[2.2] Milky´s Permastun Suckcloner (Nerfed, RIP build)
The notable passive Overwhelm for the Slayer Ascendancy class now only stuns enemies on full life with hits that deal damage. - RIP build
This build does not work anymore!!!!
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Welcome to Milky´s 2.2 Reverse Knockback, 100% stun Ghostbusting Slayernaut / Assslayer Cyclone build! Build in progress! There will most likely change some things with the time This build uses some old and new mechanics. together i created the most fun build i’ve ever played that helps farming maps with the Zana Torment Mod, plays as a selfcastee Discharge or with hilarious Cast on Death setups. I will seperate the build in four sections, all base around the same build idea, skilltree and mechanics. The differences are gems and equipment: - Overview and Mechanics, important to read! - Ghostbusting Slayernaut - Selfcast Abyssal Discharge AssSlayer - Cast on Death AssSlayer This is my current Gear, Skilltree and Flasks playing the AssSlayer Abyssal Discharge version: Skilltree Testing seven league step and rime gaze atm. no more shock removal flask, i try writhing jar atm for easier abyssal chain reactions. For ghostbusting a more defensive gem setup and gear is better
https://youtu.be/dL5FMdnW690 Just a showcase what it does and that this stunlocks bosses.
https://youtu.be/H5RSg_XiqPAsome ledge run, its basically the same in higher tier maps, just liked the layout for a quick video https://youtu.be/d8tUmofYe2Y Beyond Pier map https://youtu.be/YNhEe9gavyE Ghostbusting + MF char
Mechanics and Requirements
Knockback The idea of the build was to create a ghostbusting character which uses the torment mapmod (4 chaos) to pull several packs, buff them with the ghost and log onto a mf character for lootplosions. Then everything got out of hand while theorycrafting! First we want the reverse knockback to suck enemys into our cyclone. For this we use: Empire´s Grasp Gloves (reverse knockback) 54% lvl20 20% Knockback gem 18% Knockback nodes on the Skilltree 30% 5 Jewels with 6% chance to knockback. =102% Knockback The goal is to reach 100% chance to knockback. A lvl 18 20% quality Knockback gem is required for this. If you gem is higher you can drop some % knockback on one jewel if you want. Permastun Now i was looking for defence. First the gladiator came into my mind, aurora aegis max block was pretty popular on Ghostbuster. Then i took a quick look over the Slayer. He has a node called Overwhelm which grants 100% chance to stun enemys on full life and stun duration. The scion Slayer path has the 100% stun enemys on full life feat too and i picked her for the flexibility on the skilltree, aviable aoe nodes, easy jewels and a 2nd class. The stunduration on enemys is a minimum of 350ms, but they need to get stunned which depends on the damage we do and the stunthreshhold. We have 100% stunchance, the damage dealt and threshhold doesn´t matter at all in this case IF the target stays at full life. Now we have 100% reverse knockback with Cyclone and stun targets that are on Full Life. Full Life of Targets To reach the goal to let the enemys stay on full life we have two options: Ancestral Bonds (dual totem) Dyadian Dawn (unique belt) I choose Dyadian Dawn. While wearing this belt we deal zero Physical Damage. As long as we dont have any chaos or elemental damage on the gear or conversions we deal 0 damage with our character! It needs no skillpoints and we still can deal elemental/chaos damage with other spells/traps/mines/totems. This part is interesting if we wanna build a cast on death setup, blow stuff up with vaal detonate dead, discharge and so on. Now we have 100% reverse knockback with Cyclone and stun targets that are on Full Life and they stay on Full Life. Area of Effect and Weapon Range I want to have as much AoE as possible. The goal is to suck in as many mobs at the same time as possible. This requires stacking Weapon Range and AoE. For this i use: Cyclone +2 Weapon Range, this is a base! Master of the Arena (Duelistnode) +2 Weapon Range Warlord´s Reach (Jewel) +1 Weapon Range Daresso´s Salute (Amulet) +2 Weapon Range 2x Prismatic Eclipse (Weapon) up to +12 Weapon Range (6 white sockets), cheaper