GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]
" Thank You for reply! I have around 110 all resist to avoid that -res maps. So there is problem because when i will change my gloves for that epic i will have no 110 or is this not that important?. And with that gloves should i use normal skill gems as before? Contaign etc etc? And what about body armour? What you should recommend me? Obtain rare items with higher HP and resistances is not that easy, but i will try. Thank You for advises Последняя редакция: Aloone#1525. Время: 17 окт. 2017 г., 13:11:05
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" Exactly what I have been thinking. Maybe Ghazzy posted while streaming with his Spectres build :) @weppe1337: You should have at least 75 Res no matter what. To have capped resis in Elemental Weakness Maps, you need 109 Res. More details see here: I typically simply reroll Ele Weak maps Последняя редакция: Garyas#2165. Время: 17 окт. 2017 г., 16:25:45
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Hey some quick questions, have people who have played this build consider it a good boss killer/farmer? I want a build to do shaper and guardians but atm my dmg feels a bit lacklustre. I love chaos builds so I figured I'd try ED since I had never tried it before. My character is lv87 and I went a little bit different with skill gems and tree. As far as gems I use blight with support gems because I feel the dmg lacks and is super slow so I added Blight + Void Manip + Swift Affliction + Conc in the Allelopathy's instead of having a CWDT + IC setup. I also changed the tree a bit to get dual curses, using Temporal Chains and Enfeeble, though I might switch one out for Vulnerability since like I said, my dmg feels low. I have no problems staying alive, I have crazy life regen so as long as I don't make a stupid mistake I'm fine. I've seen my life regen spike up to 20k on beachhead maps with lots of mobs around, even just with 1 mob I get 707 regen per second and I could have more if I switched the mana nodes near the jewel socket left of scion start to the life regen ones. I also have 4,834 Life, 2,271 ES, and 3,910 mana with 1,173 unreserved. Also, I had a qustion about MoM, does my unreserved mana have to be at least 30% of my life? Or is it the whole amount?
I'm assuming it's the unreserved since it'll take from that in which case I'm low but atm there aren't any more mana nodes I can easily take or get on hear without sacrificing a lot more. My survivability is pretty good even without the full effect of MoM, but I was just curious. Since I have dual curses I doubt I'd be able to get the full 30% without getting T1 Mana rolls on every rare item I have which isn't realistic. I've also found though that if you dive straight into packs you get stuck without being able to use ED you can easily get rekt. I have a corrupted jewel with "cannot be silenced" on it, and I also tried to take upgraded Brine King while doing general mapping and I took Whirling Blades instead because I hate how Shield Charge gets stuck on every pebble but even still with all of these precautions I get stuck without being able to cast anything or get out if I charge into the centre of a pack, even if it's white mobs, I can't do anything and eventually die because of it. It's not lag and I've seen other people write about it here in on this build guide so maybe it's a bug? I know it's not just me and it doesn't make sense that we're getting locked up for several seconds at a time. Since I can't figure out why I get stuck and can't cast ED, I just manoeuvre around the outside of the packs instead of going straight in. Even with 10k+ life regen per second,I can easily die and get somehow locked if I just charge into the middle of even a pack of white mobs head-on. It's quite annoying, as I would like to be able to cast Contagion and ED on the pack then go into the middle and use Blight in a circle to finish them off. So survivability is totally fine, I just don't know why the dmg feels so low, I get for general map clearing it's not the greatest build since you have to cast 2 spells then it takes a minimum time to kill but I had heard it was good for boss farming. On bosses though, I still think the dmg is weak and takes a lot longer than I'd like and so far I haven't even attempted Shaper just because the few guardian fights I did took forever. I did Minotaur and it took twice as long as my league starter Spectral Throw build which had cheap and crap gear while this character/build has pretty decently optimized gear. It wasn't hard per se on this character, because survivability was fine but it took a long time and I eventually died by getting hit by a ton of rocks and golems since even the golems he spawns were taking a long time to die. I mean 1 death isn't so bad but Minotaur is usually pretty easy and I didn't die at all any of the other times I've tried him with other builds with worse gear. If I can't do the guardians pretty easily, I doubt I'll be able to so Shaper especially because I've never done him before since I'm newer to the game and started just at the end of Legacy League. Even with Wither totem as well as the lv22 Blight + Void Manip + Swift Affliction + Conc on bosses it feels slow and weak. Do you guys think there is a way better build out there for boss farming? Preferably something chaos-based. I heard Dark Pact Occultist or Berserker were both really strong as well so I might do an Occultist if this doesn't work out. Thoughts on other builds I could try? I don't think it's my gear, I have pretty good gear with most of my gems lv21/20 or 20/23 as well as an Essence of Delirium crafted dagger and 6 jewel slots with good jewels in them. I still need the 40% ED dmg enchant but that might take a while and there are no good helms with the enchant to buy. I know what I need for gear and jewel upgrades but I think at this point the gains I will get from min-maxing won't be worth the cost. Looking at 7-10 ex jewels for better ones and 10-25 ex rings for better than what I have. I'll post my gear and character profile just in case anyone can see any glaring problems that could explain why I feel this is slow for bossing. The character's name is "_Erobos" GEAR:
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Profile: Последняя редакция: Kiitsune_#3904. Время: 17 окт. 2017 г., 19:20:27
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I'll just quickly mention that Conc does not scale Blight damage. Get Swift Affliction instead. Also, Breath of the Council will make your blight go from feeling like wet noodles to pretty damn comfy. For boss farming, you can check out this video I made a while a go for my own build guide (which in 3.0 is pretty much the same build). It is a full, unedited run of 4x guardians + Shaper: EDIT: also, Potency of Will. You are currently not getting very good blight stacks. Potency of Will + BotC will give a total of 85% increased duration, leaving you with time spare to reapply other effects and move some while still maintaining high to max Blight stack. Последняя редакция: Nedieth#5846. Время: 17 окт. 2017 г., 20:13:19
