GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

Ghazzy написал:
djnat написал:
No, ED's regeneration is not affected at all by modifiers on targets (like Vuln, Vaal LT or wither).

Only the tooltip damage (the DoT one divided by 200) tells you the proportional life regen you can obtain (per target) when applying ED to monsters.

The regeneration is not affected by the dmg no. The base regeneration is based of the damage from the ED as it clearly states 0.5% of the dmg is regenerated, so if you have Vulnerability on the enemies, your ED does more dmg, which in turn increases the base ammount regenerated which is later affected by thing like recovery rates.

I'll make an example to clarify.

Let's say your ED does 10000 damage over time tooltip.

Your regeneration is 0.5% of that dot value. So you regenerate 50 life per second per enemy affected by ED.

If you use vulnerability your actual damage over time on targets affected by the curse, assuming that they are not bosses and there is no curse effectiveness reduction in the map, is increased by 33%. So your resulting damage over time from that ED would be 13300.

The life regeneration per target affected by that ED, even with Vuln on the target, stays at 50 per second (and not 66.5, i.e. 50 + 33%).

From Wiki:

Debuff Regeneration: The amount of life regenerated from the debuff damage caused by Essence Drain is calculated solely off the final amount of outbound damage dealt by the skill, not the damage inflicted on an enemy. An easy way to calculate the amount of regen provided is to multiply the tooltip amount of debuff damage by 0.5%. This will give you the amount of regen that Essence Drain will grant you per target effected. This means that using methods to increased the enemies received damage from sources such as Vulnerability, Wither, or the Occultist Void Beacon notable does not influence the amount of regen provided by Essence Drain.

Последняя редакция: djnat#4628. Время: 4 июля 2017 г., 7:12:06

I give up, I was wrong!
Thank you :)
Hey guys, what are your thoughts on this skill tree?:

You could still go for MOM and the mana nodes for extra 7 points
Looks like a solid tree, don't see why it won't work. What Trickster talents are you planning to take?
What gear are you aiming for?
First_Citizen написал:
Looks like a solid tree, don't see why it won't work. What Trickster talents are you planning to take?
What gear are you aiming for?

Walk The Aether, Weave the Arcane, Patient Reaper and possibly Swift Killer. Haven't realy decided on the gear, as i'm still building it. I'm at that gap between the end of act 8 and the start of maps, i think i just got to 62.
OK, got to level 74 today (leveled another character for a couple days). I'm a bit concerned about dps.

I already took all the damage nodes on the tree, and will mainly take life nodes in the future. So far, with a 5L (4L if you take in mind that Decay does not buff the ED DoT), my ED DoT is 14,925/sec.

Is it too low? Next link would probably be a Rapid Decay.

Edit: Dot dps is 15,356 with Flame Totem up.
Последняя редакция: Krazy_X#0125. Время: 11 июля 2017 г., 22:21:05

3.0 Update Notes:
Changed the build A LOT!
It now uses MoM but still works without high budget big items like Cloak of Defiance & 3x Grand Spectrum (mana) jewels. This opened up a better upgrading scenario for the build.
Better damage, better survival, better everything!


Do notify me if there's anything that looks odd or needs attention!
Hey Ghazzy since you're good at optimizing builds, think there is any way to sustain RF with the changes to MoM for the nice more spell damage multiplier? You're close-ish to about 7.9% life regen, with MoM I'm not sure if that would be enough to sustain (with Rise of the Phoenix of course).
Namcap написал:
Hey Ghazzy since you're good at optimizing builds, think there is any way to sustain RF with the changes to MoM for the nice more spell damage multiplier? You're close-ish to about 7.9% life regen, with MoM I'm not sure if that would be enough to sustain (with Rise of the Phoenix of course).

Well, yeah it could work though I'm personally not a big fan of the playstyle and it would require focusing both gear & tree more towards the RF demanding approach.

So with this new MoM version, would you say it's better to go with the cloak of defiance over something like skin of loyal / Cherrubim's Maleficence, or is just the MoM passives enough?

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