GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

infectedmethod написал:

I need a +1 Tabula.

It's quite a damage increase, especially if you use Empower. Since then you will gain effectively 2 ED levels.


1. Which Golem should I be using?

I used Flame golem for 20% increased damage up until recently, when I switched to a dedicated damage setup for Allelopahty gloves. I had to drop a couple of gems, Golem being one of them.
Rationale: dps are high enough for trash anyways, 20% increased is not a lot if you have ~800% total increased anyways. And against bosses, he tends to die quickly, so why bother :)


3. I've been turning off Enfeeble. My survivability has gone up. I've been using Witchbrew.

3a. Reserved mana with Enfeeble and Clarity Mana 1441, w/o 2625. Current HP 4468 ES 784.
3b. Should I focus on getting my reserved mana more in line? Atleast above 2200?
3c. Should I trade for a +1 Curse Amulet or do I need Whispers or Doom?

Turning enfeeble off should decrease your survivability. Reasons why it increased could be (just guessing):
you did not have Whispers of Doom, hence when using Witchbrew, you overwrite Enfeeble with Vulnerability, but still have the reserved mana from Blasphemy & Enfeeble. Therefore, more mana (i.e. no Enfeeble) = better if you don't get the effect anyways. (see 3a)
3b) try to increase, the full 30% are not really required, but can serve as a good estimate.
3c) if you can get a useful(!) +1 amu for an affordable price (very subjective of course), go for it. It frees up a lot of passives. Otherwise, if you want to use Witchbrew, you need to take Whispers of Doom (see 3a)


4. Should I fix my tree - trash the few rare Jewels (besides 2x Rott) - as they just wasting away much needed Skill pts. Instead, I should be picking up Spell Dmg/Life Nodes/Mana Nodes?

Didn't look at your jewels, but often times rare jewels > a few passive nodes, especially if close by (say up to 3 nodes). For your reference, I'm now running 4 rares + 2 Spreading Rot. Spreading Rot area only helping if you also use Blight. If not, drop them.


5. Clarity and Enfeeble still the go to?

I personally dropped Clarity, as I feel I have enough mana reg. I very rarely run out of mana. Would probably still run it, if I had an empty gem slot. Enfeeble is a very noticable increase in survivability for me, would not want to miss it. But some people prefer Temporal Chains over Enfeeble.


6. Any other advice for my char?

Didn't have time to look at your profile so far. Maybe tomorrow.

Knieger написал:
So if I'm going with the Tabula, can I still use the Passive Skill tree spec from your guide inc. the mind over matter point? And shoud I still go for mana in my build?

Yes and yes.

I guess I should also go for the spreading rod jewels then? And I should go for the Allelopathy gloves no matter what?

Spreading rot only if you use Blight. If you want to use Blight, I would indeed get it via Allelopathy. If not, drop the jewels and get some good rare gloves.
i am new to this game , mind if i ask a few advice , becuz i have been reading the comments and post see what can i do to maximize my currency , what can i do to help with my character.
or is it that i just need level up my character ? to get the skill points
i realise i do increase my survivability when i not using enfeeble
Последняя редакция: Xynhr#1509. Время: 11 окт. 2017 г., 4:42:37
Ghazzy написал:
TehBoomer написал:
Essence of Delirium only applies to hits, which does not affect this build at all. EDIT: For complete accuracy, the projectile portion of ED counts as a hit. This will mean up to 5 enemies can have the DoT. This will be a minor help on bosses, but will do nothing otherwise. Fairly ineffective, IMO.

Also, I don't see why you would run Shield Charge with supporters, instead of Blight with 2 supports (probably Void Manipulation and Efficacy or something along those lines) for stronger single target DPS. Mind elaborating?

Generally you don't need the extra damage when clearing maps and the problem reveals themselves at bosses where decay does tons for you.

Regarding Shield Charge vs Supported Blight:
It's a matter of taste, the displayed version is my personal preference which is based of my personal playstyle. I generally shield charge into packs which means that both faster attacks for faster charging as well as Fortify does TONS to avoid ripping where as I feel perfectly fine with the slightly lower Blight DPS. However, you can tweak other stuffs and even add Unset rings to get the best from both worlds if you wish :)

Thanks for the info. I'll give both a try and see where I end up. That said, it seems like you could just...not charge directly into groups of enemies? Having a stronger Blight absolutely makes boss fights quicker. But, again, you likely have far more experience with this build than I do, so as far as end game goes, my concerns are only speculation.
TehBoomer написал:
Thanks for the info. I'll give both a try and see where I end up. That said, it seems like you could just...not charge directly into groups of enemies? Having a stronger Blight absolutely makes boss fights quicker. But, again, you likely have far more experience with this build than I do, so as far as end game goes, my concerns are only speculation.

Charging into or rather through groups allows very quick map clearing - and the Fortify buff is absolutely worth it (at least in my opinion). I'd rather drop something else.

