[3.5] Say_Ten's Melee Shadow - Murder Everything Cheaply
" haven't seen it til now, but might be pretty cool to try, especially since we use HoA. you'd lose claw node benefits for the dagger, so you might want to go straight dagger build with it, but you'd be able to test it out with one claw next to it anyway. let me know how it works out! |
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ye i already toke advice of your tree build for daggers, cause i like them more on an aesthetic point of view. then i'll try them out. thanks again for the answer and for the guide! have a nice day :)
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Guess who's back, back again.
Thanks to you guys I got some new items and did some more maps. Think I gained 4 levels and my survivabilty and damage are up. Alas, I am in need of help once again. I have 4 ex (!! got lucky today !!) to spend. My guess would be claws and flasks but i'm just not experienced enough to know for sure. I bought the imperial claw but I don't even know for sure if it is better than the touch of anguish :x life: 5154 resistances: F104 C55 L73 C-60 Thanks for your time guys, really appreciate the help. |
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" I would fix resistances first and the first thing that comes to mind is changing belt and boots a bit. Since you are overcapped on fire res, you could wear a belt with no fire res but better cold and lightning, then get boots with high fire/cold or even tri-res (wouldn't need that much fire res to hit cap after say replaced belt). Also if you run just 2 res on belt, you have room for another mod like flask duration. That kind of stuff is pretty nice to have. If you need res flask for temporary basis, I'd pick a utility flask not a health flask so that you keep the full duration of the effect no matter what. With res fixed later on, you'll probably run anti-bleed Basalt flask. You have the money for Taste of Hate flask, but I'd pick that up after fixing other things first. You def have the money to optimize belt, boots, and even gloves a bit. Get that fixed cause your life and damage are probably pretty dandy atm. Последняя редакция: _DMG_#0545. Время: 10 февр. 2018 г., 22:36:50
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Thank you. I have been searching poe.trade for almost 2 hours now and i'm afraid to buy "expensive" stuff.. If it costs more than 20c I start doubting if it's really good for my build and worth the money.
I did buy a new belt but that was 5c.. The items you described, what would you say those would cost? Like your example of Taste of hate, because you mentioned it I don't mind spending an ex on that :) Thanks. |
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So. after 2 more hours I finally have something new haha. New ring with vaal haste, new gloves, new belt and new boots.
Taste of hate next and then some nice claws?! thanks! Life: 5192 Res: F83/C82/L73 Последняя редакция: Baggoes#0103. Время: 11 февр. 2018 г., 18:37:07
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" That belt is pretty decent. I'd take it to Level 7 Tora bench, take off the crafted energy shield, and replace it with %element damage with attacks. 5c for that belt was a pretty good deal imo. If you don't have decent jewels, I'd maybe start taking a look at those. You can find some pretty OP Abyss Jewels (Murderous Eye Jewel base) for not much money. Dunno what jewels you currently use but you can gain a lot from wearing strong ones. High DPS jewels can roll both flat physical damage and physical damage with claw attacks onto the same item, on top of also giving max life. Some of the options are insane and you can find fairly strong combos for 5-10c sometimes even cheaper because of how flooded the market is. Example combo that can be fairly cheap if you find a good deal: Max life %chance to gain onslaught on kill (look for at least 5-6%) %chance to gain unholy might on melee kill (look for at least 3%) Find some stuff like that and it feels pretty nice. Doesn't have to be Abyss jewels either, there are some fairly strong regular jewels with crit, life and other stuff. |
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It's my first experience in PoE and my first character, so i wanted to ask for any advises regarding my itemization and stuff. I was using frost blades as my main skill due to comfortable kiting & aoe potential, but i started feeling the lack of damage to solo targets/bosses. I don't have many chaos orbs and my items are like super trash, i just don't know what should i fix first. Also i can't choose between this two. I know you use stibnite flask, i don't get the idea of using it because of almost the same amount of % evasion on my second flask. |
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" in additional to all the help _DMG_ is giving you, get rid of that fucking divination distillate and get a basalt flask. you can run 2 life flasks if you really need to but replacing the non-anti-freeze one with a stibnite would be even better. |
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" smoke cloud, bruh. it's free blind to help you GTFO. |
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