GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

noelle1520 написал:

Probably need Eldritch battery node.

I think you might be right.
I need to buff up my ES quite a fair bit before ED, though.

Thank you
Darth_Quietus написал:
This has probably been asked, but I can't find any info after some extensive Googling.
How do I run both Malevolence and Discipline auras?
When I activate both,I can only cast Contagion-ED twice before I don't have enough mana.

Is there a secret to this set up, or do I just need to buff up my mana regen (or mana pool) a bit more?

I'm a newb, so sorry if this is a stupid question.


Malevolence aura reserves 50% mana + Discipline aura 35% = 85% mana reserved + 251 mana for lvl 18 Clarity aura. You dont need lvl 18 Clarity. Lvl 4 is good enough.

Also you don't need MoM because every time you get hit 30% of damage is taken from mana before hp so you'll end up without mana every time you get hit. This might be your biggest issue. You need properly sized mana pool in order to use MoM effectively.

Since you want to use more then one aura you need to reduce aura cost. You can do that by investing into passive tree skills that reduce mana cost or use Enlighten Support gem or use items that reduce mana cost.

Also your gear needs upgrade badly especially chest. You can get cheap 5 link/6 Socket The Perfect Form chest for 60 Chaos.
Последняя редакция: Sidad#4699. Время: 29 июня 2019 г., 9:16:10
KingWalker39 написал:
So wait a minute. so players is using contagion over bane? Is it just for boss fights with ED? Can't be for mobs right? Because I hit bane once on mobs and they are dead.

Contagion can spread. I hit 1 mob pack and can kill as many as there is if I am fast enough and they are somewhat close enough. Maybe check how it looks when you Delve and use Contagion/ED combo.
Sidad написал:
KingWalker39 написал:
So wait a minute. so players is using contagion over bane? Is it just for boss fights with ED? Can't be for mobs right? Because I hit bane once on mobs and they are dead.

Contagion can spread. I hit 1 mob pack and can kill as many as there is if I am fast enough and they are somewhat close enough. Maybe check how it looks when you Delve and use Contagion/ED combo.

Okay, got you
Sidad написал:
WingsOfDomain написал:
xsnowingx написал:

I just don't think you should need it, cause the 'hit' of ED is not that big, so being able to spam shoot it infinitely like a regular projectile is not that valuable.. it only needs to be refreshed every few seconds. If you use the helmet then good luck getting the enchantment without paying out of your nose. You also lose the aberrant fossil craft cuz you can't craft your own helmet. And if you get EB on the tree (don't do it this way lol) then you waste valuable passives.

But yeah, if you do set up the helmet its does offer conveniences. But its screwing up so many new peoples builds and I can almost guarantee that your build would be just as well off with a bit of mana regen and the elreon ring craft instead. The benefit of the helmet, I suppose, is that it makes a transition into a Mark of the Shaper with an Elder resist ring easy, which is a pretty big damage increase. :)

It's not about spamming ED, it's about the defensive layer it provides together with MoM.

My 1st Exalt was spent on The Devouring Diadem and I used it as soon I could equip it at lvl 54. I used it with cheap 6-link 350 ES chest which was more than enough to farm for the bow, The Perfect Form, and some other gear. Utility it provides and defensive layer is excellent.

+1 to socketed skills, 20% reduced mana cost for 3 auras, 4000HP/ES every 5s, free passive notable EB and 10% chance for ES Recharge to start when skill is used. Whats not to like?
I use Desecrate in CWDT setup for steady supply of corpses that almost instantly heal me when I get hit. I dont remember when it was last time I used hp flask. So imo The Devouring Diadem might not give you same damage boost or hp/res as crafted -Chaos res helm but utility it provides is very well worth it.

Pretty much, I'm running 4 Auras/Mana reservations with it.
But I can't spare the gem slot for desecrate sadly. It would be a huge help in Uber Elder, but my CWDT setup is Immortal Call/Vaal Righteous Fire + Increased Duration. Shapers Presence from Solistice Vigil gives you impressive Uptime on Vaal Righteous Fire, extends your Immortal Call by quite a bit and gives you great uptime on flask buffs.

I'd really would like to fit it in though, because the synergy is great.
Последняя редакция: WingsOfDomain#1036. Время: 29 июня 2019 г., 11:26:15
What can I do better with my build. I die fast and it feels like, that I need a little bit more DMG. Here my Pastebin
Thx for every advice!!!
Just a quick question, read myself into the PoB for this one and I'm a bit confused - why is Spreading Rot placed in that perticular spot? I only see 20 Int in radius, would we not want to trigger it with 40?
Amoreternum написал:
Just a quick question, read myself into the PoB for this one and I'm a bit confused - why is Spreading Rot placed in that perticular spot? I only see 20 Int in radius, would we not want to trigger it with 40?

actually there is 60

by the way, your character tab is private - if you dont have reasons to hide it, its always good to make it public for people to help if there are questions ;)

Последняя редакция: bex_HB#1414. Время: 29 июня 2019 г., 14:43:22
Hello, guys.

Could you please give me any suggestions how to improve survivability on this build?
Recently I've switched my wand-shield to 6-link Bow, my DPS grown like twice, but I feel myself extremely squishy without a shield.

Is there any option to get a decent defense without dropping a bow?
My character is ED_chepushila, and I dont know how to link gear in forum posts.
bex_HB написал:
Amoreternum написал:
Just a quick question, read myself into the PoB for this one and I'm a bit confused - why is Spreading Rot placed in that perticular spot? I only see 20 Int in radius, would we not want to trigger it with 40?

actually there is 60

Скрытый текст

by the way, your character tab is private - if you dont have reasons to hide it, its always good to make it public for people to help if there are questions ;)


Ah, good point - the PoB shows a different radius size for me, now it makes sense. Thanks alot!

And thanks for the tip, I was not even aware of that, changed it to public. Thanks for the heads up!
Последняя редакция: Amoreternum#0666. Время: 29 июня 2019 г., 14:58:03

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