That being said, you can get a dedicated Blight damage gem setup + Shield Charge setup + CWDT (nice to have) + Contagion (required) + Wither totem (highly advised / required) + Curse via Blasphemy. So more or less everything, of course you have to make a few cuts here and there.

You can took a look at my profile to see how I set up the gems - that's the best config at least for me after trying various others (no Blight at all, Blight but not supported by damage gems, dropping CWDT, setup with 2 glove sets for boss / map clearing).
Xynhr написал:
i realise i do increase my survivability when i not using enfeeble

Hm, see above. The only circumstance in which this could be the case is if you have way to little mana, so that MoM provides better protection when you do not reserve any mana compared to using Enfeeble with mana reserved.

I had a few occasions in which I was wondering why I was taking so much damage, when I realised that Enfeeble was not active (for whatever reason). Enfeeble should definitely HELP with INCREASING survivability.
TehBoomer написал:
Ghazzy написал:
TehBoomer написал:
Essence of Delirium only applies to hits, which does not affect this build at all. EDIT: For complete accuracy, the projectile portion of ED counts as a hit. This will mean up to 5 enemies can have the DoT. This will be a minor help on bosses, but will do nothing otherwise. Fairly ineffective, IMO.

Also, I don't see why you would run Shield Charge with supporters, instead of Blight with 2 supports (probably Void Manipulation and Efficacy or something along those lines) for stronger single target DPS. Mind elaborating?

Generally you don't need the extra damage when clearing maps and the problem reveals themselves at bosses where decay does tons for you.

Regarding Shield Charge vs Supported Blight:
It's a matter of taste, the displayed version is my personal preference which is based of my personal playstyle. I generally shield charge into packs which means that both faster attacks for faster charging as well as Fortify does TONS to avoid ripping where as I feel perfectly fine with the slightly lower Blight DPS. However, you can tweak other stuffs and even add Unset rings to get the best from both worlds if you wish :)

Thanks for the info. I'll give both a try and see where I end up. That said, it seems like you could just...not charge directly into groups of enemies? Having a stronger Blight absolutely makes boss fights quicker. But, again, you likely have far more experience with this build than I do, so as far as end game goes, my concerns are only speculation.

I generally tell people to see my build guides more as guidelines rather than "this is what you HAVE to do".
I prefer a specific playstyle others prefer other styles. Test things out and see what fits your style the best :)
Knieger написал:

My personal preference is to use a corrupted +1 gem lvl tabula rasa (or skin of the loyal) though a lot of people hate the loss of defensive stats which is why I've displayed 1 hardcore oriented chest piece (CoD) & one softcore oriented chest piece (Cherrubim).

The choice is ultimately yours. Tabula is MUCH cheaper even with the corruption added.

So if I'm going with the Tabula, can I still use the Passive Skill tree spec from your guide inc. the mind over matter point? And shoud I still go for mana in my build? I guess I should also go for the spreading rod jewels then? And I should go for the Allelopathy gloves no matter what?

I'm sorry for asking so manny questions. I really appreciate people and you still answering and your guide really helped me and I went from zero to level 72 now without problems and everything except bosses almost instantly dying on my first char ever.

All your statements are correct. And never apologize for asking questions, I promote anyone to always ask what ever question they have and I will always answer to the best of my ability & time. :)

Diamondie_666 написал:
Hi there,

Firstly, thx for the guide - Been a pleasure to lvl. sofar. ( 82 )
Iam new to the game and just ejoying the ride.

I have been buying stuff ( from your guide ) when the cash/price was right.

Do you have some pointers to help me go beond lvl.9 in maps.?
I know I need more life/res. but I find it very hard stack this without my dps goes bad.

Best regards



My pleasure bro!
Glad you're enjoying it :)

Well a Tabula Rasa corrupted with +1 gems will give you tons more damage. Winds of Change doesn't scale scale the damage of your ED so the tip is to actually follow the guide there and get yourself Allelopathy gloves, they help with both Vaal Totems / rares with "nearby allies can not die" as well as bosses, specially with the 2x Spreading Rot Jewels.

You should get a rare helmet with proper eHP/res rolls.

Priority in gearing outside the recommended uniques is this:
Res cap > eHP (Life vs Mana) > dmg

The Rotgut really doesn't help you do more damage tbh, cast/atk speed doesn't help you with this build, maintaining the charges does however.

You can drop some mana nodes & get the "Whispers of Doom" node above witch area to get +1 curses and buy a "Witchfire Brew" flask for Vulnerability.

I'm most likely going to add that as a baseline for this guide during this week as I plan on making minor changes such as that tree change for future usage.



Thank you again for keeping up with the support. :)
I always like to see the infinite budget version of a build has anybody taken this build to the max to see what it can do?

If so can you link your char?
Ghazzy написал:

3 seconds O,O woot?
With the Major god that should be literally impossible :S

Perhaps you are shield charging in to a little pebble on the ground stopping you after/before the stun? That shits annoying..

Thanks for your reply. I think I may be getting stuck on shit I can't see. I realized that when I died the other day, I was stuck on a fence that was like impossible to see, when surrounded or near lots of mobs.

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