GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]
Quick question guys.... I've been leveling with my headhunter and im loving it.... would you say the biscos belt is better though? I just dont think it would be since I have a HH.... obviously if you don't have access to one I would imagine it'd be better, but...curious what you guys think
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" I reckon it depends on your own preference as well. I also have a HH and have used it with this build while mapping and it sure is fun with all the mods and stuff. But if it was me, I'll also check to see if I still have my resists fully capped as Bisco's Leash offers Cold Resistance as well as well as some IIQ and IIR. |
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" Yeah I double checked and made sure the Resists were capped :D |
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@rudo2204: items are not added to the build in PoB (only some recommended uniques), but the passive tree is correct.
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Quick question....I'm running death's oath plate... and the stacking debuff is rough... am i missing something here or will i really be spamming my healing pots every pack i run into?
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So.. I didn't have the last ascendency yet...Patient Reaper... and it helps quite a bit with life regen lol
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I was thinking of going ED for the turmoil event. My main goal is to hit 90. Also looking for an excuse to use my arcane mtx. Would people recommend this build/guide? Or go with something else for turmoil and wait until next league for ED so I can really put time in to it?
Edit: Would the SRS Baron Life build be a better option for simply reaching 90? Последняя редакция: chemixer#1655. Время: 7 нояб. 2017 г., 13:57:57
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" I reckon this build/guide is nice for the Turmoil event. In my opinion for short races, I'd normally go for builds that require less unique items as that provides more flexibility. I used this build for my first character when Harbinger first came out and the levelling process was fun too - seeing how creeps just drop from ED + Contagion. I'd recommend giving it a go. |
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yoo been using your awesome build and it is awesome.... one thing tho, about partying with other people. is there a way to make this build awesome at party too ? thx before.
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Hey guys,
First of all, I'd like to apologize for the few day delayed responses coming up. Not fulltime streaming which means I'm hunting for a job as my studies ends in about 5 weeks, still unsuccesful so it's been occupying my time. " Personally I would only replace mana nodes for other nodes, however, the Chaos & DoT nodes are equally worth for the build making the higher numeric value the better choice. :) " My pleasure bro! Both of the questions comes down to personal taste, my preferences are this: Arcane Surge lvld enough to require me to cast 2x Contagion for it to proc. CWDT lvl 3 with IC lvl 5. The IC effect will have its base duration but gets longer with lvls depending on endurance charges which we more or less only get via party plays if that happens so keeping it at lvl 1 is not a bad thing. " This is a common missunderstanding of how ED actually works. ED doesn't leech to you, it makes you regenerate HP based of the damage it does. Leech only affects your actual "hits" which in this case would only make you leech from the projectile hit by the ED which is extremely low. " That is the correct one, I chose not to include rare items in the link to avoid conflicting inflating numbers as there are so many different ways you can gear this type of character, instead I added information about that in the gearing section of the guide. Lot of people, specially new players, looks at numbers and uses a PoB link with top decked gear then comes in asking why they don't deal the same DPS as displayed in the PoB pastebin. So I decided to only show the tree & specific unique items and the jewel placements to avoid confusion! " As many things with this build it comes down to a matter of taste. TC is a great addition depending on your playstyle. Belly vs CoD vs Tabula vs Cherrubim are all taste issues, I personally prefer a Tabula Rasa corrupted +1 over any of the other choices, in hardcore as well. " Headhunter is MUCH more fun to play with, however, IIR & IIQ from Bisco's and the added affect of Rampage is insanely effective and doesn't cost even close to as much. (1 alch vs your right arm) Honestly, chose the one you'll have more fun with ;) " Some people prefer DO approach but it will require more life regen either from gear and/or tree to sustain it in a good way. I honesly hate it, added information just to make sure the guide catered to everyone :) " Recovery Rate is underrated, it's super effective :) " Both builds are great league starters & works extremely well for pretty much everything. Chose the one you think you'd have more fun with. I believe ED/Contagion is faster "earlier" than SRS. " Sadly, the way DoT ailments are scaled in this game it is very hard if not impossible to make such a build scale properly to be able to do party plays as effective as pretty much any other build. This build works fine with 1, 2 and maybe up to 3 other players but you'll notice a big loss of efficiency on your contribution to the map clearing. Guides:
YT: Twitch: |
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