GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]
" Looks like ooFunky got you sorted as when I look at your character it looks rock solid to me. Do let us know if you're still in need of help! Also regarding character stats, ooFunky mentioned Path of Building which I've linked to at the top of the guide as well. In there you can import entire accounts as long as you know the account name and that the person has it non-private, you could try with my account if you wish "Ghazzy" which will allow you to import any of my characters into PoB which allows you to see all the stats, gear, skilltree etc etc :) This is why it's important when we help people out that they have those boxes unchecked! ----------------- @ClosedBetaSupporter: Looks like you got all the help you needed :) Let us know if you need more help! " For those end-game bosses I'd strongly recommend the staff approach. If you wish to keep the 1h/shield approach you'll need to invest into chaos dmg rolled rings, get higher life on most pieces as well as considering getting MoM back for survival :) Guides:
YT: Twitch: |
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What do you think about my setup ? what should i change for end game bossing? (except upgrading to empower lvl.4) |
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" Skin of the loyal with +2 to gems Rare helmet with life/res/mana/ed damage Atziris steps (a rare helmet with ed damage could handle the missing resistances on the atziris) but those boots are a nightmare to colour :D at least for me Both rings with spell or chaos damage/life/mana/res Amulet with spell or chaos damage/life/mana/res There is also +1 curses available on amulets so you can use the points on the skill tree otherwise. An Impressence amulet with damage over time and +1 curses would be best in slot I guess. Rare crafted essence of delirium dagger. Or a rare crafted two handed staff with +3 to gems. Последняя редакция: ooFunky#7779. Время: 30 янв. 2018 г., 2:14:47
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For the colouring of Atziri's Step or similar high dex/str req item to BBBB, it is very good to use the jeweler orb colouring instead of chromatics. Vorici Chromatic Calculator reports an average of 1461 chromatics for BBBB on Atziri's Step. By colouring through jews, I have at most spent 400 jews to hit my desired colours on a couple of Starkonja's and Atziri's Step this league.
Method for those who don't know: Vorici bench for at least 2B. Assuming you hit 2B2G; craft 2 sockets. Then use the bench to craft 3 sockets. If the socket is not blue, craft 2 sockets and try 3 sockets again. If socket is blue, craft 4 sockets. If fourth socket is not blue, craft 3 sockets and try 4 sockets again. Repeat until success. Последняя редакция: Nedieth#5846. Время: 30 янв. 2018 г., 6:19:31
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Hey, guys.
Wanted to play around with this build a little bit. Very sceptical about the build before, it looks kinda clunky when watching streamers etc. But turns out, I am really enjoying it so far. Leveling was a breeze, the playstyle feels very smooth. Had a Skin of the Loyal 3g2b1r, used that for a while, and at some point thought meh - might as well corrupt it. Turns out I actually got the +1. Threw in some gear I had lying around, bought a BotC, running T10s quite smoothly already, with the boss taking a little while still. Most of the gear is pretty random, just life + resist essentially. What would you recommend to upgrade first? Don't want to spend too much, but I don't mind using a couple exalts on this guy. Which flasks are good, besides Witchfire? Why Rathpith over a good rare? Isn't something like 90+ spelldamage, life, resists much better? Why Allelopathy? Just for Blight? € I noticed, that occasionally some monsters don't seem to stay affected by Essence Drain, they get hit by ED, lose a couple hp. But then almost instantly they lose the ED buff and don't take any more damage, until I hit them with another ED. Like, a group of 50 enemies dies, and one white mob randomly survives and takes 20 seconds of permanent ED bombardment to die. Is this some map/monster/sextant affix I need to care about? Последняя редакция: Snarky85#4985. Время: 30 янв. 2018 г., 18:05:47
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" ^^^^^^^^^^ " Here's a video guide for exactly this: :) " Hey, Haha, I always say that it looks clunky but feels the oposite! :D Jesus christ, Gratz on that +1! A properly rolled rare is much better, the build is mainyl designed to be a cheap leaguestarter and easy to enter the game with type of build. Though it has TONS of end-game potential. Flask wise it's basically just defensive ones + Witchfire Brew. The last question sounds a bit wierd, the only logical explanations are these: a) The target was out of range for contagion to spread to it b) The target was spawned from any of the original targets dying (example being Knitted Horrors spawning a few guys when they die) hence they are unaffected by your auto spreading damage. Guides:
YT: Twitch: |
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" No idea. I thought, this might be a known problem. For the few instances I encountered this, it was mostly some random mob standing right in the middle of some group, so definitely not out of range. The last instance I remember was definitely not spawned after everything died, it was a monster, that was part of the group from the beginning. Also, the strange thing was not, that it was unaffected by the contagion spread. Even hitting the mob directly with a new, self-cast ED doesn't seem to phase it. It loses hp for a second, and just loses the dot debuff or something. I can kill it eventually, by repeatedly casting ED on it, with every ED causing minimal damage. So this is not some common modifier for monsters of any kind? And it never happened to you? Strange... |
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I am not sure I have encountered exactly the same problem, but ED does behave very strange from time to time. In this video (at 5 seconds), one Vaal Fallen is clearly "infected" by ED/cont, but when he dies it does not continue to spread, even though the ED is nowhere close to running out. There is something about the edge of the spreading that only spreads the debuff but does not allow it to spread further. |
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" I did the same thing. With the 6 link +3 Chaos staff I've put the Allelopathy gloves away as well. I replaced them with more life and mana and spell damage. I added a few more gems to the CWDT setup and feel a lot safer casting ED from a distance. I ended up leveling CWDT up and feel fine with is that way. |
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So this may be an incredibly misinformed, noobish question so bear with me (brand new to the game), but does placement of links matter other than the items abillity to support what size links you want? So say I have the 3 link Shield Charge set on my shield and the 3 curses on my weapon, would that make any difference?
Or say the 4 link Vaal Trap setup on my helm instead of on the gloves? Big fan of the videos, been following since I started playing. Currently level 60 and mid act 7 or so? Sorry to group a ton of questions into one comment but would this be a decent time to try to pick up Allelopathy gloves and invest passive points into gem slots for the spreading rot jewels? or is it too early to benefit from that? |
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