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" It is usually mob packs that I am dying to when I get to tier 7/8 maps. But maybe I need to adjust my play style then as well, and also pay more attention to map mods. Currently I usually just shield charge around maniacally until I see a mob pack then hit Contagion then ED. Then sometimes I get into trouble and just die when I run into a large mob pack. |
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" Was that directed to me? Blight isn't my main dmg source though so should that really be the problem? I'm mostly using it for the Hinder effect and extra 25% chaos dmg against affected targets. The guide doesn't even have Blight support gems in it and instead puts contagion in the gloves or people use a Blight totem instead of Wither. I really don't think with the level of gear I have that I should be slow at all because of 1 gem change. I probably listed like at least 50-60ex worth of gear on a build that's supposed to do well on a budget. I don't want to change to BotC just for Blight because my Delirium dagger does a ton more dps on ED which is my main dmg source, Blight doesn't even do 7% of my ED dmg even with a perfectly rolled BotC so switching out a weapon just for that doesn't seem worth it at all? A good delirium dagger is definitely BiS for this build of BotC, it's a ton more ED dmg as well as adding an extra 12k decay dps. Plus I can't use Whirling Blades then. As far as Potency of Will, again not using Blight for dmg just for the debuff mainly and for a bit extra dmg in between kiting bosses. I won't be halfing my dmg anytime soon for a BotC so Idk if the Potency of Will notable is worth it atm until I get my Mana problems sorted. I will be speccing into it but I didn't prioritize 3 points just for a bit extra dmg with Blight. Последняя редакция: Kiitsune_#3904. Время: 18 окт. 2017 г., 3:35:18
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" I've found if you just charge into the middle of the pack something happens where you get locked and can't cast ED to clear the mobs and you die. I have a "cannot be silenced" corruption on a gem as well as trying Brine King for general mapping but nothing helps. If I charge into the middle of a pack I can't get ED and Contagion off and I get rekt. Idk why people get stuck, I've seen a lot of people in this thread talk about it though. Just try to manoeuvre around the outside of a pack and get a bunch of EDs going. The more mobs affected by ED the more regen you have, I've seen as high as 20k life regen per second in some maps but even with only 1 mob with ED on it I get like over 700 life regen per sec. So it's a pretty safe build as long as you're not suiciding into the middle of packs, Idk if it's a but or what but with Brine King I shouldn't be getting stun-locked, I can't be silenced, I even use Whirling Blades to get out since I don't like Shield Charge since it gets stuck on every pebble, but still it happens. Not on as low of maps as you do, but I do a lot of t15 beachheads to lvl and if I charge into the middle on those maps or anything about t13 I'll insta-die as well. |
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" You have forgotten to multiply the Blight DPS by 20. I have a crafted Decay Sai as well, and BotC blows it out of the water, no competition at all. Potency of Will + BotC also helps a lot for Wither. You probably won't even get to 20 stacks with no added duration, but with those two the totem can die from time to time and still maintain a good stack. For my current char: ED Tooltip, 6L with 21 ED, 4 Empower, rest 20/20 gems: 80.9k DoT. Blight from gloves, 3x 21/20 supports, 1x 20/20: 10.8k DoT x20 = 216k DoT. Since you say you struggle with bosses, I would say swapping focus to allow for better Blight stacking would go a long way. BotC also increases the duration of your Arcane Surge, as it is linked to a chaos spell. Последняя редакция: Nedieth#5846. Время: 18 окт. 2017 г., 7:48:59
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" Hi Ghazzy I'm doing a build similar to this one in preparation for next league and I'm trying it out now on Harbinger. I just wanted to know how you sustain your frenzies and power charges against bosses? I see a lot of on-kill options (eg orb of storms PCOC) , the Trickster ascendancy itself has some, but so far the only on-hit option for frenzies is Frenzy. Thanks in advance! |
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" I want to underline again what Nedieth said. I don't know why the Decay Sai should be twice the damage of BotC as you (kiinetic) claim. Yes, there's the extra Decay damage, maybe 10% of the ED overall damage. But this does not spread via Contagion, so it's only worth it against bosses. Looking at your Sai in particular, you have 27% increased DoT damage and 40% increased spell damage, which adds up to 67% increased damage (various sources of increased damage are additive). BotC on the other hand has 80-100% increased chaos damage + the increased duration. So BotC should be better in almost every aspect than your Sai (except slight advantage in single target). An ideal Sai might have higher increased damage rolls, but I don't get way you claim halving your damage going from your Sai to BotC. With BoTC however you have increased DoT duration, which makes maintaining the DoT on the boss much smoother (you can dodge, apply blight, recast totems, whatever comes to mind). You also have slightly bigger AoE which is nice to have as well. I also made the mistake of just looking at one stack of Blight, but it can go up to 20 stacks. That's probably not always realistically achievable, but at any rate it is a much more significant damage contribution as you think (you stated 7%). EDIT: I also run a dedicated damage gem setup in the Allelopathy gloves, but my gems are only 19/0 (made the switch somewhat late). For ED, I do have a 21/20 ED and a 4 Empower, as well as 4x lvl 20 supports (2x Q20%, 1xQ12%, 1xQ0%). For me, the damage (unbuffed is): ED: 90k Blight: 9k x up to 20 = up to 180k With 20 Wither stacks and all buffs up (Arcane Surge, Frenzy and Power Charges, Vulnerability, Hinder from Blight etc) this goes up to (not tooltip but effective DoT dps): ED: 430k Blight: well over 800k (don't remember exactly right now) Последняя редакция: Garyas#2165. Время: 18 окт. 2017 г., 10:24:32
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