[2.2] NeverSink's 20-Arrow Poison Animator - "The Venomancer" ☠ + Video Guide

Have you tried this build in High Tier Maps?
Recruiting for Archnemesis League/Siege of the Atlas!
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Heya NeverSink,

What's your opinion on this tree? Class is Deadeye


It plays more like traditional summoner, but also pumps respectable DPS and relies on hybrid ES/Life defense from SoulStrike unique quiver (it adds chaos damage, atk speed, flat ES). It can be also easily corrupted for something useful.

Tornado Shot/GMP/Poison/Added Chaos/Culling/(Void Manipulation if 6l) for chest

Your own setup for bow (possibly summon skeleton in place of SRS).Getting a culling strike corruption will be a god-send, but that is high top-end gear.

4l Zombies (+2 helmet?)
4l Spectre (maybe use Conc Effect Rime Gaze for 5l spectre? Quiver will negate downsi)
4l utility (Desecrate/Curse of choice/Blink Arrow/Haste)

131 Proj damage
115 chaos damage
72% damage over time
50% duration

Also what's the deal of stacking so many jewels for barrage? Is is that much better then GMP tornado shot?

Alternatively we can maybe ditch ranger in favor of Necromancer witch by starting with the ES nodes. Mistress of Sacrifice will give us Atk Speed and Duration. Spirit Eater is easy 40% damage boost to minons and you alike. Beacon of corruption will add Chaos damage and make the armada of minions into caustic arrow bombs.
Последняя редакция: azmodael#0736. Время: 4 марта 2016 г., 5:58:15
You are a god.

That is all.
For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
Hey, this is build is awesome. Can you refresh the passive skill tree? Thanks your job.
I recommend using the Pathfinder-Necromancer combination. This will polish the build all around. It'll boost your single target significantly, will give both you and your summons more damage and survival, it'll further boost your auras and will even allow you to replace your pierce gem with something else if you so desire (such as rapid decay or blind, be creative).

Hello dear community.Didn't get it quite. On the picture there are deadeye + necro pathes. But in the text u are recommending to get pathfinder + necro. Where's the truth? I'll be thankful if some1 could explain this to me.
Nice build. Im waiting for Ascendancy videos anf further updates. :)

Currently doing this build as my first character on Perandus. I reached level 71 pretty fast, and jesus this build gets insanely strong around level 62 (when I got my drillneck and Deadeye ascension class).

Just wanted to let you know that I'm having a blast! I'll update my progress here when I begin doing T10+ maps =)


Edit 3/7: I just 6-linked my Null's! I was aiming for a 5L, but oh well :p
Скрытый текст


Edit 3/9: After doing multiple T9 and T10's, I haven't had any trouble at all. My gear is kinda crappy, and I only started capping my elemental res (lol).

Only issue I have is when I fight bosses who are in an entirely different instance. So far, that only includes Izaro.

Here's my gear if anyone is interested. And like the guide says you don't need a 6L Nulls to do well. 4L5S is good to start mapping, 5L6S for endgame. The 6th socket is really just for flavor :p

My gear

Последняя редакция: Exuroo#1489. Время: 9 марта 2016 г., 15:46:40
Hey will you update the skill trees? They currently do not work.
am I blind or have you not listed what bandits to help/kill?

Other than that, good guide!
I believe this is the passive tree:


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