is +8 Weapon Range (4 white sockets) Carcass Jack 20% AoE Skilltree 40% AoE Cyclone Quality 10% AoE Enhance Cyclone 4% per level Corrupt %cyclone 1% (23%) Inc AoE Gem 39% (40% lvl 21) Swords have a base weapon Range of 6, thrusting sword 7 and so on (wiki - Weaponrange) Prismatic Eclipse is a regular sword. on a "budget" we would get: 8 (cyclone + sword base) + 8 (2x2 white socket) + 2 (master) + 1 (warlords) + 2 (Daressos) = 21 Weapon Range 21 WR + 109% (no enhance) = 43.89 WR > 43 WR rounded down This is huge. With perfect gear (3x white prismatic, lvl 4 enhance, ) we get 55.5 WR > 55 WR rounded down Now we have 100% reverse knockback with Cyclone and stun targets that are on Full Life and they stay on Full Life with huge AoE Picture with the weaponrange radius - wiki Movement Speed We permastun everything, so we can afford low defence for more movementspeed. Devotos Devotion and Seven-League Steps come into my mind. The big AoE is an advantage over regular Ghostbusterbuilds, we do not loose mobs with our cyclone. Now we have a fast 100% reverse knockback with Cyclone and stun targets that are on Full Life and they stay on Full Life with huge AoE. Substaining some damage and manacosts We just need one Jewel with 2 mana gained on hit and have no Manaproblems, just have enough unreserved mana if you want to use Discharge and Abyssal Cry. From time to time we can receive some damage, Life gain on Hit helps us regening this. I also use Fortify, Endurance charges and on the Ghostbuster Immortal Call. Selfcast Abyssal Discharge Not important for a regular Ghostbuster. If you wanna run Discharge and Abyssal cry we need a few changes with the gems. The playstyle works like this: - Pull packs with Cyclone. - Gain Endurance Charges and Powercharges on stun/hit in the process. - Stop and quickly cast Abyssal Cry - Cyclone again for 1-2 secs to guarantee stuns on every target again. - Use Vessel of Vinktar to Shock everything around you, remove shock on you with another flask. - Use your resist flasks... basically just press all Flasks :P - Weapon swap and cast Discharge - get the fuck out of there! I only say Bloodlines mod. Use bleedremoval etc. - ??? - profit Abyssal Cry + Binos Knife spreads the poison all over the place on stuff that survives (maybe). Everything should be dead afterwards. Cast on Death If we dont want to mf, just have fun clearing a map pretty fast without leveling we can use Cast on Death. It is basically the same as the selfcast Discharger, just with some more damage. Pain attunement should be used for more damage when low on life (works). Cast on Death portal to get in fast ;) Cast on Death Discharge setup Abyssal Cry setup Other Cast on Death setups (novas, Firestorm ...) The plan is to Sucklone many mobs together, then weaponswap, use Abyssal Cry and let everything explode. Get back in with your portal, loot. Avoiding crashes You cannot pull the whole map,you will lag, get a screen freeze and die. This even gets worse with ghosts. Try around what works. you shouldnt ghostbust with a discharger, only kill the ghostet mobs with another mf character, the explosion animations will crash the game and will crash again if you enter that area again. Its less of a problem on another char who doesnt intantly kill like 20 packs at once. I had no problems with up to 10 packs, thats the point where you should use discharge on the AssSlayer. Monsters and Maps There are some circumstances to keep an eye on. - devourers and those other works cannot be sucked with you, just pull a ghost through them or detonate there. - cannot be stunned mapmod is not possible, however every other mapmod is, except elemental reflect if you discharge. - Discipline auras on mobs will cause all mobs to get 50% stunavoidance. We hit fast enough to still stunlock everything most of the time, but discharging can be very dangerous, better do it early. - Bosses with their own room like Izaro are hard to kill or not possible. A worm flask can add additional targets for the explosion. Still have to test around. - keep an eye on corrupting blood and death effects of bloodline mods. While corrupting blood wont damage you while spinning due to the high life on hit, it will tick down very fast if you stop.
