[3.5] Say_Ten's Melee Shadow - Murder Everything Cheaply
Thanks man! I do keep fortify up, I might just be getting shitty map rolls honestly. I have a little over 5k life and max resists. I really wish there was a combat log of some sort so I know if I died from a crit or some weird bloodline mechanic, otherwise I'd have a better answer for what kills me haha.
I'll take your advice on the gear for sure, definitely feel like I need more survivability than damage at the moment. Hakkaa päälle pohjan poika!
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" I see you have only one other character that you have been mapping with, at least on this account. Read some recent posts about guys who are dying and what I told them. Or we can map together and I can tell you how shitty you're playing =D. |
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" Huh, I had thought the "1% life/mana leech when hit" was a filler enchant. You're right, I'll look at the market for better BoRs and definitely jewelry. Shaper's Touch does at least give me 80/90 life at this time, so that's something. Good belts with life, tri-res and damage aren't too cheap, but gotta be cheaper than those crazy Crystal Belts... I'll take you up on that Unset Ring offer if I see you on, thanks! Hail Say_Ten! (yes... I just got that :P ) /popcorn always, because people
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" hell oh hell (that's lol in devilspeak) yes, there are a lot of good enchants for boots. the one you have goes up to 2% as an uber enchant, so you might want to find another pair of boots and enchant them until you get something good. most people like the one i have (got it twice this league) which is the 0.6% of damage leeched as life and mana if you've killed recently. mainly think about the mechanics of the build. out of all the enchants, you are taking a lot of hits, you are killing a lot...so those are solid options. for tougher bosses with no adds, not having killed recently is good too. but in summary i think the leech and regen are the best. make sure you add me...not sure i've seen your name on my friends list...unless we are just on at completely opposite times. to be fair i've been busy IRL lately and haven't been on too much. |
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" Finally got you added. I was doing it wrong, just like she said. Thanks, boss!! /popcorn always, because people
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my first baby
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" very nice. did you buy it or find it? if you bought it, what did you pay? |
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" 6 ex, but I'm patient =) and bought them for 4 ex! |
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" i would say that's pretty good. obviously could've waited longer or whatever but at some point you just need to move beyond ToA or something at that level and go for more DPS |
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" save money for one more but better or buy a similar for the same price, what do u recommend? I mean is there a big difference (in game) between 325 pdps and >370 pdps? because in the exalted orbs is a huge difference, very-very huge Последняя редакция: iveldraw#1614. Время: 21 сент. 2017 г., 9:27:35
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