because ultimately you want to take Totemic zeal and exceptional performance with an intuitive leap jewel, saving you 6 skill points.
RaPsKa написал:
what skills do you recommended to level up with until moving to dual totems? ~40

Orb of storms + spark should be among the fastest right now. Also u can just go for good old flame totem / firestorm. Use a +1 sceptre asap and u r good to rush thru content.

DiabloBlew написал:
How come in every guide you post you say its Atziri Viable.

You haven't even done Atziri on any of the builds.

Close to any build can do normal atziri, its only about mechanics. You can do it with white gear and a 4L.
Последняя редакция: bamelam#2403. Время: 4 марта 2016 г., 6:36:41
Jakzca написал:
Dharmatrooper написал:
Hey, bro. How do you sustain mana without clarity? Pots?

He reserves all of his mana with auras. He then uses eldritch battery to make his ES protect his mana pool. This makes ES his mana pool. Because he took Mind over Matter, whenever he takes a hit 30% of that will hit his ES instead.

This is why Energy Shield and Vaal Discipline is so important because it's both your Mana Pool and your MoM defense.

Don't level clarity up so high at lower levels if you're leveling with Spark Totems early because the mana cost is quite high.

Hope this clears everything up. :)

Geez i'm dumb, forgot about EB, lol!
All the leveling trees are dead. Any chance of an updated end game tree?
IGN Ken__Kaniff
It seems like the update has borked the passive tree links in the guide. Any chance you will be updating them in the near future so that they are usable?

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