The Basic Tree
This Skilltree is the base of our build and the absolute minimum requirement to play it. The following sections (Ghostbuster, Discharger, Cast on Death) will add more points to the Skilltree, check those. We get 6 jewels which is the minimum we need to reach 100% knockback (gems, passive, jewels together) and to use the Warlords Reach unique jewel. All useful AoE nodes are picked, Master of the Arena for +2 Weapon Range and the Knockback nodes. Of course, you can get more life earlier, i just wanted to show the most important pathings and skillpoints
Ascendancy Class
Ascendant and Slayer are only possible. Both have a node for 100% chance to stun targets on full life. The Slayer node is a bit stronger with 100% stunduration on top, but i picked the Ascendant for better pathing on the Skilltree (lesser points required) and two subclasses. If we pick the Ascendant first get to the Slayer, its a must have. The second class depends on what you wanna play. Juggernaut: Chilled Ground immunity, some armour, cannot be stunned on full endurance charges. The Juggernaut is better for Ghostbusting, you aren´t slowed down and can´t be stunned while using whirling blade or when your cyclone hits a little pebble. Assassin: Just for the 10% chance for a power charge on hit when the target is on full life. This boosts our Cast on Death Discharge a lot if we use it. Pick the Juggernaut for Ghostbusting Pick the Assassin for selfcast Discharge and Cast on Death
Bandits are the same for every build variation Normal > help Oak Cruel > help Kraityn Merciless > help Oak
Pretty simple. We take Warlords Reach for the +1 Weapon Range, this is a questreward in the act 2 crypt on Cruel. If you have a lvl 20 20% knockback gem you need 5 jewels with a total 28% knockback chance If you have a lvl 18 20% knockback gem you need 5 jewels with a total 30% knockback chance If you have a lvl 20 0% knockback gem you need 7 jewels with a total 38% knockback chance If you have a lvl 18 0% knockback gem you need 7 jewels with a total 40% knockback chance and so on... Quality knockback gems are not expensive, try to balance it around 5-6 jewels. In addition to Knockback% we want: - %life - mana gain on hit (one) - attack speed - stun duration - Resistances - Dual Wield Block - life gain on hit If you want more Damage for Discharge/Abyssal cry on selfcast/cast on death - AoE damage - chaos damage - Damage
take care that you dont brick the gloves with elemental damage enchants. I dont really care for enchants on this build so for. coming later... maybe. There is nothing thats really important.
Switching between Ghostbuster and Discharger/CoD
The Skilltree stays basically the same, however we need to switch some Gems and/or Items. first we drop the Immortal Call setup, we dont want it with a discharger or vice versa, want it with the Ghostbuster. Then we need room for a 4link Abyssal cry and a 4link Discharge. I drop the Whirling Blades setup for Discharge and use Whirling Blades in the Weapon where Immortal Call was I drop CWDT Blade Vortex setup for Abyssal Cry and drop the whole BV stuff. You can easily switch new items in for those two slots (Boots/Helmet), this is the easiest way to do it, because we need different colors. The Ascendancy classchoice between Juggernaut and Assassin is not THAT important if you wanna toy around. tl:dr the effort to switch between pure ghostbusting and selfclearing is very low, basically just swap two items and gems
This is not meant to be a first character on a league, it can be pretty expensive. I leveled with Earthquake in a Tabula Rasa and Geofris Baptism into the Blood Reaper into Kaoms Primacy. Just oneshot the screen. i socketed damage jewels in the slots for 2h damage, axe/mace damage, attack speed, aoe damage and so on. Thats it. Run, Hit the Ground, Run, Hit the Ground, level 70+ Also Check out my other Builds and Guides https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Последняя редакция: Milkyslice#1099. Время: 31 марта 2016 г., 22:15:53 Last bumped26 авг. 2016 г., 4:41:22
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Ghostbusting Slayernaut
The notable passive Overwhelm for the Slayer Ascendancy class now only stuns enemies on full life with hits that deal damage. - RIP build This build does not work anymore!!!!
