[3.5] Say_Ten's Melee Shadow - Murder Everything Cheaply
" Slow and not much DPS compared to what you can get otherwise There was one guy using it in here it it's not ideal |
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Thanks for the reply say, this is defenitely gonna be my next build although I might go a raider for the attack speed. Touch of anguish may shoot up in price due to mathil's frost blades build however :X
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" that guy ruined the prices of claws last season too. the fack? i have a guildie who has run the build as a raider a couple times and he loves the attack speed. it can be a bit more defensive with the life on hit mechanic and faster attack speed but for ultimate damage, assassin is the way to go. |
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I would like to ask another question. How about replacing lightning strike with frost blades. I mean, we use lightning strike for just the aoe clear anyways so wouldnt frost blades be better?
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" same guildie who ran raider also ran frost blades and liked it i, personally, hate it. i like how you can spam LS from across the entire screen if you want and it doesn't need to hit anything to work well. you need to get so close to monsters to effectively use frost blades that you might as well use dual strike with splash in a lot of cases. just my opinion. |
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Time to farm legacy lightning coil + abyssus combo boys
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" That would be f'ing out of control. Old school 2M solo DPS. I suppose if you went pure glass cannon you could get the DPS that high on the current setup without too much issue. |
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Hey, I'm level 70 with this build, here's my current gear:
Dual Strike DPS is ~60k Lightning Strike DPS is ~25k Would two Touch of Anguish claws be better than one + Rive claw? I thought it might be effective to use both in order to proc both of their unique effects. Also, check out how these unique gloves synergize with the Rive claw's bleed: Haemophilia Serpentscale Gauntlets Armour: 68 Evasion: 68 25% increased Damage over Time +(20-30) to Strength Attacks have 25% chance to cause Bleeding (25-40)% increased Attack Damage against Bleeding Enemies Bleeding Enemies you Kill Explode, dealing 5% of their Maximum Life as Physical Damage 25% reduced Bleed duration Последняя редакция: dakiller234#6668. Время: 22 марта 2017 г., 10:36:51
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" Yes, ToA are more direct DPS than Rive, which is DoT. I wouldn't invest in DoT unless you spec into the ascendancy tree for poison/bleed. Craft life leech on your gloves until you get better ones. The flat damage and attack speed you can get on them is legit. Get a different belt when you can. That one is ok but not really great for this build. Leather with at least 100 total life and tri resist is where it's at. Rings are a little low on life but ok for now. Boots enchant is good and the boots themselves are pretty good too. Change added fire damage in helm to crit damage. If you don't want to set up CwDT, you could also set up ancestral warchief/protector as a 4L. Or you could set up a couple of vaal skills with supports. Or a combo of both. |
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CWDT Immortal Call relies on Endurance charges to extend the buff, but I don't have any generating except in the rare instance where I have Rumi's Concoction up and I block something. Do you have more endurance charges up/spent? Trying to figure out why I'm still pretty flimsy with 5k health, overcapped resists and fancy flasks.
Level 86, gear:
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Here's my character overview: http://poe-profile.info/profile/karlnp/MrRLTime I have about 4ex + misc currency, but am hesitant to buy more equipment when I'm not really sure what the problem is. Would be fine with upgrading if I had any idea what's going on. Would appreciate any feedback. Последняя редакция: karlnp#3097. Время: 23 марта 2017 г., 13:03:13
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