GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]
Edit: nvm, got it!
Последняя редакция: BundesHeinz#7437. Время: 26 февр. 2018 г., 13:04:44
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" 8% mana isn't a huge hit. We took way worse in the MoM rebalance, and the build does just fine (if not better since the abyss jewels got added). And mana regen doesn't matter at all past level 80 or so. Even ignoring the new "recover X on kill" from "Patient Reaper", I don't think the hit to mana/mana reg represent any change to the build's viability. Also there's no change to total attack/cast speed with the new Ascendancy wheel over the previous ascendancy wheel. Both give you 16% total if you grab 4 small nodes. Lastly, correct me if I'm wrong, but there's no difference to this build between "damage" and "damage over time", so there's no change to "Swift Killer". Overall this build gets stronger, faster with the new Ascendancy wheel doing what it's designed to do: clear maps fast. |
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" Forgot to give you my thanks i have changed a few items before the league as stoped : (jewel) (for the anecdote, in 3 try 2B1G for this color setup) CoD was overdoing it, whithout it and with the same gem setup i had a better survivability (probably because my mana pool wasn't suffisent for elder jewel + CoD, for SC elder jewel is fine) Anyway thanks for the advices and this build is probably going to be my league starter (even if i don't know if it's a good idea for capture beasts, and with the ascendency change i'm not sure i'm waiting for the patch notes for making my final decision) Последняя редакция: ztathor#4154. Время: 27 февр. 2018 г., 18:17:44
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YT: Twitch: |
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Build is now updated for 3.2 and I will continue responding to any and all questions as always <3
YT: Twitch: |
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What did u changed to 3.2? i followed it into 3.1
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" Very minor tweaks to the composing of the guide to make it easier to understand, minor skilltree changes on the finished tree as it was very defensively designed and focused a lot on the CoD approach that I personally don't prefer. I prefer +1 chest which also means you don't need as much mana as was shown in the finished tree. So basically, minor tweaks here and there, the guide itself promotes personal tweaking either way xd Guides:
YT: Twitch: |
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I've never done a dot build before. Temp chains makes the dots "last" longer on the mob but still tick at the same rate right?
For SC do you think it's better to run despair as your single curse and then it + witchfire? Or would temp chains be better for mapping due to QOL of having your dots last longer without having to refresh as much. |
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The Final skill tree on front page, I know you said you made some changes..but there are some spots not filled out...and connecting nodes missing..Must be the fever you have had! lol
Or maybe parts aren't loading for me? Последняя редакция: Badtwo#2297. Время: 1 марта 2018 г., 15:05:41
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" Hey, Same tick rate just longer duration which means you get more ticks in so to say. Despair is prio #1 which is achieved via the Witchfire Brew flask. TC is nice for safety tbh more so than the QoL of duration but it's nice vs bosses as well since we're using Spreading Rot jewels as well as Blight & Wither :) " Hm... that does look odd indeed... have you checked the PoB link? It could be an issue from GGG's side with the tree they are displaying here isn't updated for 3.2 yet. Guides:
YT: Twitch: |
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