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This section is about the Ghostbuster
The idea is to open a Torment map with the Zana device, pull as many monsters as possible, let them get touched by a ghost and logout for your magic find character or let a friend join for MFing. Ghosted monsters give a good amount of extra raity and quantity. It was totally broken a few leagues ago, but it still works nowadays with a cost of only 4 chaos orbs per map. I am pretty confident to say that this version is hardcore viable if you dont get screenfreezes etc, the other 2 not.
Following gems are used in this priority 6link: Cyclone + inc AoE + Life gain on hit + Knockback + Endurance charge on stun + Fortify [GBRRRR] A 5 link is great for this, gives a ton of defence on top of the stuns. 4link: Vengeance + life gain on hit + Blind + inc AoE or Riposte or blind [RRG B/G] socket this in the Empires Grasp Gloves for the 5link knockback gem. Pulls targets a bit into your cyclone AoE, may be change one gem with Blind. 4link: Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks + Bloodmagic + Fortify [GGRR] For the start of a map to get into a pack and to get out if we wanna park the pulled stuff. 4link: Cast when damage taken + Blade Vortex + Knockback + Blind or Bladefall [RGRG] Some more utility and defence. You can keep everything on lvl 1 3link: Temporal Chains + Blasphemy + Haste or Purity [GB G/B] Temporal Chains gives us a higher Stun duration. Purity if you want resists, haste for movement and atkspeed. 3link: Cast when damage taken (1-20) + Duration + Immortal Call (1-20) [RRR] We can get 6 Endurance charges and are permanent up on those with Ecos and permastun, pretty long duration Some Gem setups may change in slots or links as we have two corrupted weapons which are often not linked or have colors we dont desire. I would drop the Bladevortex cwdt setup if something doesnt work.
The Skilltree of the Ghostbuster just gets more life, endurance charges and jewels. Further points are invested into even more life.
Overall, dont get ANY flat elemental damage on your gear or the enemys won´t be stunlocked!!! Weapons: 2x Prismatic Eclipse with at least two white sockets on each of them. 6 white sockets are perfect but very expensive, the chances to corrupt this is 1/400, 2 white is 1/40. Chitus Needle can mixed in or dual wield. Not as big of a weapon Range as Prismatic Eclipse but the best option if you have nothing else and its cheaper. Gloves Empires Grasp for the reverse Knockback feat Belt: Dyadian Dawn lets us deal 0 physical damage. Mandatory to let the enemys stay on full life! Alternatively get a rare life/resist Belt and skill Ancestral Bonds on the passive tree. Only if you dont wanna deal damage! Weapon, Gloves and Belt are the most important, without them the build falls apart. Chest: Carcass Jack for the 20% AoE Amulet: Daressos Salute for the +2 Weapon Range. It is affordable for 10-20 chaos in the perandus league, more expensive on standard. It is an Anarchy League only Unique and can only drop/chanced in a Zanamap or bought via Perandus If you cant get one pick up Life and Resists on this slot. Boots: Seven-League Step gives 50% movementspeed, nothing else. Good to gather mobs fast. Or rare 30% movementspeed Boots with Life and Resists. Ring: Rare rings with life and resists Doedres Damning if you wanna run Blasphemy Enfeeble in addition to Temporal Chains Helmet: Devotos Devotion gives us 20% movementspeed, 16% attackspeed, chaosresist and Dexterity. This helps our pullspeed and lgoh/stuns. Rare Helmet with Life and resists Heretics Veil if you wanna run 3x Blasphemy curse (2x doedres ring) :P https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Последняя редакция: Milkyslice#1099. Время: 31 марта 2016 г., 22:16:16
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Abyssal Discharging AssSlayer
The notable passive Overwhelm for the Slayer Ascendancy class now only stuns enemies on full life with hits that deal damage. - RIP build This build does not work anymore!!!!
