The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed - cheap!

Theaisa написал:
I levelled a character using this build up to merciless; I switched to CoC with a tabula rasa at around 45 and had insane dps with that setup and quill bow, but so far no luck with 6 (or even 5) linking the quill bow after 200 chaos spent or so.

I think I'll shelve this character and go do another Arc build for now, though.. this build has impressive dps and is a ton of fun to play but I am not convinced I can reach past 90 with it on HC. It doesn't feel as well thought out defensively, relying purely on a bit of dodge and not getting hit.

I'll keep following this thread though, if anyone else makes the attempt or has any advice to up survivability. GL :)

I just hit lvl 93, not on hardcore, but I don't have the game skills for it.

think that with my gear I have 6335 HP, and insane DPS + acrobatics as good defence.

also ofc the knockback, I rarely die, and I can do all map mods.

I hope you will try try to hit 90 with it in HC, gl and stay safe!
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
why dont you lv up your barrage gem until it costs 1 mana then just scouring it? I mean the damage isn't much from it but having 20% quality on it is still decent amount of damage. even barrage at 2 mana is fine, mana regen is fast enough for it.
Последняя редакция: ImHonest#2510. Время: 19 марта 2016 г., 20:50:48
ImHonest написал:
why dont you lv up your barrage gem until it costs 1 mana then just scouring it? I mean the damage isn't much from it but having 20% quality on it is still decent amount of damage. even barrage at 2 mana is fine, mana regen is fast enough for it.

There are few reasons:

1. I want mana cost of 0, I have 73 free mana, and in no regen maps i'll get to 0 fast even if the cost of an attack is 1
2. I get to a few hundreds of thousands of DPS, I don't care about another 2000 :D

The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
Kaktuskiller написал:

this is the next 8 points:

this is the 6 after:

this is the final:

and another thing, I think it's a waste taking fangs of the viper.
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
whats the second jewel to fit in volley fire? im dumb or just blind :D
iGN: Turbosky
sKy_0 написал:
whats the second jewel to fit in volley fire? im dumb or just blind :D

the shadow jewel + the ranger jewel
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
rel4us написал:
sKy_0 написал:
whats the second jewel to fit in volley fire? im dumb or just blind :D

the shadow jewel + the ranger jewel

acuity.. i was blind ;D thx 4 quick response
iGN: Turbosky
How do you do reflect maps with this? I die like....very fast.

Level 91
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some of it good, some of it shit, switched to this build today so working on it.
level 65 right now, soon to make the transition to CoC, however I have no where near the crit chance, would you take a look at where I went wrong? only 34% crit so far and I have taken all the nodes. thanks!

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