GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

This build has a ton of free slot space...

If I planned this out correctly:

6L Body Armour - Essence Drain - Swift Affliction - Efficacy - Controlled Destruction - Void Manipulation - Decay/Empower

4L Gloves (Allelopathy) - Spell Totem - Multiple Totems - Efficacy - Faster Casting

4L Boots - Contagion - Increased Area - Intensify - Faster Casting

4L Hat - Malevolence - Flesh and Stone - (free slot) - (free slot)

3L Shield - Flame Dash - Faster Casting - (free slot)

3L Weapon - Immortal Call - CWDT - (free slot)
Последняя редакция: LegendaryMewtwo#0792. Время: 12 июня 2019 г., 1:47:48
I'm a lot confused with this guide, which is better then , ED+Contagion or bane/souldrend? i read few times and i think i know how work ED+Contagion and Wither with totem , alright then why 90% ppl go with alleopathy(Blight) without spell totem, must cast Contagion+Blight+Essence Drain or if ill go with totem : Totem+Contagion+essence drain?

And if you use ED , why ppl still go with bane too?

I'm lost like a hell , i dont know what skills must use , anyone can get me rid of doubts PLEASE XD
Archiiii написал:
I'm a lot confused with this guide, which is better then , ED+Contagion or bane/souldrend? i read few times and i think i know how work ED+Contagion and Wither with totem , alright then why 90% ppl go with alleopathy(Blight) without spell totem, must cast Contagion+Blight+Essence Drain or if ill go with totem : Totem+Contagion+essence drain?

And if you use ED , why ppl still go with bane too?

I'm lost like a hell , i dont know what skills must use , anyone can get me rid of doubts PLEASE XD

Play it and go with what you like. I use ED/Contagion for larger groups/chaining between groups and I use Bane for smaller packs/stragglers and as an extra hit for bosses/harder enemies.

I'm also using blight without the totem because I don't enjoy the totem style. It all works, just go with what you like.

You'll definitely want ED/Contagion for legion monoliths though
Последняя редакция: matt__#6745. Время: 12 июня 2019 г., 2:12:39
n1 dps bust)
Wait I saw a level 72 glove Vixen's Entrapment. Is there a way to do this so when I cast bane it does multiple curses?

Sorry first post here so I don't know how to link the item itself :O
Hi guys,
What is the best option to get more DPS?
My guess is Delve crafted bow(not sure what fossils to use) + some quiver(don't know name of my head).
I'm planning to get The Devouring Diadem to save some points in tree, I feel like I don't need Wicked Ward node.

POB Stats:
135k Shaper DPS - still not lvl 21 ED and only lvl 2 Empower.
/Edit: 248K Shaper with Wither stacks from totems.
5.1k HP, 2k ES, 224 mana(non-reserved),

Auras: - Despair + Blasphemy, Malevolence

Could probably get Suplhur flask for 7k DPS boost and some better Amulet.

Скрытый текст

Последняя редакция: nexro#2466. Время: 12 июня 2019 г., 7:35:19
i'm the only one who isn't using mom on this build? i don't feel the need because life+ES is more than sufficent specially using a hyrri's ire and having some chaos resistances(and a lot of dodge for temple's spitters). on auras i'm using only malevolence and flesh and stone.
Abax11 написал:
i'm the only one who isn't using mom on this build? i don't feel the need because life+ES is more than sufficent.

I believe that MoM+ED is used because it allows you to reserve all your mana. At least in SC, in HC/SSF you want as much mitigation as possible.
Последняя редакция: nexro#2466. Время: 12 июня 2019 г., 7:17:04
Deceasd91 написал:
sorry if this has been asked before but how do i gain endurance charges or fortify now? nothing seems to gain any charges for me now. I see zizaran playing ed/contagion as well and is getting endurance charges no problem.

nevermind i found the answer =p

If you don't want to respec your ascendancy, you can use intuitive leap jewel. look at my passive tree for the jewel location.
~ ~ everything was beautiful and nothing hurt ~
LegendaryMewtwo написал:
This build has a ton of free slot space...

If I planned this out correctly:

6L Body Armour - Essence Drain - Swift Affliction - Efficacy - Controlled Destruction - Void Manipulation - Decay/Empower

4L Gloves (Allelopathy) - Spell Totem - Multiple Totems - Efficacy - Faster Casting

4L Boots - Contagion - Increased Area - Intensify - Faster Casting

4L Hat - Malevolence - Flesh and Stone - (free slot) - (free slot)

3L Shield - Flame Dash - Faster Casting - (free slot)

3L Weapon - Immortal Call - CWDT - (free slot)

In the hat, you could do Vaal Grace, Vaal RF, Phase Run, Increased Duration, and that makes a pretty good 4link. I have almost identical links to you otherwise
~ ~ everything was beautiful and nothing hurt ~

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