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This section is about the AbyssalDischarger
The idea is to pull as many mobs as possible (limited by your computer) and then use Abyssal Cry + Discharge. It depends on the amount of monsters you pull how stable it is. Too many mobs will crash the game, but potentially could blow up a whole map in one blast :P Alternatively you can use other setups to trigger the explosion like Voltaxic/Windripper + Blastrain and similar. I like Discharge the most because i'm in ragen of my Vessel of Vinktar Flask and i can also use it without a weaponswap on non bosses
Following gems are used in this priority 6link: Cyclone + inc AoE + Knockback + Life gain on hit + Endurance charge on stun + Fortify[GBRRRR] A 5 link is great for this, gives a ton of defence on top of the stuns. 4link: Discharge + Faster Casting + Elemental Focus + Controlled Destruction [BBBB] Our finisher for pulled packs. Faster Casting is important so we have a better chance to actually cast our Discharge 4link: Abyssal Cry + Void Manipulation + Poison + Increased AoE [RGGB] Use this before Discharge. 4link: Temporal Chains + Blasphemy + Purity + Vengeance [GBBR] Temporal Chains gives us a higher Stun duration. Purity for resist with all those uniques. 3link: Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks + Blood Magic [GGR] To get out of the mobs after Discharging (Bloodline mods and so on) 3link: Conversion Trap + whatever I found it quite useful for Immunity aura totems/rares. If you hit them they will stay there and you cann pull the rest further away Weapon swap setup: 3link: Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks + Fortify [GGR] again 3link: doesn´t matter much, Cast on Death + Portal if you fuck up. cast when damage taken + Phaserun + skeleton is possible too, but wont help much. If you have problems linking the Weapons (corrupted Prismatic Eclipes with white sockets) you should switch something.
The AssSlaying Abyssal Discharger setup is almost the same as the the Ghostbuster. The biggest difference is that we get unwavering stance and stun duration nodes. This helps us to not get stunned while casting Discharge. Lower life, but we can get more later and shouldnt receive much damage at all (the intention of the build)
Overall, dont get ANY flat elemental damage on your gear or the enemys won´t be stunlocked!!! Weapons Cyclone: 2x Prismatic Eclipse with at least two white sockets on each of them. 6 white sockets are perfect but very expensive, the chances to corrupt this is 1/400, 2 white is 1/40. Chitus Needle can mixed in or dual wield. Not as big of a weapon Range as Prismatic Eclipse but the best option if you have nothing else and its cheaper. Weapons Explosion: Binos Kitchen Knife to proliferate the Poison. Consuming Dark to poison with Discharge and halving reflect damage Gloves Empires Grasp for the reverse Knockback feat Belt: Dyadian Dawn lets us deal 0 physical damage. Mandatory to let the enemys stay on full life! Weapon, Gloves and Belt are the most important, without them the build falls apart. Chest: Carcass Jack for the 20% AoE Amulet: Daressos Salute for the +2 Weapon Range. It is affordable for 10-20 chaos in the perandus league, more expensive on standard. It is an Anarchy League only Unique and can only drop/chanced in a Zanamap or bought via Perandus If you cant get one, pick up Life and Resists on this slot. Boots: Seven-League Step gives 50% movementspeed, nothing else. Good to gather mobs fast. Or rare 30% movementspeed Boots with Life and Resists. Ring: Rare rings with life and resists Doedres Damning if you wanna run Blasphemy Enfeeble in addition to Temporal Chains Helmet: Devotos Devotion gives us 20% movementspeed, 16% attackspeed, chaosresist and Dexterity. This helps our pullspeed and lgoh/stuns. Rime Gaze for a pseudo 5 link Conc Effect Geofris Crest or The Vertex for a +1 Discharge Malachais Simula gives you bloodmagic, spelldamage and lightning damage (discharge), but you need to drop all mana reservation Rare Helmet with Life and resists https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Последняя редакция: Milkyslice#1099. Время: 31 марта 2016 г., 22:16:55
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Cast on Death AssSlayer
The notable passive Overwhelm for the Slayer Ascendancy class now only stuns enemies on full life with hits that deal damage. - RIP build This build does not work anymore!!!!
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This section is about the Cast on Death AssSlayer
The idea is to pull as many mobs as possible, use Abyssal cry, weapon swap and die. Almost the same was the Discharger with some more damage for the fun aspect.
Following gems are used in this priority 6link: Cyclone + inc AoE + Life gain on hit + Knockback + Endurance charge on stun + Fortify [GBRRRR] A 5 link is great for this, gives a ton of defence on top of the stuns. 4link: Cast on Death + Firestorm + inc Duration + Empower or less duration [BBRR] Just because its hard to roll more blue on the empires grasp. Change it for better if you get more ;) 4link: Discharge + Cast on Death + Elemental Focus + Controlled Destruction [BBBB] Our finisher for pulled packs. Faster Casting is important so we have a better chance to actually cast our Discharge 4link: Abyssal Cry + Void Manipulation + Poison + Increased AoE [RGGB] Use this before Discharge. 3link: Vengeance + life gain on hit + Blind [RRG] 3link: Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks + Fortify[GGR] To get in and for backtracking 2nd weapon set 3link: Cast on Death + Firestorm + Firestorm 3link: Cast on Death + Firestorm + Firestorm you can change the spells if you want. If you have problems linking the Weapons (corrupted Prismatic Eclipse with white sockets) you should switch something. Breaking Vengeance is fine, adding blasphemy + temp chains or whirling blades + faster attacks if needed or a single socket gem.
Overall, dont get ANY flat elemental damage on your gear or the enemys won´t be stunlocked!!! Weapons Cyclone: 2x Prismatic Eclipse with at least two white sockets on each of them. 6 white sockets are perfect but very expensive, the chances to corrupt this is 1/400, 2 white is 1/40. Chitus Needle can mixed in or dual wield. Not as big of a weapon Range as Prismatic Eclipse but the best option if you have nothing else and its cheaper. Weapons Explosion: Binos Kitchen Knife to proliferate the Poison. Consuming Dark to poison with Discharge and halving reflect damage Gloves Empires Grasp for the reverse Knockback feat Belt: Dyadian Dawn lets us deal 0 physical damage. Mandatory to let the enemys stay on full life! Weapon, Gloves and Belt are the most important, without them the build falls apart. Chest: Carcass Jack for the 20% AoE Amulet: Daressos Salute for the +2 Weapon Range. It is affordable for 10-20 chaos in the perandus league, more expensive on standard. It is an Anarchy League only Unique and can only drop/chanced in a Zanamap or bought via Perandus If you cant get one pick up Life and Resists on this slot. Boots: Seven-League Step gives 50% movementspeed, nothing else. Good to gather mobs fast. Or rare 30% movementspeed Boots with Life and Resists. Ring: Rare rings with life and resists Doedres Damning if you wanna run Blasphemy Enfeeble in addition to Temporal Chains Helmet: Devotos Devotion gives us 20% movementspeed, 16% attackspeed, chaosresist and Dexterity. This helps our pullspeed and lgoh/stuns. Rime Gaze for a pseudo 5 link Conc Effect Geofris Crest or The Vertex for a +1 Discharge Malachais Simula gives you bloodmagic, spelldamage and lightning damage (discharge), but you need to drop all mana reservation. Not bad for this route as we are lazy, right? Rare Helmet with Life and resists https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Последняя редакция: Milkyslice#1099. Время: 31 марта 2016 г., 22:17:12
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haha nice XD i should try it later
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It has a learing curve, thats for sure.
Not used to comboing skills and flasks with weaponswap in a short timeframe (ledge video, the start where i forgot abyssal cry). But its so much fun :) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Последняя редакция: Milkyslice#1099. Время: 18 марта 2016 г., 3:41:59
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How broken is that :D
Interested to see a video in a Beyond map... Spawn every available Beyond boss in one place? Последняя редакция: Irongunner#6764. Время: 18 марта 2016 г., 4:44:25
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I try my best :D
Dont know if beyonds will take damage of the explosion too or if the game crashes with the spawns, will try it when i can play again https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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Added 'monsters and maps' in the mechanic section
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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This is so cool! I think I will try and respec a guy into this. Do you think it is possible to squeeze MF on the same character?
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